Heart breaking

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars Rebels it is owned by Disney. Thank you and enjoy!!

"Admiral Syndulla! We are coming up to the Co-ordinates" Shouted Makan.
"Good" replied Hera with a stern but soft shout "Tell Jedi Master Shaak Ti immediately".
"Yes ma'am" Makan replied, who then proceeded to go over to a microphone to contact the Jedi.
"General Ti ma'am, we are coming up the coordinates" said with a stern, but calm voice
"Good, I will head to the bridge immediately" replied Shaak Ti. And with that, the connection cut
"Admiral, she's coming up to the bridge" Shouted Makan to Hera. Almost immediately after, the doors slid open to reveal Shaak Ti striding purposely onto the bridge, with a small clone escort. All of the personal on the bridge came up to attention, with Hera following their lead, unsure if she was doing the correct thing.
"At ease" Shaak Ti said with a calm Command "Admiral Syndulla, how long until we are out of hyperspace?" Hera glanced over to the control panel sat next to her.
"Coming out now Ma'am" Hera replied. Suddenly the fleet slowed down to come out of hyperspace to reveal a small planet. Hera studied the planet, not realising it was there, as it did not show up on any of their star charts.
"Admiral, welcome to Tython, home of the Jedi"
With Ezra
"Breath Ezra let the force flow through you". Ezra was in a meditative trance next to obi-Wan, who was doing the same, they were trying to form the start of a new Master-Padawan bond, and it was going very well, considering the amount of bonds Ezra had with his crew, without him knowing. "I think Ezra we should stop for now, and go down to the mess hall and get some food".
"I think that is an excellent idea, Master" Replied Ezra, with some help from his grumbling stomach, which made Obi-Wan laugh slightly.
"I will meet you there, I just have some things to do before joining you" said Obi-wan as he walked over to his bed "Oh and Ezra, if the clone salute you, the polite thing to do would be to salute back, as you're classed as a Commander. But it should only happen when the troops are on duty".
"Thank you for the advice Master" Replied Ezra, with a gratified look on his face. Obi-wan simply nodded before Ezra walked out of the room and headed to get some dinner. As Ezra walked down the hall, Ezra was deep in thought. I wonder what it's going to be like having all of these new allies around. I think I'm going to enjoy this. Still deep in his thoughts, he accidently walked into Sabine. "Mmph!"
"Hey watch where you're goi..." Sabine started "oh hey Ezra thought you were someone else".
"Oh, hi Sabine. Sorry, didn't see you there".
"So, how did you first day go on board?"
"Not too bad, me and Master Kenobi decided to see if we could create a Master-Padawan bond, it seemed to work, and what did you do?"
"OH, nothing much, trained a bit with Fox. He did say I was a better shot than over three quarters of the Clones on board." She decided to leave out the part about visiting Hera "where you headed?"
"Mess hall for some food. You?"
"Same place, I'll walk with you". As they started to walk away, Sabine tried to slip her hand into Ezra's hand, but he
quickly pulled his hand away. Sabine frowned at this, as not a few hours before they were doing exactly that. "Hey what's up with you?"
"Nothing's up with me, I'm fine" replied Ezra, but Sabine could almost completely see through Ezra's lie.
"No, there's definitely something up with you, you're acting a bit... distant" stated Sabine.
"Sabine, I am fine" Ezra said, almost with a harsh tone, which startled Sabine slightly. Which then lead her to forcefully push Ezra into the next room they walked past, which luckily was an empty storage room. At this point Ezra did not know what to do, but in the end decided not to resist because Sabine could still own him in a hand to hand fight.
"Tell me what wrong, we were fine holding hands before we got on this cruiser, and while we were shown around, so why the sudden change?" Ezra knew it was going to be about this, and so he mentally prepared himself for it.
"Because I don't think we should be doing it often, I only did it because I knew you can get slightly nervous around new places"
"Me, nervous? Yeah you wish" She spat back.
"Then how come I can sense that emotion radiating off you through the force, without me trying to look for it?" Sabine did not know how to reply, while she did feel nervous, she didn't think it was that much. Sabine let Ezra go, and with that, Ezra relaxed.
"I thought we had something..." Mumbled Sabine
"Sabine, I've liked you for such a long time, but every time I tried to show affection toward you, you pushed me away, even when I wasn't flirting with you, you thought I was so you pushed me back even further, so in the end I started to treat you more like a close friend, or maybe a sister" At that, Sabine's eyes started to well up, and she didn't know how to respond, considering he had just been basically friend-zoned (yes, I just used that word). After standing there for what seemed an age, Ezra walked out leaving Sabine alone in the storage room.
Once Sabine heard the door slide shut, she immediately broke down crying into her arms, wishing that what Ezra had just said to her was just a dream, and she'd soon wake up on the ghost, but it never happened and it was really real, which only put her into a bigger fit.
