Omake: Uzumaki Naruto

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It was just a genuine smile. One that Naruto would take comfort in forever.

Thanks to the academy, Naruto put a name to her face.

Uchiha Miyuki.

Naruto rarely talked to Miyuki.

It wasn't that she avoided him, or that they didn't like talking to eachother.

They just...never really ran into eachother.

Naruto was quick to notice that she wasn't the same as all the other girls in his class. They all worshipped that Sasuke-teme like he was a god. Naruto didn't see anything special about him.

They only cared about his looks, and how 'cool' he was.

He hated him. All of his clan. All stuck up, arrogant, sticks up their asses.

Except for her.

..She was different.

She was nice.

He didn't know why Miyuki would wanna play with a guy like Sasuke.



He wished that she'd play ninja with him, instead of with Sasuke.

At least she wasn't mean like everyone else.

When Naruto was six, he had a reputation of getting to school late.

To his surprise, so did Miyuki.

Her excuses often included helping old people across the streets, or other things along those lines.

Naruto knew that she was telling the truth.

Miyuki was kind like that.

One day, he was extremely late for school.

He ran as fast as he could, knowing that he would get a scolding and get marked down.

And then a figure leapt down beside him.

Tentatively, he grinned at her. She smiled back, grabbing his hand and winking.

He blinked, and suddenly he was in front of his classroom door.

He was in awe of her.

Haru-sensei wasn't happy that they were late and humiliated them in front of the whole class.

"Maybe if you stopped making out before class, you'd get here on time," he had sneered.

Everybody laughed at them except Sasuke-teme, who glared at him.

Miyuki answered back without missing a beat.

"Maybe if you stopped cheating on your wife with Momo-sensei from class C, you'd be able to concentrate on teaching a class properly."

They both got a month of detentions.

In Naruto's eyes, it was totally worth it.

That was when his crush began.

A couple months later, both the teme and Miyuki took two weeks off of school.

None of the adults answered when the students asked where their precious Sasuke-kun was.

When the two came back, they looked horrible.

Naruto even felt slightly concerned for Sasuke-teme.

Both had dark bags under their eyes. They were paler than usual. Clearly they hadn't been eating properly.

Miyuki would often cry during class.

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