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Beep. Beep.
Ezra sat up in bed and looked for the source of the noise, and found it to be his Holo-communicator, with Obi-Wan trying to contact him. He sat up, rubbed his eyes from the sleep. It had almost been a week since he last spo... argued with Sabine. He walked over to the communicator and activated it.
"Good morning Master Kenobi" Said Ezra sleepily
"Morning Ezra, we have a very important meeting with the rest of the Jedi this morning in 1 hour, so you have that time to get ready, and get some breakfast down you. Oh and Ezra, make sure you look more than just presentable this morning" said Obi-Wan in a stern voice, a voice that Ezra knew that if he ignored any of it, there would be consequences.
"Yes master, but what is the meeting about?"
"You'll find out during the meeting, my Padawan learner"
"Yes, master" said Ezra playfully scowling "I'll meet you in the Mess hall for Breakfast, Ezra out" And with that, Obi-Wan disconnected the call and Ezra gave out a huge yawn stretching out at the same time. Ezra steadily walked over to his Wardrobe, where he picked out the Jedi robes Master Kenobi had got for him on his second day on the cruiser. Ezra then proceeded to iron the robes to a suitable standard; he then carefully put them on making sure he would crease them. He liked how the robes fir on his body, they covered him up completely, but allowed him well over enough movement to perform lightsabre training.
8:00. Damn, I'm up a bit earlier than normal.
Ezra then picks up his Holo-communicator and pushes it into his pocket and continued to walk out of his room. The trip down to the Mess Hall was as usual, uneventful, but he still had to salute the occasional clone, even though he had told them they didn't have to, even if they were on duty.
Today, Ezra decides to have Pancakes for breakfast with lemon and sugar, along with caf as a drink. He took it over to the nearest table, with Obi-Wan joining him a minute later.
"Well, you look better than usual" Obi-Wan said, with a small laugh escaping his lips, before he drinks his own mug of tea.
"Thanks, I think" Ezra replied "So what is the meeting about?"
"Haha, Nice try but again you will have to wait" Obi-Wan said earning a playful scowl from Ezra. They then continued to eat their breakfasts in silence, as they had a meeting in less than 15 minutes.
Once they had both finished, they threw away their rubbish in the trash compactor and proceeded to walk out of the Mess hall, when Sabine walked in, going to get his breakfast. Ezra tried to smile at her, but Sabine completely ignored her, with Ezra then losing his smile almost as quick as he had put it on.
"Don't worry Ezra, she'll calm down eventually" Said Obi-Wan in a soothing tone
"Maybe, but I don't know" Replied Ezra as they continued walking toward the meeting. Obi-Wan gave Ezra a small, but reassuring smile, which Ezra didn't reply to.
It took them 5 minutes to get to the meeting, which they just made it to. When the door slid open, he noticed Master Yoda, Master Shaak Ti, Master Billaba standing there with Kanan, Ahsoka, Commander Fox and Captain Rex, both in their clone armour and one other person he did not know.
"Welcome Master Kenobi, Padawan Bridger" Said Yoda. Both Jedi then proceeded to bow their heads toward the Jedi Master. Ezra then nudged Obi-wan to get his attention.
"Who's that Master?" as he pointed to the one person he didn't know.
"That Ezra, is Jedi Master Plo Koon" exclaimed Obi-Wan (yes I know he's supposed to be dead in canon, but he's my favourite Jedi so I put him in)
Shaak Ti then gestured to the table, and everyone sat in their allocated spot, with Ezra's being next to Obi-Wans and Rex's, who gave him a quick wink.
"When we have meetings from now on, this is where you will all be sat" said Shaak Ti, who would obviously be taking this meeting. "So today we will be having two very special guests come on board our cruiser today, these people will be Senator Bail Organa and his daughter Leia organa." Ezra looked puzzled, as he did not know who these people were, but Obi-Wan quickly stepped in through their bond.
'They are two very important people from Alderaan' Said Obi-wan
'Ah. Thank you' Replied Ezra
"They will be coming at 11:00 in the main hanger, where Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padawan Ezra Bridger will be meeting them, giving them a tour of the ship, and then Master Kenobi will bring Senator Organa here for the discussion while Padawan Bridger will be staying with Leia Organa" While everyone else nodded their heads in approval, Ezra looked stunned. "Does anyone have any questions?" asked Shaak Ti, With Ezra replying with raising his hand "Yes, Padawan Bridger?"
"What am I supposed to do with Leia?" asked Ezra, which earned a small smirk from Master Yoda and Rex.
"Show her any parts of the cruiser that she wouldn't have seen, show her a performance from the clones, which I'm sure Captain Rex would help with" Captain Rex nodded "and anything else that she would want to do". Ezra nodded in understanding
"Oh, and one more thing Ezra" Obi-Wan said
"Yes, Master?"
"She is your age" Ezra looked confused at why this information would be important but this earn a very big smirk from Kanan, Ahsoka especially, Rex and Fox, which Ezra just looked confused at why they did that.
"Anything else before we move on to the last subject?" Asked Shaak Ti. Nobody didn't anything to answer that question "Then I shall hand over to Master Yoda"
"Thank you, Master Ti" said Yoda "Master Koon, to Tatooine, you shall go, to find Luke Skywalker, and bring him here"
"Yes Master Yoda" Replied Plo Koon "When do I leave?"
