Germany x Italy

927 28 21

Requested by LilyTheTurtle

Google translate ahead!

Feliciano froze when a light on top of the wall blinked on, he held his breath and he flattened himself against the bare wall separating him from the love of his life. The stone was smooth and the cold of it seeped through his jacket making his spine tingle. He could feel his neck and face heating up but he dare not breathe until the light turned back off.

He waited almost four minutes but eventually, it flittered off. He let the air out of his lungs and tried not to dry heave, he looked up at the night sky for comfort. The Berlin Wall, the impregnable wall, this was the scariest thing he'd ever done. Feli made sure he regained his composure before continuing, sliding along the slightly damp gray wall.

Feli could only move on blind faith, if he had been lied to he would die. However, he had nothing to worry about. His brother, Lovino, would never do anything to hurt him. About one more kilometer and he would reach the spot Lovi had hopefully used to escape himself. In another ten minutes, the guards would begin their rounds, that's how long Feli had to get to the hole all while avoiding searchlights.

He began walking again, sideways. He needed to stay flat against the wall to avoid being caught. That searchlight from earlier was too close of a call. Ludwig should know he's coming, Lovi told him. Right? No, now isn't the time to doubt his brother.

Feli counted the minutes in his head while the stress of the situation began to cause a headache. It was reach the hole quickly or get shot and getting shot wasn't an option, he needed to find Ludwig first. Right as he got to the seventh minute his foot found the edge of the hole, he had made it.

Quickly Feli dipped into the hole as quietly as he could, three minutes to spare. He collapsed to his knees and crawled into the space, taking a moment to gasp and catch his breath. It was scary, so scary. His lungs burned from how little he breathed during the walk and his eyes felt like they were beating in his skull.

"Feli is that you?" Feliciano looked up to see the familiar sun-kissed skin of his brother's friend, "Come on. We should get further down the tunnel." Feli nodded and followed Antonio, ignoring the pain shooting from his elbows and knees as rocks dug into his skin. He could endure anything after the last two years in Eastern Germany.

"Okay let's rest," Antonio stopped when he reached a larger chamber in the tunnel. It was big enough for Feli to sit up and when he did his back popped in six different places, "That doesn't sound good." Antonio joked, "Best see a chiropractor once you meet up with Ludwig."

Feli nodded and leaned back against the dirt wall, closing his eyes to rest. The past half an hour had emptied his energy, "How's Lovi?" He asked after a moment of relaxing. He opened one eye to look at the Spanish man.

Antonio smiled happily, "He's fine. I got him through just fine last week, I hope all four of us can meet up on the other side." He sounded hopeful and Feli let himself smile softly. He knew how much Antonio cared for his brother, he was in safe hands, "Let's get through the rest of this, eh? We'll be safe on the Western side."

"Right," Feli followed Antonio through another narrow tunnel and they crawled for a while more. By the time they reached the other side, Feli had begun to bleed from his joints. He ignored the burning sensation he felt and grabbed Antonio's extended hand which helped pull him up from the hole.

"Welcome to West Germany!" Antonio declared. Feli couldn't help the happy laugh that tumbled from his lips. He looked back at the wall, this side had graffiti on every inch of it. The other side had been bare, so this was what the West looked like?

Feliciano stretched his limbs until the tension lifted and then he dusted off his knees. He knew he should have thanked Antonio first but he only had one thought on his mind, "Where's Ludwig?" He couldn't see the blonde on this side as he had expected.

Antonio chuckled and pointed up at a cliff overlooking the city, "On that ledge." He said, "Now hurry, he's waiting." Feli grinned excitedly and bounced for a moment before hugging Antonio tightly, "'re welcome." The happy Spaniard said.

Feli squeezed Antonio once more and then stepped back, "Grazie. I'll never forget this." He gave Antonio a brief goodbye before he began running through the streets of Berlin, desperate to find his beloved.

It was easier to get through the Berlin Wall than he thought though that was entirely from the help of his friends. His lungs burned and his thighs protested but he kept running, even when the stitch in his side began to explode with pain. Nothing, nothing would keep him away from Ludwig a moment longer.

Eventually, he stumbled up a hill and spotted the halo of gold he had been searching for, "Ludwig!" He screamed and ran to the man who sat alone.

Ludwig looked up and smiled, he wasn't an emotional man but he threw his arms open for Feli who spent no time jumping into them. Ludwig held him tight as he fell backward, Feli landing on his solid chest. They stayed intertwined with each other until Feli sat up, pulling Ludwig with him.

Feli's grin could almost reach his ears but Ludwig didn't share the same expression. He narrowed his eyes, "What's-a wrong? Something is-a wrong isn't it?" He reached for the German's hands but he didn't respond.

"Vell...ja," Ludwig sighed and his face tensed up. He laid his hands over Feli before he spoke, "Feli ich liebe dich...but, I do not zhink thiz iz zomeving ve can keep doing." He smiled sadly as he looked up at Feli, "I-zhe...zhe only vay I vill see my bruder again iz by...joining zhe army."

"What?" Feli stared in disbelief at the man in front of him. He knew Gilbert had been stuck in Western Germany but was Ludwig seriously going to join the same military that had separated the two? Even if he did manage that, wouldn't he be in direct danger if he began searching for a Western Germany citizen? He could get hurt!

Ludwig ran his fingers along the back of Feli's hands lightly, "I vaited zo I could zee jou firzt." Ludwig continued. He didn't look up from their hands as Feli's eyes began to water, "But I...must find my bruder, I must save him. Maybe...vhen zhis iz all over..."

"Ludwig..." Feli sniffled and rubbed his eyes. He had just reunited with his lover only to get dumped. It wasn't a normal break-up, breaking up when you still love one another is difficult, "You could wait for it all to-a end. For the wall to come-a down."

"When?" Ludwig asked, "Vhen vill it come down? Tomorrow? Next veek? Next year? In a decade? Nobody knowz." He looked to the distance to calm down, "He'z my bruder. I must do everything to find him."

Feliciano couldn't stop the heavy tears from slowly cascading down his face. He stared at the hard look on Ludwig's face and knew there was no changing his mind, "But...we just-a reunited."

"I know," Ludwig turned to Feli and gave him a weak smile, "But I-"

"-Have to-a go," Feli finished his sentence and smiled despite his tears, "I know..." He kept his eyes on Ludwig even when the German wouldn't look at him, "I would-a want to do the-a same for Lovi."

Ludwig smiled and the two kept their hands intertwined for a moment longer. Feli tilted Ludwig's chin before he leaned forward, kissing him softly. Ludwig responded slowly, melting into the heat of the other man's lips. Feli didn't want to separate because he knew what it meant, the minute they stopped it would be over.

Feliciano kept the kiss going for longer than was proper. Ludwig let him, squeezing his hand to let him know it was alright. However, Feli knew it was better to get these things over with sooner rather than later, "Goodbye, Ludwig."

"Auf wiedersehen, sweetheart," Ludwig replied. They shared a tighter hug before, finally, Ludwig left. Feli curled up in the grass and looked down at the lights of Berlin, a much livelier Berlin than he was used to but still just as lonely.

Ludwig left, he left to find his older brother, and he never came back.

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