Scott McTominay

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You took your seat in the auditorium, looking around at the surrounding crowd for your family and your boyfriend, who you knew were proudly watching. You smoothed down your blue gown, before sitting down next to your assigned partner, who you engaged in polite conversation with. Eventually, the ceremony began and all the boring speeches began. You tried to keep your concentration but were struggling. You felt your phone vibrate and pulled it out of your gown pocket to see what it was. It was a SnapChat notification from Scott, who'd sent a photo of him, your parents and your siblings sat a couple rows behind you, sticking their tongues out.

You smiled and screenshotted it, before taking a sneaky selfie with the girl sat next to you, both of you crossing your eyes out. You send it to Scott and also posted it on your story, tagging the girl in it as well. He'd quickly responded with a 'Damn, who's that girl to the left? She looks like girlfriend material.' You chuckled before replying 'Sorry she's got a boyfriend, some footballer guy.' You both carried on texting before you were gently nudged in the side, as your row were getting up. You tucked your phone in your pocket and followed the person beside you to the line, where you were getting ready to receive your diplomas. Finally, after so many years of hard work and commitment, it was all about to pay off.

You came back to reality just in time to hear your name and 'A Degree in Paramedical Science' be called out. As you smiled and walked forward to collect your diploma, an overwhelmingly loud clap and cheer filled the hall. You received your diploma and as the applause died down, you heard a very loud 'That's my girlfriend' being bellowed and it seemed everyone chuckled. You blew a quick kiss to Scott, wherever he was and smiled for your photo. You then went back to your seat and waited for the ceremony to be over. After the cap toss (which you got amazing photos of), you went to go and find your family, but before you could, you spotted Scott stood close by, looking through the midst of graduating students for you. You tried to sneak up behind him but he heard your heels and turned to you as you were ready to jump on him.

He pulled you into a massive hug, so tight that he picked you up and spun with you in his arms. You laughed and he slowly put you down and started kissing all over your face. "I am *kiss* so *kiss* proud *kiss* of *kiss* you *kiss*" You smiled and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"It's all over! All the stress, all the work, all the emails. I am free." He smiled at your little antics as you raised your arms over your head. You heard more footsteps and turned to see your little brother run and launch himself at you.

"Buba! Did I do well?" He nodded and you laughed, pressing little kisses everywhere as he squirmed and giggled. "Do you wanna wear sissy's hat buba?" He excitedly nodded and you both laughed, as you took your cap off your head and tried to put it on his head but it was too big and his head disappeared quickly.

One of your professors saw you and came up to you. "Dr. Roberts!  What a pleasure." She smiled politely. "Congratulations on graduating. One of my top students is finally leaving. How will I cope?" You laughed and stuck your tongue out at Scott, who mumbled 'Teachers Pet' under his breath. "You have a wonderful young family. It must've been difficult balancing having a family with your work. I commend you for that."

Before you could correct her, Scott came in and thanked her, before she wandered off to congratulate other students. Your parents came over and you gave them massive hugs, as they gushed over your diploma. They left soon after, claiming that your brother need to sleep but they were really going to set up your surprise party at Scott's house.

You turned to Scott after they left. "Little family, huh?" He laughed as you lent into him, laughing as well, as you left the building and wandered through St Peter's Square on your way to the car.

"So? We could do someday, you know. If you want to." You stopped walking and a massive smile broke out on your face.

You eventually got to the car and you collapsed into the passenger seat, exhausted. Scott laughed and pulled out his phone, recording you lying there in your cap and gown, with your eyes closed, your diploma tight in your hands, laughing.

When you finally got home, all you felt like doing was sleeping. You got out of the car and Scott put his hand on your back, guiding you up to the door. "Shit, forgot the car keys. Go in baby, I'll be there in a minute." You nodded absentmindedly and unlocked the front door. You jumped back, your mouth wide open as you were met with a massive party and all of your loved ones popping party poppers or blowing into those things that make the noise.

Your energy was immediately revived as you turned to look at Scott, who hadn't left at all but was recording your reaction from behind, who was smiling at you. You looked back in and proceeded to talk to everyone who had came and got photos with everyone. After a while, you'd turned to Scott's sister and asked her to gather everyone in the living room. She complied immediately and handed you her daughter, who you quickly got changed into a special shirt.

Everyone was in the living room waiting, as you and Scott's niece reemerged. "So guys, I have good news. Go tell them kiddo." You put the child down and she spun around, the back of her shirt reading 'She's having a baby'. There was a loud cheer as everyone turned to look at Scott, whose eyes seemed to be shiny.

"Oh my god. We're gonna be parents.  I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He shouted and he came to you, pulling you into a cute PG kiss. He pulled away and breathlessly asked "How far along?" You looked back up at him, leaning your forehead against his and said 'three months'. As if his smile couldn't get any bigger. All his mates started whooping and shouting when he started blinking agressively and his mum began to laugh at her son trying not to cry.

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