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"So Ezra" Obi-Wan started "you're Mandalorian" Ezra turned his head to Obi-Wan while continuing to walk.

"Yes master, although no-one knew until 2 days ago" Ezra replied.

"So why didn't you tell anyone about it? After all you did have a Mandalorian in your crew" Asked Obi-Wan keeping his calm exterior, even though he wanted to know a bit more.

"You know I constantly flirted with her, well I thought that if I did mention it that she'd think I was trying to use it to get closer to her" replied Ezra, turning his head back to the front.

"So, how did she find out?" Obi-Wan asked finally releasing a small smirk, which Ezra picked up on, which he rolled his eyes to.

"Well Mando'a comes more naturally to me than Basic, and when I had just woken up she came to see me and I wasn't thinking, so I blurted out Mando'a" Ezra sheepishly replied. Obi-Wan just laughed at Ezra's misfortune.

"So you'll be getting in additional training then?" he smirked while Ezra looked around in horror.

"What do you mean? Oh right" Ezra replied "looks like it doesn't it" a small scowl forming on his face.

"Maybe you shouldn't have done it then if it causes you too much trouble" stated Obi-Wan as he opened the door to the training room.

"Well it was going to come out eventually and it's generally better to come out sooner rather than later; Sabine packs a mean punch" Ezra grinned making Obi-Wan burst out in laughter.

"Well, let's see how well you do today after your small misfortune with the Tuskan Raider's" Obi-Wan said as he set up a training droid for blasters.

"Haar'chak" Ezra muttered "I hate this droid"

Obi-Wan smirked before releasing it into the air "200 shots with progressing difficulty, can you handle it?" Ezra smirked in reply before raising his lightsabre ready. Obi-wan then activated the droid and watch Ezra deflect the bolts.

When it reached approximately 100 bolts Ezra was starting to struggle and a bolt was let through, hitting his right shoulder plate which Ezra shrugged off, Obi-Wan noticed this and called to Ezra:

"Ezra, what is your armour made out of?"

"I have no clue!" Ezra called out through gritted teeth "You'd have to ask Sabi-Captain Wren master"

Obi-Wan didn't reply as he reached into his pocket to pull out his holo-communicator and plugged in Sabine's number. It took 30 seconds before Sabine popped up on the screen.

"Master Kenobi, what can I do for you?" asked Sabine, in a very formal voice.

"Could you tell me what Ezra's new armour is made out of please?" asked Obi-Wan. Sabine paused for a moment before answering.

"I think it's made out of Mandalorian Iron, Master Kenobi" Sabine replied "Why would you like to know?"

"Because he took a bolt to the shoulder where it should have temporarily immobilised his arm, but she just shrugged it off" He exclaimed.

"That sounds like it, when you're finished with him send him too me so I can check. That and I need him to meet the rest of my squad" said Sabine, just as Ezra deflected the final bolt and deactivated his lightsabre. He then proceeded to where Obi-Wan had Sabine on call.

"Su cuy'gar alor'ad" Ezra said happily.

"Su cuy'gar al'verde" replied Sabine with the same happiness. "Are you finished there? I could use you right now"

Ezra turned to Obi-Wan, who thought for a moment "How many did you miss, Ezra?" he asked.

"15, mostly toward the final 50" Ezra replied, happy with his work.

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