chapter 3

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"Bro, she learnt from the best! her dad is a pro, they've both got the looks, the hair, the smirk, the swagger and most of all, the money!" Josh explained to an uninterested Darl at biology class where darl had an apron on and gloves as he skilfully used the dissecting knife to open up his test subject, a frog. And Josh was beside him chatting on and on about how awesome king was, while darl was trying his hardest bit to freak out about the blood that was all over his desk.

"I'm telling you man, if she called me darling I'd be at her beck and call for the rest of my life" Josh exaggerated

"That was two weeks ago..... we haven't even been acquainted yet, plus, I don't think I want to be anyone's slave" darl replied shyly putting his knife away and bringing out the heart of the innocent dead frog that was in front of him.

"Stop being like that..... shy and all, it'll make girls think you're gay and they'd just friend zone you" Josh scoffed and Darl's face went red instantly. "I'm coming," darl said pulling off his gloves, and taking off his apron, then leaving class and there in the hall way waiting for him was king.

"I thought you'd never come out" she said with an eye roll and darl looked shocked. Was she standing here all this while? And without giving him the chance to think, she pulled him away then shoved him into the nearest locker room and turning on the light. She looked at him, deeply, her eyes running over the shy scared looking Darlington who seemed to cower before her.

"Look at me" she commanded and he kept his gaze down, his glasses were slipping from his nose, when jojo had enough of it and forced his face up, holding him by the chin making him look at her.

"These beautiful blue eyes of yours....." She trailed off looking intently at him, "i-i-" he was saying  trying to avert his gaze but she held his chin in position, "if you want to say something, say it darling" she breathed on to his face, her breath smelt of bubble gum, and he cringed at how his name rolled out her tongue,

This was a tight space and it's not like jojo was letting him go so easily. "What do you want from me?" Darlington asked after taking a deep breath to calm himself even though his face was still red and jojo was shocked by his question and her mouth was left slightly open "it's like I've had eyes on me all this while! Each time i try to talk to you, youre with one of those footballers, or basketballers and you giggle each time I trip or act out of place-" a smirk formed on jojo's face as she softly grazed her lips against his and he kept shut immediately and his sudden outburst was replaced by shock.

"Hmf" she scoffed as she opened the door and left him there. His lips parted. It was just too shocking and his brain wasn't processing it. He cleared his throat, adjusted his glasses and left but by the time he got back, biology was over and it was time for  sports and he cringed. He would have to ignore her no matter what. She just stole his first kiss! Even though it was just a peck on the lip, it was unacceptable!

He changed for sports and he was groaning all the way to the court. It's not like he didn't like sports or anything, it's just that holding the ball or catching it or throwing it was too much for him. He'd rather be in the kitchen working up the grills, slicing and dicing those vegetables.... yeah, that the stuff.

He smiled a little go himself because of the thought of going home and pouring his frustration of getting his first kiss stolen from him in not more than two weeks of attending the school by a girl called king! Who the carrots names a girl king? That's just baccons he thought as he opened the door into the male sport side and speak of the devil.

She was right there, why does she play with the Boys again? He questioned himself as he pushed up his glasses and he noticed her eyes on him and she smirked, her jersey read and her skills read boss and he sure as hell noticed the skills as she dribbled through guys who were a head or less taller than her and scoring points, after points, after point.

Darlington was too busy noticing her, her short neck length Brunet hair, her Gray eyes that looked so beautiful. How had he never noticed it? her Oreo skin that was glittery made it seem impossible to have grey eyes. He had never really looked into them, not the way he was staring at her right now. I mean he has seen her eyes, but it seems now that he hadn't really seen them. "Ay darling!you gonna keep staring at me or you gonna come play some B-ball?" She suddenly said catching him off gaurd.

She smirked after her question and he looked away shyly, his face going red as he walked into the court. "I-I" he was saying but ended up finishing his sentence with thoughts. I can't play basketball.

Jojo raised an eyebrow at him confused. Why couldn't he just say what he wanted to say?
"At! Josh! Your team vs mine okay?" She ordered and Darlington and the rest of the guys who weren't playing formed a straight line.

Josh jogged over. His jersey resd number 2 that explains why the ladies love him Darlington said. "Adam" he said picking a boy with dirty brown hair. "Jay" jojo called picking a boy with chestnut Brown hair.

Darlington closed his eyes silently praying that Josh would pick him, but he knew that Josh wouldn't. "Ah, youre mine darling" he heard someone whisper in his ear and he jumped back. How did she get there? He thought, his face turning pinkish. "Come on, let's go. I'd protect you" she said with a wink and pulling him along not letting him protest. Not like he could.....

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