Adventurer!Sweden x Mermaid!Finland

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A/N: Uh I'm not fixing the language errors in these oneshots because I'm lazy and I might just not care lmao I put the google translate warning thing there for a reason when I use it.

Tino giggled as he sat on a rock, talking to a long-time friend of his who sat on a nearby rock. Lukas was a wizard who stayed in a cabin a little bit off the shore and Tino lived in the water, living in a mer-kingdom with this guy named Matthias, he was loud. Lukas had an apprentice too, his little brother Emil, but Emil doesn't leave the cabin often.

Lukas sighed, he and Tino were weaving flower crowns as they visited each other, "I have a friend coming in soon." He said in his usual cool tone, "He doesn't stay for long when he does stay over since he's always traveling. I haven't heard from him in almost a year, he disappears and reappears randomly."

"Oh?" Tino paused, his blue flowers swaying for a moment before he began speaking again, "Well it must be nice to see him. Friends are hard to come by, you know?" He really only had two friends, Matthias and Lukas, he didn't know many other people. His neighbor Eduard was nice but they weren't exactly friends so it didn't count and Emil and he had barely even spoken so also not friends.

Lukas huffed and threw his flower crown into the water, Tino watched him and then watched the flower crown float. Lukas bit his cheek before he spoke, "Pisses me off. Thinks he can just walk in and out every other year." He mumbled.

"I bet he doesn't mean to make you upset," Tino said quickly, anybody who was friends with Lukas would never make him upset on purpose, "I bet he just loses track of time a lot, promise." He held out his pinkie and Lukas turned to him, raising an eyebrow but Tino just booped his nose.

Lukas stared at Tino before sighing, "I guess you're right..." He raised his hand and his abandoned flower crown floated to his hand as it dried off and fixed itself, "I guess I got angry for no reason." He mumbled, finishing his crown and setting it on Tino's head.

Tino giggled and set his on Lukas's head, "Why thank you Mr Wizard." He said as he fixed the crown on his head, "So I guess you'll be busy with your friend. I'll see you in maybe a week?" He suggested.

Lukas nodded and stood up when he noticed Emil coming down the road to get him, "I'll send you a letter." He said and left to meet up with his silverette brother in the middle, they began talking and Lukas waved at Tino to let him know he was leaving.

Tino waved back and watched the two of them for a moment before jumping into the water and heading home, Lukas could send him letters with magic and that's how they met up. When Tino got closer to deeper waters he noted a lot of noise, he abandoned going home just yet and followed the noise, "Woah!" There was a whole human there!

Quickly he hurried over and grabbed his hand, connecting them so he wasn't drowning. It was sort of a mermaid thing but he had to be touching him, "Hi, you're in deep. Can you swim? You were flailing a lot." He said and grabbed the man's glasses as they began floating away and set them on his head.

"F'ne," The man said, he had a deep accent but it was familiar so Tino was sure he was from somewhere near here, "F'll 'nt' th' w't'r." He added and looked around before finally realizing there was a tail on Tino, "M'rm'd?"

Tino giggled a little and nodded, "Yeah I'm a mermaid. Where were you heading? I can take you there." He said and noted his clothing, he had a warm scarf and some clothing for colder weather.

"N'rw'y," The man responded, he looked embarrassed at needing help for something, Tino assumed he was a 'do it yourself' kind of guy, "V's't'ng my fr'nd." He said, his face a little bit pink as he spoke.

Tino felt his story was sort of similar to what Lukas had told him so he decided to ask even if it wasn't true, "Is your friend named Lukas Bondevik?" He asked, it would be pretty crazy if it was but it would be cool. The man nodded slowly but didn't speak, still the silent type, "Well he's my friend! This is cool, I can take you there right now. Don't let go of my arm though or you might drown or get some bad pressure disease thing."

Tino struggled to pull the bigger man through the water, he was never the strongest of people. The man began swimming awkwardly but it did help out, Tino managed to get the silent adventurer to the shore. Tino hugged, letting the man go to the shore himself as Tino flopped onto the sand, quite exhausted from the activity.

"Y' 'k'y?" The man asked he sounded nice and caring when he did speak. Tino nodded but felt himself being moved, gently and barely but he noticed it. He looked up and met bright blue eyes, so pretty, "J'st m'v'ng y' t' a b'tt'r pl'ce 's 'll." He explained in another broken sentence.

"Kay, my name is Tino by the way," He said between breathing, the other man leaned him again a cool rock. Tino focused on regaining his breath while making multiple empty promises about getting back into shape with himself.

"Berwald," The other responded and sat near him but not too close, "Y' 're n'ce." Berwald said suddenly and Tino blinked for a moment, a compliment? That's so nice. Berwald began messing with his now soaked clothes and Tino realized he was blushing and soon he felt his cheeks heating up.

"Ber!" They both snapped their heads at an angry but familiar voice. Lukas was running down the road in a mixture of relief and anger evident on his face, "You idiot! You fell out of a boat?! A boat! How do you do that?!" While he was shouting, Lukas waved his hand and Berwald's clothing began steaming as the water heated up and left leaving him dry.

"S'rry," Berwald replied quietly, Tino felt himself giggle a little. Lukas may be mad but it's only because he cares, "M't T'n'. H' w'll b' my w'fe." He said. It took Tino a minute to understand what he'd said and then covered his face in his embarrassment.

"What?!" Lukas went on an entirely new tangent as Tino tried to vanish into thin air, god if only he was the wizard.

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