Chapter 7

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Anyone want to help name this chapter. I'm in a slump and can't think of anything. I'd really appreciate it!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars Rebels it is owned by Disney. Thank you and enjoy!!

"Hmm, this is slightly bigger than I expected, considering we're on a ship" Said Leia, with curiosity almost beaming from her eyes
"Yeah, I thought the same too when I first came in here" replied Ezra, who stood by his bed while Leia looked around his quarters.
"What's through here?" Ezra smirked at Leia question
"That would be my 'fresher, Leia". Leia nodded in understanding before making her way back to Ezra. "So, what would you like to talk about?"
"About you!" Replied Leia "I'd like to get to know you better"
"Well, where would you like me to start?" asked Ezra, with a cautious look upon his face, which Leia replied with a smile.
"Which planet did you live on before you got here?"
"Well... All my life I've lived on Lothal, somewhere in the Outer Rim, do you know the place?" asked Ezra as he sat down on his bed, with Leia joining him by his side.
"I can't say I have, what's it like there?" with a puzzled look coming across her face, looking as if she was very interested.
"Well, I'd say it's an average world, with running water, a now heavy Imperial presence. But the general population are very poor, as the houses are mostly basic and anyone who doesn't live in the city farms"
"What was it like for you?" Ezra gulped at this question, does he tell Leia about his life on Lothal, would she think on them being any different?
"Well... I lost my parent's when I was only 7, because they spoke out against the Empire, then I was on the streets by myself for 8 years, until the Ghost Crew found me, and took me in because I was force sensitive and lead me to being here now" Leia pondered for a while, taking in the information about his life, noticing that he didn't really talk about his past much, as it took a Bit of strain for Ezra to get it out.
"What was it like living on the streets for 8 years?"
"Difficult to say the least, you had to beg, steal and maim just to get a small amount of food, but half the time, I never got any anyway" replied Ezra, sorrow filling his voice "The empire made it worse though, they made it as If I never existed, I wasn't on any records so I wouldn't get any help from the authority's"
"That's horrible" Leia gasped "If I was on that planet, I'd of helped you"
"To be honest, I don't think you would've, I mean homeless on our planet were completely ignored, and sometimes beaten by the Imperials for no reason." Leia looked heartbroken from what Ezra had revealed about himself, the way he was treated, while he was still a child as well!
"At least you're safe from that now" Leia said warmly, placing her hand on Ezra's, which made him jump "and you will always have me" She leaned toward Ezra, before planting her lips on Ezra in a soft manner. Ezra immediately become shocked at what Leia had just done, but relaxed and returned the kiss.
They stayed there for what felt like an eternity to Ezra, before his Holo-communicator went off signalling that Obi-Wan wanted a word. "Ezra here" he said with a disappointed, slightly annoyed voice.
"Hello Ezra, how are you and Mrs Organa getting on?" as he asked, noticing them both in the picture.
"We're fine Master, what can I do for you?" asked Ezra regaining he composure.
"It turns out that Senator Organa will have to leave for Coruscant immediately after the meeting, so we need you to bring Mrs Organa back" Obi-Wan said, with the voice meaning that there was no other option.
"Yes Master, we will be there as soon as possible" replied Ezra, before shutting down his communicator. He looked over to Leia to find she was looking slightly disappointed. "Hey, what's up?"
"This might be one of the few times I'm going to set you, and it was so short as well" Leia replied, stopping a tear from forming.
"You don't know that, we'll just have to find out what's happening" Ezra stated, as he pulled her into a hug, which Leia greatly accepted.
"Thank you" Leia said before pecking Ezra lips. Ezra then released her from the hug, took Leia hand and guided her back toward the meeting room. Leia cleared herself up, before walking with him out of the door, where the hallways were quiet. Leia again laid her head against Ezra's shoulder as they walked.
As they walked down, Ezra only recognised some of the clones he had gotten to know of duty, saluting them as they saluted him, but he did notice some of the clones without helmets smirking when they walked past, but those clones quickly straightened out their face when Ezra gave them a glare worthy of a Grand Moth.
It took them 10 minutes to get back to the meeting room, as Leia wanted to stroll there, as she wanted to spend as much time as possible with Ezra. But when they did make it there, he noticed Bail, Obi-Wan, Shaak Ti, Ahsoka and Captain Rex stood outside waiting for them.
Leia lifted her head from Ezra's shoulder and released her hand, hoping that none of them had noticed them doing it. But of course Ahsoka and Rex noticed, giving Ezra a quick Smirk before Shaak Ti spoke to them.
"Ah, Padawan Bridger, thank you for bringing the Senators daughter back to us on such short notice" Bail Organa gave a quick warm smile, and Ezra bowed his head toward the group formed up outside the meeting room.
"Now Leia" Bail started "the council has decided to give you a few options for what you want to do"
"And what would they be Father?" Asked Leia
"You could come with me to Coruscant to attend the Senate meeting, or you could go back to Alderaan and your Mother or you could stay here while I attend the meeting and do whatever else the Senate want me to do" Bail replied with a voice that he only ever used for his family.
Ezra secretly hoped that Leia would stay here of the ship with him for the time being, for each other to get to know each other a bit better. He could feel Obi-Wan and Ahsoka trying to poke into his head, but he quickly snapped up his mental shields that he had been practicing with Obi-Wan the past few days, and pushed them out. Ahsoka frowned at this, while Obi-Wan smiled knowing that Ezra's shields were getting stronger.
