Christian Pulisic

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Being part of a girl group that had a massive amount of success had its downsides sometimes, especially for you, being so young and famous already. You couldn't even walk your dog most of the time without being recognised and bombarded with fans instantly, so you had a secret little trick.
You were rarely photographed without makeup so when you went out in public, you went makeup-free, so your freckles were exposed and sometimes you wore your reading glasses just for that extra layer of protectiveness.
Your dog had been scratching at the patio door for a couple minutes so you threw on a random blue hoodie with your leggings, tied your hair in a ponytail and put on your glasses before you put your lead on your dog and left your house.
You got to the dog park pretty soon after and just wandered around with your dog. Another dog spotted your dog and ran towards it. He was such a cutie so you knelt stroked him between his ears.
"Hey hun. Where's your owner hum?"
You heard a little chuckle and looked up to meet the eyes of probably one of the fittest men you'd ever seen in your life. He looked vaguely familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it.
"Good job bud. You found the hottest girl! Well done," he said as he stroked his dogs head and you laughed, slightly going red. You finally looked back up at him and it looked like a lightbulb went on for both of you.
"Oh my god, you're Natalie Grier!"
"Holy shit, number 22!"
You both laughed as you stuck your hand out to shake it but he pulled you into a tight hug. "Sorry I'm a hugger. I'm sorry I didn't recognise you, you just look so much prettier without makeup." You blushed but were quick with your rebuttal.
"You look fitter without the sweat, you know. I should've gone to Stamford Bridge more often," you said as he nodded in agreement before running his hand through his hair.
"I know this might be too soon but can I get your number? You're my actual celeb crush and I want to tell my mom." You laughed incredibly loud and uncontrolled, leaning into his chest as you tried to stop laughing.
"Sorry, that was so cute. Of course, I'd love to." He smiled, showing his cute dimples before handing you his phone and you gave him yours. You put your number in as 'Natayyy 💓'. He handed you your phone back as well; he'd saved himself as '22💙❤️'.
You gave him a hug and walked back towards your house but it had started to chuck it down and your hoodie barely kept you dry. You heard someone running behind you and you turn to see it's Christian , holding an umbrella. You stopped and he quickly caught up to you, covering you up from the rain but you were already soaked.
"Fancy seeing you here!" He said and you laughed, kneeling down to pull a twig out of your dog's mouth. "You're soaked, I'll have to walk you back to yours now. Oh no!" You laughed and both made comfortable conversation as you walked toward your house. You got to your house and invited him in.
"I'm not letting you walk back in that. If you let me shower and change, I'm going to drive you back."
As much as he tried to insist on walking home, you had to drag him into the house and literally push him onto your sofa. "Cool house. I love your decor." You laughed and told him to give you ten minutes as you rushed upstairs to change. You quickly changed into a knitted jumper and jeans, before rushing back down the stairs to see Christian sat on the bottom of the stairs playing with the dogs. When he heard you running down, he looked up and a small smile crept up on his face.
"You were quick. Shame," he said as he got up and followed you out towards your Range Rover. You both got in the car, chatting and laughing. You were surprised about how easily you both got along but loved it, conversations flowed so easily. You both finally pulled up to his house, which you liked the look of.
"Now that I know where you live, you have no reason not to go to dinner with me next week?" he asked and you laughed before agreeing. He made you give him a big hug and you gave him a cute peck on the cheek, before you drove home, a certain American stuck in your mind the whole time.

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