chapter 15

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"Please. Help me check on king" Alicia repeated, her cheeks a little heated.

"W-why?" Darlington asked shocked, adjusting his glasses.

"She hasn't been herself of recent and she has a thing for you. She needs to calm down right now." Alicia added. She felt her pride break down into fairy dust and float away. "Plus i have a street fighting competition in about an hour" she added and the fear returned in Darlington.

Darlington's thoughts: let's get logical here. She just said street fighting contest. And she is making a friendly request from me. She could beat me to a pulp and i need my hands for cooking if not anything else. Ok. I'd just use the excuse that josh told me how hard it is for her right now. Not like I am scared or anything.

"S-sure" Darlington said, adjusting his glasses. It's like they got a little more loose. Alicia showed him to the class Josephine was.

She was hunched over sitting on a chair, using her hands to support her head while looking down. "Go on pretty boy. See you later" Alicia said waving off and walking in the opposite direction. Darlington gulped hard. If he just ran away, it'll stop him from having to blush to death. Just her smirk was enough to doom him. He took a step back, tripping over his shoe lace and falling on his behind. "Owie" he cried and Josephine's head shot up. She knew that cry.

She went towards the door to find a flushed Darlington on the floor a few inches away from the door, adjusting his glasses. She leaned on the frame of the door, crossing her hands and her legs while looking at him amused.

"What are you doing here darling?" She asked, her voice hoarse and different. But Darlington could tell who had that voice from a mile away.

"I-I well actually, I ummm you see the thing is-" he tried explaining himself while still on the floor, putting to of his fingers in motion, the tip touching one another before he moved them apart continuously like fidgeting.

King giggled at his cute behaviour. Her eyes seemed brighter now. She threw her head back laughing and Darlington was sure he had never seen anything or person that beautiful in his life, her hoarse voice made her sound hotter as She laughed. She showed off her pearly white teeth and seeing her dark lips like that was a whole pack of temptation. Darlington bit on his lower lip.

She finally stopped laughing to find Darlington staring at her intently with blush thst reached his ears.

"Thinking unholy thoughts aren't we my darling?" King asked with a smirk.

"N-no" he stammered.  Caught in the act.

"Come on. I'd help" she said offering Darlington her hand. Standing more firmly.

Few minutes later Darlington found himself in that classroom

"All good. I honestly don't want you falling for anyone else" she said getting up and dusting off invincible dirt from her hands, she leaned back so she was half sitting on a table, her arms crossed as she looked at a red Darlington. Usually people just swooned for her lines because she was hot but she's swooning because he fits all her lines.

"So, why did you come?" She asked, arching a brow at Darlington. Under her gaze he felt his knees go weak so he gripped on the hem of his shirt. He was begging himself to form words.

"A-Alicia. She told me to check on you" he finally spoke. Josephine sighed, pulling two seats. One in front and the other she sat on.

"I see" she said, a small genuine smile on her face. She rested her head on the back of the other seat. Darlington didn't know what to do anymore. Was he meant to leave? Should he ask her what's wrong? Or should he just stay put? He took a loud squeaky step back.

"Seat darling" she said with her hair still down and he sat, on the floor. Innocently looking at her waiting for her next orders.

"Seat" she said again this time patting on the seat in front of her and he gulped but obeyed.

The moment he sat, her hands went around his waist sending shivers with each clothed touch. Her head still rested. Darlington was panicking. His heart was racing.

"I'm sorry" she breathed. Her face was heated up but of course he won't see that. "I'm sorry I took your first and second kiss. I'm sorry i did it without permission twice." She added, her hands tightening around him like she was scared to let go or trying to feel that he was still there since he made no sound and his loud beating heart was the only proof he was still there "I hope, I hope one day, you'd give them to me yourself" she said finally and a small smile spread across his face. He wanted to say something back.

"Well, you can pay for that by going out there and winning this game. Josh and your fighting friend won't be so happy if you lost. And Alicia would think its my fault so, go  out there and kick some people's behind!" He said as words of encouragement. Her head shot up, staring at the back of his intently.

What was this dumb feeling he was making her feel? This familiar sensation. Her heart did a samasult but her hands around him loosened. And he stood up. She stood up after him. He left words for the wind to carry because he was too shy to say them "You look really cute when you smile"

King was determined all of a sudden. She knew that she had to win this game. To get Darlington's favour at the least. To make him speak to her like that again.

"Ok!! Time to kick some asses!!!!!!!" She threw her fists in the air enthusiastically.

Alicia sighed from outside.

She was by the door after Josephine took Darlington into the classroom. She heard everything and even hid when Darlington ran out.

Her heart hurt but it was for a good reason. She felt glad. But it hurt so much. She gripped her chest and walked away, head hung low. Going out of school premises.

A/N: Darlington is so cute!!!!!!

My brother said I was making him look like a loli tsandere anime gjrl with short hair and glasses and that king was like all those cool guys.

And I told him "Well, Darlington is a pretty boy" and he went all.... "are pretty boys a way of saying gay now?" And that got me thinking......

In the next three chapters, whose ready for lgbt?????

I know she is.


I'm not a gay guys fangjrl.

I'm a tomboy, like king...... just shorter..... Lol.....

See you guys soon!!!!!

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