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This I just an annoying A/N since I want to talk about this book. Don't worry, I'm absolutely not stopping it again.

So I've obviously been working on this book again. Instead of updating on a schedule I've been writing when I feel like it and that's been so stress free that I've come to like writing here. However, I haven't written Hetalia since I was in middle school and I just graduated high school so rereading this book I've noticed how problematic I've been.

In the future I'll include proper trigger warning and I'm so very sorry for how I've gone about writing some things, it's really bad. I don't want to delete or fix them though because it's so nice to look back at where I was in middle school and where I am now.

Hetalia will always be a soft spot for me though and it makes me feel nostalgic and happy. I stopped writing this book because I thought Hetalia was cringey and in a way it can be but I don't think that should dictate if I write or not.

I've also updated my ships list and would appreciate it if anybody who wants to request something checks there first.

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