chapter 45

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The sound of the shower running was very distracting for a Darlington  who was trying to make her green tea to cool her down in her room. The kettle whistling brought him back and he realized it was time for him to pour the hot water into the cup and add the tea. Josephine stepped out fully clothed in a basket ball jersey and long jogger pants.

She slid her arms around his waist and rested her chin in the crook of his neck, causing him to freeze. "It feels good doesn't it?" She whispered causing shivers to run down his spine. He loved the way she sounded. "Being here. Just you and me. You don't have to deny it darling, I know. The way your cheeks go red when you see me, or you stare for too long." She began trailing her hand under his top an going upwards to his bare chest.

Darlington's breath hitched in his throat as he found himself leaning into her touch. Her hand stopped and he felt her slightly slumb against his body. She was burning up fast and he had to do something. "I'm cold" she said slowly into his ear, even her breath was hot. He grugily pulled her to her bed and draw the comforter over her.

She groaned pulling it off. "I'm hot" she said while shivering. Darlington brought the green tea which she gulped down in seconds. He put the cup on the bed side table and stood to leave. Already deciding he'd stay the night again. "Don't go. Please. I'm cold." She said looking at him with tired sleepy eyes.

Darlington sighed. It had to be the fiver messing with her. "I'm not going I'd be down stairs if you need me" he said with a warm smile but she groaned deeper.

"I want you to stay here." She said like a child.

Darlington scratched the back of his head in confusion. "Ok um, do you have more comforters so I could lay on the floor?" He asked her.

"Lay with me darling. Please." Her voice was breaking.

Darlington went red to his ear. "L-l-lay with you?" Darlington practically chocked on his words tucking a loose strand behind his ear shyly. "Well I can't really do that- you're not in the right state of mind- its like taking advantage of you and -" he stammered awkwardly and Josephine pulled Jim down to the bed so he was laying facing her.

"If anything darling, it is I who is taking advantage of you" she said pulling him closer by the waist. Darlington felt his blood rush up to his face, he was unable to form words. "Wanna hear a story?" She said staring into his watery eyes. He slowly nodded. Her body was burning up but here she was acting strong.

"There was this girl. Her father didn't have time and she didn't have a mother so she was left with his nutritionist. The nutritionist had a family of her own and couldn't always come over. The girl soon got accustomed to her children, one boy and one girl as at the time the girl was 1. On the year she was to turn 2, the woman gave birth again to a baby boy. And somehow she felt a connection to the child. Taking care of him even though she couldnt do much. The two became closer as they grew. But there was a problem. He had to leave. And when he left, the girl kept going down to the shut down restaurant. Hoping that the boy would magically reappear. And he did. Eventually." She said with a small smile. As Darlington listened to her quietly. He had long forgotten her. But right now, he felt ok in her arms. "I love you Darlington Kenneth"

She drifted off into a sound sleep with her hand losly around his waist. "I like you too" we're his words as he scooted closer to her warmth.


Darlington woke up to the light rays of the Sun hitting his face. The side behind him was empty and it felt cold. "Good morning darling" he heard Josephin say in a sing song tone as she adjusted her cufflins on her maroon suit. She stood in front of her walk in closet. Darlington sleepily rubbed his eyes and yawned.

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