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Ezra slowly pulled apart his eye lids to a blinding light, not remembering where he was, he spun his head round left to right and back. He quickly realised he was in the Med bay, and then remembered why he was there. He put his hand over the forming scar from where he had taken the Slug shot; how I hate scars.

Soon the doctor realised Ezra had awoken, he graciously walked over, to Ezra annoyance and pulled up his medical records.

"How are you doing today Ezra?" he asked not pulling his eyes away from the Datapad.

"I'm feeling a lot better, that's for sure" Ezra replied "Do you think I could get out of here today?"

The doctor just looked at him funny. "You've been in here for 2 days and you already want to get out?" He asked rhetorically "No. you have to be in here for at least 3 days"

Ezra just replied with a groan, he hated being in medical wards. Then the doctor moved over to Ezra and pulled down his shirt to look at the wound.

"It looks like it's healing nicely, but the scar which has formed won't go" Ezra just shrugged, slightly liking the new scar. Better than the one on my face. He tentatively rubbed the small scar, wishing it away. "It looks like you have a visitor, Ezra. If you'll excuse me" The doctor said before walking to another patient.

Ezra looked around to find Leia walking up to him, with a small smile plastered on her face. But reaching out with the force, he notices that she's full of worry.

"Hey" Leia said giving off a smile before sitting on the edge of the bed "I'm sorry I didn't come to see you before"

"Hey its fine, I needed a bit of rest anyway after Sabine came to visit" He replied, with a smug grin etched on his face.

"What happened?" Leia asked suspiciously.

"Nothing of the thing you're thinking of" Ezra replied quickly, almost too quickly for Leia's liking. "I may have told her some things that I've never told anyone else before, due to me blurting it out without thinking"

"That you're Mandalorian? Yeah I noticed the armour you were getting and was told off for looking through the bag it was in"

"Yeah... that was supposed to be a surprise for everyone" Ezra replied, with a hint of annoyance "But you can't tell anybody, under any circumstances, or the fact I'm Mando either"

Leia looked puzzled; slightly annoyed he was forcing her to agree "Why not?"

"Because I'm waiting until I'm healed, then I'll put on the armour for the next meeting" Ezra said with mischief showing everywhere it could "and just see everyone's reactions"

"You really can be cheeky when you want to be, can't you" Leia smirked back.

"No, I'm naturally cheeky and have to put the calm Jedi like exterior for show" Ezra now showing through his facial expressions how cheeky he really can be.

"I hope finally admitting being a..." But she couldn't finish as Ezra had put his hand to her mouth. She ripped his hand away before following Ezra's eye line to see Hera coming up, and she completely understood.

"Admiral!" Leia quickly said "What brings you down here?"

Hera just looked at Leia with the smallest of glares before replying "I've come down to see my old crew mate"

"Hey Hera, How are you?" Ezra quickly intervenes before the agreement she knew was coming ignited.

"I'm fine, bit tired running this behemoth of a ship, but it's fun. How are you holding up?" She asked, sympathy running deep through her last words.

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