"After the Senator visit, you shall" Plo then nodded his head in agreement
"Then this meeting adjourned, it is" Said Yoda. And with that everyone got up and started to file out
"Captain Rex" Obi-Wan called out
"Yes general?"
"Could you stay behind a minute, I need a word" once everyone else had left, only Obi-Wan Ezra and Rex were left "I'd like you organise some of your best men in their cleanest uniform to accompany me and Ezra in greeting the Senator"
"With pleasure General, would I be included?"
"Of course" With this news, Ezra was smiling to know someone else would be meeting the Organa's with him. And with that Rex walked out the room to go organise some men to get ready for the arrival.
"Come Ezra, they will be on board within the next 30 minutes"
"Yes Master" replied Ezra, with a happy smile.
It took Ezra and Obi-Wan 15 minutes to get to the main hanger, where during the walk down, they discussed why Alderaan and more importantly Senator Organa was important to the Jedi and their cause. Ezra very quickly understood what Master Kenobi was saying, and also learned that Kenobi and Organa were firm friends.
Once they had made it to the hanger they had to wait 10 minutes before Rex made it there himself with his 10 men, where they acknowledged each other, then they saw a shuttle come out of hyperspace outside of the cruiser, where the shuttle slowed it's decent into the hanger, where it landed in front of the Jedi, with the ramp coming down in front of them the clones formed two lines each side of the ramp, in a ceremonial manner.
10 seconds later Senator Bail Organa stepped into view. A very proud, rich man but Ezra could tell he was not an arrogant, selfish man. Ezra took an instant liking to the man, but the person who followed really caught his attention. Leia Organa stepped down after her father. She was in a perfect white dress which fit her figure perfectly, her hair falling down in a way that Ezra loved and her brown eyes seemed to show a caring nature. Ezra's jaw dropped open, but he quickly snapped it shut, but not before Captain Rex noticed and smirked underneath his helmet.
"Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, how are you my old friend!" Bail said as he walked down the ramp, arms open wide.
"I'm not doing too badly Bail, how are you?" replied Obi-Wan, as he was pulled into a hug.
I'm doing great actually, is that Captain Rex?" inquired Bail.
"It is Senator"
"It's good to see you Rex, how life been treating you?" Asked Bail to Rex
"Not too bad Sir, now I've gotten rid of the accelerated aging" Bail smiled at him.
Once Leia had made her way down the ramp, she walked over to Ezra, and holding out her hand she said
"I am Leia Organa, and who do I have the pleasure of meeting here?"
"I am Ezra Bridger ma'am, and it is I who has the pleasure of meeting you" replied Ezra, taking Leia hand and kissing it. Leia smiled at him, in more than just a friendly way.
"And who do I have the pleasure of meeting here then Obi-Wan?" as Bail gestured to Ezra
"This is my Padawan Ezra Bridger" replied Obi-Wan
"It's a pleasure sir" Ezra said as he shook Bails hand. After he shook his hand, Ezra glanced back at Leia, who he managed to catch looking straight into his eyes.
"Now if you'll step this way Senator, We are going to take you on a tour of the ship" Said Obi-Wan, in a matter-of-fact voice
"Lead the way Master Kenobi" replied Bail with a smile. Obi-Wan took the lead with Senator Organa next to him, with Ezra taking the rear with Leia next to him. Ezra noticed that they were both of similar height, but was slightly shocked when Leia put her arm around his as they walked, with Leia smiling at Ezra, who could only smile back.
30 minutes later
"And this is where the meeting is going to be held" Said Obi-Wan finishing the tour.
"Well Obi-Wan, be best not keep them waiting" Bail said as he walked through the doors into the meeting, with Obi-Wan following close behind. Once the door closed to the meeting room, Leia turned to Ezra, with their arms still interlinked, and asked:
"So what are we doing now Ezra?"
"I suppose it's your choice" Ezra replied, with a smile to his face. Leia looked into Ezra's eyes and he was again taken away by her beauty.
"How about we get to know each other a bit better, once you've shown me where your quarters are?" asked Leia.
"We could do that" Ezra smiled back "This way Ma'am"
"Please, call me Leia" Leia stated
"Ok.... Leia" Ezra said cautiously. This quickly earned a big smile, which again looked more than just friendly, and Ezra took Leia in the direction of his quarters.
The walk to Ezra's quarters was quiet between the two, but as they were walking, Leia leaned her head against Ezra's shoulder, which Ezra was pleasantly surprised about, which allowed a small smile to etch it's way on to his face, with the innocent smile of Leia rested against his shoulder.
"The living quarters are just through here Leia" Ezra said as he gestured toward a large set of double doors, which slid open as they walked toward.
"Which rooms yours?" Leia asked, with a hint of curiosity etched in her voice
"This one on the left" Said Ezra as he made it to the space in between His and Obi-Wan's Chambers.
"Oh, this look's nice" Replied Leia. Ezra then punched in his access code to open his door, and he then lead Leia inside.
But what Ezra missed was Sabine stood at the end of the living quarter's corridor, seeing the way Leia was draped over Ezra as they walked into his room, Anger and regret forming inside of her.

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