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Ezra swiped his lightsabre at Obi-Wan's chest, only for it to be blocked and have a jab directed toward him. Ezra gave out a small yelp and jumped back barely dodging the blow aimed at his abdomen.

"Focus Ezra, you should not be allowing attacks like this to happen" Obi-Wan shouted over the hum of the training sabres.

"I am trying master!" Ezra replied, before jumping back toward Obi-Wan bringing down his sabre upon Obi-Wan's head. Obi-Wan side stepped out of the way, but was immediately pushed back by a force push from Ezra.

"Much better, keep this up" Obi-wan said, as he locked lightsabres with Ezra "Remember, Makashi is precise, fluid movements, less swinging and more emphasis on the footwork"

"Yes master" Ezra replied, before breaking the lock, which he knew he wasn't going to win. From what Obi-Wan said, Ezra did swing a lot less, with more jabs and better foot positioning.

Then Obi-Wan gave out a swing that he did not see coming, and as a result, gave out another yelp before jumping over Obi-Wan, who capitalised on Ezra's mistake, and 'chopped' off Ezra's legs and arm. Ezra then smacked on to the ground, from the sudden loss of movement in his limbs, and collapsed in a heap.

"What have I told you about jumping over people, Ezra?"

"Don't do it, as you won't last long in a fight"

"Exactly, so why did you do it?" Obi-Wan queried. But before Ezra could answer, another voice made themselves known.

"Much to learn, he still has" Yoda announced

"Master Yoda, it's good to see you" Obi-Wan said

"And you, Master Kenobi, but Ezra, is who to see, I have" Ezra gulped, he had never personally spoken to Master Yoda.

"Y-Yes, Master Yoda?" Ezra asked, trying to sound more confident than he actually was, as he was talking to one of the most powerful people in the galaxy. "A mission for you I have" Yoda said, as he chuckled "To go with Master Plo, you will. To Tatooine, you go"

"Yes Master" Ezra replied, before bowing and heading off to find Master Plo. As he opened the doors out of the training room, he noticed the lack of clones along the hallway, but he soon remembered that most of them had a training exercise with Rex.

As he walked down the hallway, Ezra wondered why he was going to Tatooine; after all they were only fetching another boy. He followed Master Plo's force signature until he found him in one of the smaller hangers, stood with Commander Wolffe, and a squad of troopers whose armour looked like Wolffe's.

"Ah Ezra, good of you to join us" said Plo, noticing Ezra's arrival. Wolffe then followed suit by saluting Ezra, who kindly saluted back.

"Why am I coming along master?" asked Ezra.

"Because Luke is your age, and the council thought it would be a good idea to bring someone along of his age" replied Plo.

"That is understandable. Shall we get going?"

"Yes, Let's" replied Plo, motioning for everyone to get on board the Jedi shuttle. Once the shuttle had entered hyperspace, Plo Koon turned to Ezra, and got his attention.

"Once we get there, me and you will go up and knock, as far as we're concerned his guardians should answer the door" Master Plo said, being deadly serious.

"What do you mean by guardians, Mater Plo?" asked Ezra, curious about the Master's choice of words

"Do you recognise his last name Ezra?"

"What Skywalk... oh"

"Yep, as far as we're concerned he's the only one who could save this galaxy" Plo Koon said, leaving Ezra in a small state of shock, leaving him what the point of him being here. "Ezra, he would not be able to do it by himself" Ezra just nodded, not knowing what to say.

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