China x Russia

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A/N: China's birthday is today :D

This AU: A red tally mark appears on wrist when the person falls in love, turns black if the love is requited, and becomes a scar if the person who they love dies.

Google translate ahead!

Yao paced his room, his fingers skimming over his tally marks, he has two, one was a scar and one black. The scar being from a time Yao would much like to forget, and the black was for another student at Gakuen: Ivan Braginski. He knew that if his line was black, then surely so was Ivan's which meant Ivan knew, which was the reason for Yao's pacing, he was scared. Yao wasn't ready for love again, not after what happened the last time, but at the same time he felt he WAS ready; all of this confused him.

Yao stopped when he heard his phone go off, he searched his backpack until he could fish it out. The caller I.D. made him freeze, it was Ivan. Shakily, he answered it.

"De helly, this is Yao," He spoke, keeping his worry from his voice.

"Privet, Yao-Yao!" Ivan's cheery voice came, it eased some of Yao's fears. "I am wondering if you want to hang out."

" moment, aru," Yao said, he placed his phone down and ran downstairs to find Leon. When he did, he seized the boy by the shoulders and spoke quickly, "Is there anything I need to do with you or any of your siblings?" He asked, hoping there was.

"No," Leon said, "Why?"

" reason, aru," Yao said and went back upstairs. He picked up the phone, "You still there?" He asked, hoping Ivan had given up hope and left.

"Da," Came the Russian accent that always pleased Yao.

"I can come, aru," Yao said.

"Yay!" Ivan cheered, "We should get some Russian food! I am knowing of this restaurant..." Yao let Ivan go on as he didn't really care about where they would be going. "Are you wanting me to come pick you up?" Ivan asked.

"Shi," Yao replied in his own language.

"Great! I am to be getting you now?" Ivan asked.

"Shi," Yao repeated, he let Ivan hang up and then rapidly got ready for the date.

About 20 minutes later Yao found himself in a Russian restaurant, they had already ordered-he let Ivan order for him as he knew nothing of Russian food.

When the food arrived Yao found that he liked the food very much, when he told Ivan this Ivan smiled brightly and said, "I knew you would." but as the meal drew to a close Yao felt the atmosphere change.

"Yao, can I ask you something?" Ivan asked.

"Shi," Yao smiled in an attempt to change the atmosphere, it failed.

"Are you in love with me?"

Yao stopped smiling and looked at his lap where he played with his fingers, he was afraid to answer.


Yao didn't look up, he was afraid to look up. After what felt like an eternity, Ivan lifted Yao's arm and rolled the sleeve away.

"It's okay Yao-Yao. Ya lyublyu tebya," Ivan said.

Yao shyly looked up and smiled a little, "Wǒ tài ài liǔ," he said, realizing that he was ready for love once more.

"What's this scar from?" Ivan asked, pointing to the only other tally mark on Yao's wrist.

"A boy...from a long time ago, aru..." Yao replied quietly. Ivan smiled and rolled his own sleeve up to show Yao that he had a scar of his own along with the black tally mark that Yao made.

"It's from a girl," Ivan said sadly, "She's long since moved on."


Ivan smiled, "But it's over now, for both of us," Yao looked at him quizzingly. "Now we can stay together forevr!"

Yao giggled, "Shi!"

Ivan leaned over the table and Yao rose to meet him for a short yes sweet kiss.

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