Dele Alli

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He came, already red with anger. He completely ignored you as you stood there, patiently waiting for him with his mum and stormed into the changing room. You rolled your eyes as his mum let out a little noise of disapproval. He was always like this when he lost, pushing away those who tried to comfort him and it was extremely irritating. He hadn't even lost, it was only half time but Tottenham were behind two nil. His mum sighed and picked her bag up off the floor. "Tell him to call me when he's out of his little mood swings. Bye little man." She turned and pecked your baby son on the forehead, before giving you a hug and wandering off to the stands again.

As you were waiting for Dele to come out of the bathroo,, your son started making cute little baby noises and shuffling about it in the car seat. You smiled and stared down at him as his bright blue eyes stared back at yours and you stuck your tongue at him playfully and he smiled, making your heart burst with joy. You took him out of the car seat, bundled him up in his blue blanket and started rocking him gently. Only three weeks old and he was already your life and soul. He looked so much like your boyfriend, the only thing he got off you was his eyes.

You heard an angry bang and he began to cry. You started to soothe him and rock him gently, as he cried loudly, startled by the loud bang. He finally began to calm down and his eyes started to droop, falling back to sleep. You gave him a kiss on the forehead and tucked him back into the car seat. Dele finally stormed out. He strode towards us and stood there, stationary.

"What was the bang, babe?" He shrugged and kept his gaze on the floor. "Babe, you did well. I am so proud of you. Even though you haven't scored." He looked up for a second, flashing you a quick smile. His gaze quickly went back to his son as he clenched his fists. "I want to score, for him. And I haven't done that." You smiled softly at him as he watched the baby.

"Hun, it's only halftime. You've got a whole other 45 minutes to score. You will always make him proud. Every time you had the ball, he'd make the cutest little noises; I recorded them for you." You pulled out your phone and showed him the video. He pulled the phone to his ear and listened, a smile prominent every time he heard the noise.

"It doesn't matter. Jose looks like he's gonna sub me off anyway. He looks at me like I'm useless." You blinked and turned to him.

"Babe, who cares? You are in best form right now. Who cares what he thinks? Now, go on. You need to go to the changing room. We'll be in the stands, cheering." He nodded, gave you a kiss before rushing off to the changing room.

You returned back to the stands, where his mother was sat, looking at her phone at the photographs you'd taken before. "They are so adorable, I can't." You laughed as you sat back in your seat and put the car seat in the seat beside you. "What's up with Mr Moody back there?"

"Just disappointed he hasn't scored for his son yet. You know how he gets."

time skip to game time.

You held your baby in your arms as you clapped his hands together for his dad. Dele was sprinting down the field, renowned with hope, the ball completely in his control, before he smacked it into the net, in a beautiful goal. You squealed with joy and laughed as your baby did the same, mesmerized by the shouts and cheers surrounding him. You watched as Dele blew a kiss and pointed up towards your box. You gently moved your baby's hands into a wave and he saw his dad on the big screen and pursed his lips as well, making the audience laugh as the camera panned to you both in the stands.

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