"I think that I would like to stay here while you do your business" replied Leia, with a smile forming on her face. Ezra gave a small smile knowing that her answer would allow them to spend more time together, while Bail gave a bigger smile. "Although while I am on board, where would I be staying?" looking at the other members of the small group.
"I'm sure we could find you suitable accommodation here Mrs Organa" Shaak Ti replied.
"Maybe" Obi-Wan started "She could stay with my Padawan while here, after all she has been spending all of her time while on board with him" Ezra looked at his Master with wide eyes. Did his Master just say what he thinks he heard!
Shaak Ti looked as if she was thinking about what Obi-Wan had just suggested. "Yes, I think that could work, trusting that Leia herself agrees with it" This allowed small grins to form on Ahsoka's and Captain Rex's faces.
"Do you agree Leia?" asked Bail, with a questioning voice. Leia just nodded at her Fathers question, a smile almost beaming from her face. Ezra looked amazed, is he really sharing a room with Leia?!
Ahsoka turned to Rex, still a smirk plastered on her face "Captain, do you mind rounding up a couple of men and getting Mrs Organa's things from their ship, and transporting them to Ezra's quarters?"
"Of course General" Rex replied, saluting Ahsoka
"And Rex, don't bother with a bed, his quarters come with a second bed anyway" Rex nodded "and I have a feeling it won't be used that much anyway" she added whispering so the others couldn't hear her, although Obi-Wan had his suspicions. Rex walked off, rounding up the necessary men to do the task.
"Well, I must be getting off, the Emperor does not like waiting for anyone" said bail
"I'll come with you, we have one more thing to discuss before you leave anyway" said Obi-Wan, before discreetly motioning toward Ezra and Leia, which only Bail picked up on, smiling.
Bail nodded, before walking back to his Shuttle with Obi-Wan by his side. Shaak Ti then turned to Ezra:
"Padawan Bridger, you will escort Mrs Organa back to your Quarters, to help her unpack a few things, before making your way back to the Mess hall for some food" Ezra nodded to Master Ti before she continued on "And Kni-Padawan Tano, you will come with me to help continue setting up for the ceremony" Ezra was initially confused why Master Ti almost mistook Ahsoka's Rank, but he then understood with the mention of the ceremony, which is in 2 days. Ahsoka bowed her head before she and Shaak walked off in the opposite direction to Ezra.
Ezra and Leia then turned to each other before Ezra spoke:
"Looks like you're stuck with me for a while longer" with a smile clearly visible form the other end of hall on his face. Leia then flung her arms over Ezra's shoulders planting a long kiss on Ezra lips, which Ezra gladly returned staying there just wanting to be with each other, before Ezra finally broke the kiss.
"I think we should go back to our quarters" with Ezra emphasising on 'Our' "before someone catch's us" Leia quickly agreed, pulling Ezra along by the hand, back toward their quarters, but putting her head back on Ezra's shoulder as they walked, as no one they knew were about, or at least until the turned one corner.
"EZRA!" Ezra jumped before turning on his heels, releasing Leia while doing so. There he noticed Hera walking up to them. Ezra put on an embarrassed smile, while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hi, Hera..." he replied
"How are you, I haven't seen you in such a long time!" asked Hera
"Not too bad thanks" he replied sheepishly, while Leia gave a puzzled look
"Well, are you not going to introduce me to your new friend?" Hera asked as she gestured to Leia
"Right... this is Leia Organa" which gave Hera a surprised look, before she turned to Leia
"Leia Organa... of Alderaan?" Leia nodded at Hera, who then turned back to Ezra.
"Look at you, making friends in high places!" She said, before giving Ezra a look which told him, 'I know what's going on', which Ezra smiled weakly at. "Anyway, it was nice to meet you Leia. I am Admiral Hera Syndulla, the one who's in charge of this fleet"
"Nice to meet you Admiral" Leia replied, shaking Hera hand
"Anyway, I must be off, I have a meeting to attend with the other Commanders Etc...." Hera lied, but Ezra didn't know that.
"Does that include me?" Ezra asked, knowing he had that rank.
"As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't, but I'll comm you if it does"
"Thanks Hera"
"No problem, I'll see you later k-Sir" replied Hera
"And you Ma'am" Ezra said, before Hera winked at him, and bowed her head at Leia, who bowed back. Hera then walked off leaving Ezra and Leia to continue walking back.
"Commander..?" Leia asked.
"Yeah..." Ezra replied "Comes with being a Jedi Padawan"
"Ah, I see, and I suppose that she was part of your old crew?" Leia asked
"No, she just knows me too much" Ezra replied heavily sarcastically. Leia then glared at Ezra, before smiling and leaning her head back on his shoulder. They continued walking back to their quarters, the clones not saluting because they know they'd just earn a glare when these two are together.
By the time they reached the living quarters, Leia's bags had already been dropped off, so they immediately got down to unpacking, talking about where Leia had come from, and a bit about her life. Ezra had learned that Leia was in fact adopted as her mother died during childbirth, as her father died during the clone wars.
After they had finished unpacking, they still had an hour to kill
"So what do you want to do now?" asked Ezra, as he put away the last bit of clothing.
"Maybe we could watch the Holo-TV?" replied Leia.
"Yeah we could do that" said Ezra, before climbing onto his bed and pulling the remote to his hand. Leia then climbed on after him and snuggled up to Ezra. Ezra then proceeded to put his arm round Leia, pulling her into a hug, and giving her a small kiss.
They continued like this until Leia's stomach grumbled from the lack of food. Leia's face became red with embarrassment while Ezra gave out a small laugh.
"I think it's best we go get some food, don't you?" Ezra asked
"Yes please!" replied Leia with a small amount of pleading, almost. Ezra switched off the Holo-TV, and climbed out of bed, and holding Leia by the hand, they walked off to the Mess hall.

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