chapter 63

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"grandma!" Josh practically bowed at her and she smiled in approval. Then he hugged her with a bone crushing force but she didn't seem to be a light woman.

Darlington didn't finally realized what was going on. Staring back and forth between two gray storms. "I'm sorry for my rudeness" he said courtly. "I didn't know you were..." He began but she laughed causing him to stop. It was breath taking. Yes, extremely breath taking. He paused for a moment then turned to face Josephine who smiled at him.

"I look to cool to be their grandmother. I know." She said giving her hair a flip. The school bell rang immediately after. "Go to class querido, I'd catch up." Josephine said reassuringly and Darlington nodded. "It was lovely meeting you grandma!" He said as he jogged to class "call me Rose!" She shouted right back at him and he yelled back. "Ok grandma Rose!" Rose laughed a bit facing Josephine. "He's such a darling isn't he?" Rose said toying with her thousand dollar necklace. Josephine hummed a reply. "Back to business, you're showing up at the funeral tomorrow, so you also know who'd be there right?" Rose said, her tone growing serious. Josephine sighed.

"Well then, have you thought it through?" Rose asked again and Josephine rubbed her hand on her temple. "Yeah I have" she said. "You know how important this is right?" Josephine found more interest in her clenched fists than her grandmother's words. The second her father died, she knew that things would never be the same. Never. "Well then. See you at the funeral" rose said and turned to leave, her body guards following her like good pets follow their masters. She groaned loudly in frustration. She just got him back, she just had him in her arms.... She couldn't possibly......


Josephine was dressed in a black suit greeting the guests. "Hey there love" she turned knowing the source of the voice immediately. She smiled softly but sadly at him. Leaving the building, they began to walk. "How're you holding up?" Maxwell asked and Josephine just sighed. "It could be worse." Josephine said sipping from her cup and Maxwell tipped his cup slightly in the direction of a woman clad in all black and a black sun hat. "Speak of the devil." He said and Josephine looked up in the direction he was referring to. She groaned this time. "Josephine is that you?" The woman with red painted lips and skin that was anything near Josephine's said with a plastered smile. She was... Beautiful.

"Edna" Josephine greeted with an equally fake smile. After exaggerated pleasantries, Edna whispered "I'd be expecting you in court next week" the glee in her eyes were of excitement and joy. "just to let you know, the whole family supports you" Maxwell whispered and Josephine nodded. She was tired. Extremely tired.


Graduation was like a quick question with an answer and University was like..... The begining of a new story? It had been a few days after the funeral and Darlington was in his room, jotting down meaningless words while listening to music with his head phones, he had submitted his result and was already awaited at the Bridget collage in Canada. He really liked the school simply because it was close to home and he'd be around most of his friends and family but then again, there was Josephine. She had been acting weird of recent.

Josephine got tired of knocking on Darlington's window as she didn't know how much time she had left before they found out she was gone. She slid the window open and jumped  in. He still didn't notice, he was engrossed with what he was doing. His scribbles and designs. She started at him with so much fire in her eyes she felt like she might end up burning him. Josephine smiled in satisfaction. She stalked over to him, her breath fanning his ear and he turned back so fast he might have snapped his neck, his lips were met with soft ones his eyes widened a fraction but then relaxed as the familiar taste of bubble gum flooded his senses. Her hand was rubbing circles on his lower back and that slowly loving kiss soon became a heated one filled with hunger, desire and plea?

Darlington found his hands in her soft curls, tugging at them slightly. She groaned into his mouth and he groaned back in response. She was hitting buttons she didn't know how to redo. She was seriously, hitting buttons. "When- how?" Darlington asked as he struggled for breath when they broke apart for a while to allow him get up. "A while- not too long-" she said as he tugged her jacket and she threw it off, to the floor. She stopped. Her lips connecting with his neck. "I've missed you" she said breathlessly, and he accidentally moaned out. "hold it in darling. You don't want to wake up your parents or siblings up" she said with a devilish smirk on her lips and she continued, Darlington nodded obediently, her lips going lower to his collar bone. He groaned grabbing a fist full of her hair in his hand causing her to bite harder down and he almost lost his mind. He stopped her as her hands went lower, "w-w-why did y-you c-come?" Darlington said and Josephine paused, licking her lips and slicking her hair back.

"Come with me to England." Josephine demanded. "W-what?" Darlington stammered. "Let's leave. I'm leaving tomorrow. We could go together. You've already got your passport and you're already 18, I've been thinking about it for a while-" she began and Darlington stood up from the bed.

"I'm not going" he said with a period to it. Josephine looked down sadly. "How could you expect me to just leave everything here? My hardwork? I'm going to Bridget collage and you just-"

"There's another branch there in England. I'd take care of everything. Your housing and turion too." Josephine tried to reason.

"And what if I said I want to be independent? What if I said I want to live off my own hardwork?" Darlington said back.

In a heated argument like that, there was no way his family won't wake up.

"Is it about to scholarship? I'd just call Alonzo and make him allow you attend the one in England-" Josephine said back

Darlington's eyes widened. He wanted to be taken care of, he wanted to be treated right but- "why do you always do this?! I'm not all that weak! I really am not!" He cried and she kissed him, roughly. His lower lip had a cut on it after she pulled away. Darlington clenched his fists. "Leave!" He said and she looked at his lower region that seemed tight, the heat in the room didn't help. Darlington looked down and his face heated up. "Let me just help with that at-" Josephine began, hand behind his neck and the other on his waist pulling him closer and slamming her lips on his. She tugged his hair back and deepened their kiss. Her hand went lower and lower and Darlington moaned into her mouth. He stopped her.

"Please- leave" Darlington begged. "But youre-" Josephine tried to defend but Darlington stopped her "I'd do it myself! Just go!" Darlington said and she stepped back and started towards the window. Josephine turned back and said "I'd be gone by 8am tomorrow" and like that she was gone like the wind. Darlington was stupidly doodling his name and Josephine's together with forever there on it. He looked down at his eager little friend that was slowly beginning to calm and covered himself with a pillow. "We heard shouting" his brothers voice said and he looked up at them with tears in his eyes. Darlington had never been one to throw a tantrum and he had never had a rebelius phase and seeing him like this, all scared and confused the walked to him "you can tell me" Darlington grabbed onto his brother's clothes and sobbed loudly into it, wailing.

How could he tell her that he wanted to be treated right, to be taken care of, but he didn't want to be a burden to her?

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