Antoine Griezmann

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"You said he wasn't going to be here!" You said as you stood in your best friend's bridal suite, as she went through last-minute hair alterations, a couple minutes before she was due to walk down the aisle. She shrugged nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact. 

"Erika, you know he's Hugo's best friend and obviously his best man. Just try to let bygones be bygones please, for me. You don't even have to speak to him." You sighed and contemplated it for a minute. Seeing Antoine would reopen so many wounds for you. It had only been two or three months since your relationship unraveled, after you found out Antoine had a one night stand at the bachelor party, and you instantly left him, despite his insistence that it was 'a one-time slip up' and he was still completely in love with you. 

You sighed and sat back in your seat. You'd already put up with Marine making you wear one of the most unflattering colors on you (your bridesmaid dress was light grey and one shouldered, you thought you looked like an ancient Roman warrior). "Only for you, Marine. But if he says anything, I will backhand him. I am not joking."

Marine laughed as the hair stylist chuckled. "Don't blame you. I would do the same." The stylist finished up and gave her a nod. Marine took a deep breath, as you handed her the bouquet and lined up the other bridesmaids. 

"Let's get her married!" You said and they all whooped as you headed out of the room, down the stairs to the wedding hall. You could see the groomsmen all stood waiting for their partners and you caught Antoine looking up at you, but kept your gaze as far from him as possible. You did everything you could to make sure you avoided him as long as possible, even demonstrating to the flower girl the exact manner of tossing Marine wanted. Eventually it was your turn to walk, everyone else had gone. You grimaced as you stood beside him, keeping as much distance between you both as possible. Marine's dad chuckled as Marine cleared her throat and you flipped her off, before scooting closer to him. 

As you were both walking, you could see the bridesmaids trying not to laugh at the awkward expression on your face and the groomsmen shooting you sympathetic looks. At the end of the aisle, you shot Hugo a quick smile before elegantly extracting your hand from Antoine's and going to your place in line. You didn't miss the slight pang of pain in his eyes as you left his grip, but whatever. He deserved it. 

The wedding was beautiful, you had to admit that you had shed several tears. You were holding Marine's bouquet, your fingers going over the ribbons around the outside. That could've been you. You gave him four years of your life and he threw them away like they meant nothing to him. You brought yourself back just to see the kiss and you cheered loudly, quickly wiping the tears away with the back of your hands. Marine turned to you to get her bouquet back and you handed it to her, squeezing her hand to show how proud you were. 

Hugo swung her up and they headed down the aisle. You clapped as they went but let out a sigh. You and Antoine had to stay behind to make sure all the guests had left to go to the reception venue and watch their daughter Anna, who was sat at the front with Hugo's parents, who left to go and help sit the guests in their correct seats. 

The venue quickly cleared and you felt Anna tug at your skirt as he went to thank the pastor. "What's up bébé?" She lifted her hands up and you laughed, lifting her up.

"Why are you and Uncle Ant not talking?" She said, her big brown eyes staring into yours, as you sighed.

"Well, sometimes love just doesn't work out, you know, bébé. And that's not always anyone's fault, it just happens. Your maman and papa are so in love, they will stay together forever and ever and ever." You said, brushing your nose against hers as she giggled and you started to walk her back down the aisle to get into the waiting car so you could go to the reception. "But for us, it wasn't meant to happen. And that's okay."

"Do you still love him tata?"

You bit your lip in thought. "Of course I do. Love doesn't just stop. But it will go eventually and I will find someone else." Anna nodded as you reached the end of the aisle and you put her down. "Wait here darling. I need to grab my phone," you said and she nodded, sitting crosslegged at the bottom of the steps as you dashed up the stairs.

You went into the preparation room and grabbed your phone. You turned, ready to head back out but Antoine was stood there. You jumped back in shock and your hands went to your chest. "OH MON DIEU! You scared me so much." He smiled awkwardly, then took a couple steps closer to you.

You thought he was going to kiss you and to be honest, you wouldn't have minded. You had missed him so much but the pain was too much to overlook. He gently held your face in his hands and stared into your eyes, his eyes a little red and teary. 

"I am so sorry for ever hurting you mi amour," he said as he stared into your eyes for a good few seconds, before he stroked your cheek for the last time and walked out. You stood there, in shock, not managing to process what had just happened. 

"Allons! The car is here!" You heard Anna yell as you nodded, blinking away your tears as you got ready for the reception.

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