At this moment Hera was walking from the bridge to the Mess hall when she walked past the Storage room door, and un-mistakenly knew it was Sabine. But she had no idea why she was in the room, but she had a hunch at why she was crying. Hera the proceeded to open up the door, which revealed Sabine in a worse state than what she had thought. Sabine looked up momentarily to Hera, to only sob into her arms once more. Hera rushed over to Sabine and picked her up into her arms, fussing over her as if they were last two in the universe.
"Shhhh, Sabine I'm right here for you" whispered Hera into Sabine ear "What happened?"
"E-Ezra... I-I've lost hi-him" Stuttered out Sabine in between sobs.
"What do you mean?" Hera questioned. Sabine then slowly stopped sobbing before replying.
"We managed to bump into each other, while walking to the Mess hall, where we had a brief chat about what happened during the day, and then as we walked down toward it together, I tried to slip my hand into his again, like I had done before but..." Sabine let out a sniffle "... he pulled his hand away. I asked him what's wrong, but he wouldn't tell me so I pushed him into her, and asked him why he wouldn't take my hand..."
"He said he took it before because he could tell I was nervous through the force, and not because he liked me." Hera just looked startled at what Sabine had told her "he said because I had basically rejected him at every turn, he stopped flirting with me and decided I was more like a sister to him than anything else" Hera continued to look at Sabine with understanding eyes, even when Sabine had broken down into sobbing in Her arms again.
"Could it be because he's following the ways of the Jedi before him?" queried Hera
"I-I don't... think so, he never mentioned anything about being a Jedi being involved, I don't think the Jedi masters care for that code anymore." said Sabine, almost with a matter-of-fact voice.
"How about we go back to my quarters, get you cleared up and then get some dinner?" Sabine gave no verbal reply, and only nodded. Hera lead Sabine back out of the room and back up to Hera's quarters.
At the same time with Ezra
As soon as the Door slid shut behind him, he could hear Sabine brake down into tears, he started walking down the hall, continuing down to the Mess hall, and Ezra never noticed Hera stop outside the door he just walked out of. Ezra mentally kicked himself 'why had I said that to her, I have probably ruined whatever relationship I had with Sabine'. This train of thought continued all of the way down the hall, and accidentally ignoring the clone saluting him, as he kept his eyes firmly pressed to the floor.
Once he reached the Mess hall, he broke his train of thought to see who was currently eating, only clones of varying colour variants we sat eating at the moment, nobody that he knew personally, or anybody of any importance. As he was stood there, many of the clones looked around to see who their new Commander was. Ezra felt liked he had shrunk by half with all of the pairs of eyes focused on him. But once the clones had gone back to what they were doing, Ezra quickly walked over to where they served the food, and he found it pleasantly surprised that he could order almost anything from around the galaxy, so he ordered his favourite meal his mother made him when he was younger, and then found an empty table in the corner of the hall where he could sit in peace, or at least he thought.
5 minutes later, Obi-Wan appeared at the table carrying his food, which in his case, was just a salad. "How are you feeling, my Padawan?"
"Not good, I'm afraid Master" Replied Ezra glumly
"Why, what happened?" Obi-Wan could sense the guilt flow off Ezra in waves, mixed in with a small amount of loneliness.
"I think I may have lost one of my closest friends" Obi-Wan frowned, he was happy that Ezra was being open to him, which strengthened their bond, but what Ezra was admitting was worrying.
"And who would that be Ezra" Asked Obi-Wan becoming more concerned every second. Ezra hesitated, could he tell Obi-Wan? Would he understand?
"... Sabine, Master" Mumbled Ezra. Obi-Wan sat down next to Ezra, and put it arm around him. Ezra hesitated for a moment, then leaned into Obi-Wan, which gave Obi-Wan a small smile.
"What happened?"
"Sabine tried to get close to me, in a way that she wanted to be more than friends, but as I said before Master, I didn't and I told her that I didn't like in that way anymore, I thought of her as more of a sister, but I don't think she took it very well". Once Obi-Wan had listen to what Ezra had said, they sat there in silence, allowing Obi-Wan to think through what Ezra had just said. 'This could prove a problem; Ezra is now in complete turmoil'.
"Yes, Master"
"Just know I am always here for you, even when I am not directly around. And concerning Sabine, would you like me to talk to her? See how she is, and how she feels?" Asked Obi-Wan.
"No thank you Master, I think it would be best, if I try get passed this by myself. I know it probably sounds a bit selfish but it's the only I could get passed this." Obi-Wan considered this for a while before replying
"Ok Ezra, But if you ever need anything concerning anything, please talk to me about it, bottling up your emotions is a very bad thing to do" Ezra gave Obi-Wan a warm smile, to tell him that he understood what he said, and would do exactly that. Obi-Wan smiled back. "Shall we continue Eating?"
"Yes please Master" Ezra replied. Obi-Wan released Ezra from his hug he was giving to allow himself to eat his Salad

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