James Madison

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You both needed this break from work so the lockdown couldn't have come at a better time. You were still at university so you'd started taking your classes online so schooling was no problem and James had pleaded again and again for you to stay with him. You caved in and had packed a bunch of clothes in a random suitcase. It's not like you needed all the clothes, he always made you wear his shirts and you enjoyed it.
The only downside was that you had to wake up extra early to catch all your classes on Zoom so you had to leave James in bed. It was impossible to do because he had an iron grip on you and moaned when you finally got out of his grip, before he eventually fell back asleep. You'd put all your books on the kitchen island with your laptop and were sat on the chair, making notes in your notebook. You were wearing one of James' plain grey jumpers with black leggings and your hair was tied in a quick bun with a pen and your reading glasses were perched at the end of your nose.
You were in complete concentration on your lecture, your webcam and your microphone were on and you were scrawling notes with the rest of your class when James walked in shirtless and his hair was still messy from sleep. He came up to you and kissed the side of your head before going to the fridge to make breakfast. "Do you want breakfast, my darling?"
You nodded, your full focus still on your lecture, as the professor went through the final points. "Do you think I'd look sexy in your glasses hun?" He said and you nodded again, still not paying attention.
You heard laughter from your computer and looked up, as James snatched your glasses from the top of your head and running off.
Your head whipped up as you watched him leave and then rolled your eyes, as the professor finished up. You then hid behind the door as James reentered, your glasses no where to be seen. "Where are they biatch?" He jumped and laughed.
"I don't know what you're talking about hun. I've got to go workout on the call. I'll talk to you in a bit." You started to protest but he sung loudly and wandered to his home gym. You sighed and followed behind him after a couple of minutes, knowing he probably took them with him.
You walked in as he was doing pull ups on his chin up bar at the door and you quickly ducked under his legs and ran for the windowsill where his phone was lent on and you grabbed it, as all his teammates laughed. "Where are the glasses Vardy?"
He laughed and shook his head. "I've been sworn to secrecy sorry."
You rolled your eyes as James came back over you and took his phone out of your hands and set it back down. "Sorry darling, no ones going to speak."
Harvey couldn't stop laughing and spluttered out 'the weight stand'. You smiled and sprinted over to the weight stand where your glasses were.  You grabbed them and skidded past James to the door. You turned to stick your tongue out, eyes closed and James stuck his out as well, touching them as your eyes widened. "Babe what was that you weirdo? ewwwww?" He laughed and gave you a kiss, empathising the 'mwah' at the end before he quickly pushed you out.
"Keep out! Private body building sesh." You laughed and flipped him off as you walked back into the kitchen to start the assignment.
After around two hours of you completely focused on the assignment, James wandered in and wrapped his arm around your waist and lifted you up quickly so your legs were in his face. "James! What are you doing? You're all sweaty and gross." He laughed and carried you out to the living room where he gently threw you on the sofa and collapsed next to you and threw his arm around you and pulled you close to him. "What's up baby?"
"Nothing darling, just tired. Can we have a nap?" You shrugged and he smiled and tightened his grip around you. He'd only been in that position for two minutes and his eyes were already shut. You stayed awake for a bit longer, gently running your hands through his hair before you moved your hand away. He quietly groaned and brought your hand back to his hair, as you chuckled and carried on running your hands through his hair before you'd both fallen asleep, tightly held together and your hand still entangled in his head.

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