chapter 59

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Josephine drove silently, not really sure where she was going or if the road was even safe enough for her to be driving at full speed while drinking. She was a woman who could hold her drink, that's for sure but the reason she was drinking... The drink didn't even seem to help, like pouring water into the ocean. She didn't feel anything other than numbness as she drank away blasting music through the car. She went ahead to the airport after driving more times than necessary aimlessly around. She then decided that it wasn't impossible to drive all the way to  a place she had taken Darlington to only once. Her home of solitude as it was. Her sanctuary. 14 hours wasn't too much for her to do it.

Drive all the way to California, San Francisco. Songs played one after the other as she nodded to them. She had to urge to drive into a tree, into a lake,  she drank more than four bottles of alcohol not relenting to stop and buy more every now and then. Josephine pulled out her cigar stick, taking it in. Maybe just one stick? Two maybe? Maybe just three packs. She had lost count. She felt numb but... Cold. She felt like she might freeze over. Silent tears ran down her her cheeks as she drove. Taking a stop to appreciate the moon light by a tree and screaming to God knows who. Screaming and crying till her throat went sore. It became like... A routine? Yes, taking breaks when her hands got too shaky to carry on with the steering. So it took her 24hours to get to her little hut.

Although she was there to get some air, she dashed into the mahogany house to rummage for a pack of cigar.

Darlington felt cold. He felt stupid, angry at himself. He was angry at her. Why didn't she tell him? Then worse she left just like that. The news had spread around the school like wild fire. Mr Adams King was dead. Josh broke down, in front of Dorothy who just tried not to cry. She rubbed his head as he cried into her shoulders. She bit her lips trying to suppress her tears. Seeing him like this made her feel sad too even if she didn't know the man.

Everyone dressed in black, no way to get to Josephine. Her phone was switched off and she hadn't been on any social medias. She wasn't replying her mails either. The burial kept on being postponed as Josephine was no where to be found and after days of begging Annabelle for her whereabouts, she finally gave in. To both of them.

School had closed and Darlington was looking for Alicia and so was she. Darlington felt a tap on his shoulder and on turning, a cold palm made contact with his cheek. The force was enough for him to spit out blood. Good thing he was putting on contacts and not his glasses. He saw the same hands grab him by the collar and slam him roughly against the wall. "Why it had to be you I don't know." She spoke and Darlington met her eyes. A proud smirk on his face. Yes, she picked him over everyone else. Alicia took a step back a bit. "I really like her." Darlington said to her and Alicia clenched her fists. "I know I might be unworthy. I know that I am selfish." He said looking at her in the eye and taking slow steps towards Alicia. "But you see... She never gave up no matter how hard I became. No matter how stubborn, arrogant, childish, stupid I became. And I guess, it's safe to say... That I l-l-l-love her!"

Alicia sighed seeping her hands into the pocket of her peach gown and Darlington did same with the blue jeans he had on. "But I've messed up way too much. Go get her girl!" Darlington said dumping a plane ticket on her and he took to his heels. Tears in his eyes. If he didn't leave, he'd break down faster and he didn't want to. His contacts stung a lot but it was better than almost being blind. He didn't deserve her. He never did. She was perfect and she was everything, but.... He? He was absolutely nothing.

Alicia stood there, looking at the paper in hand. She smiled, he really was cute. She brought out the ticket she wanted to give to him from her pocket. Guess they were both trying to do the right thing. She clutched on to the ticket she had bought for Darlington. How stupid they both were. She was going to say... "I might love her, but she loves you" she wanted to shove the ticket into his hands and run away.she shouldn't have slapped him. A punch would've been better to keep him rooted for a while. She pulled at her hair. Tears streaming from her eyes. She couldn't help but break down, leaning against the lockers as she clutched to her shoulders, weeping. Pathetic. She remembered when she first confessed her emotions to Josephine.

Falling in love at a tender age like hers was weird to everyone but worse of all, she fell in love with a girl. People are most likely to make fun of her. The girl is most likely to be disgusted by her. But none the less, one Valentine's day she had gathered the courage to tell her.

"Are these chocolates for me?" She asked eyes wide like I little kid. Alicia nodded rapidly. "Wow. It's the first time I'm getting one in person" Josephine said giddy. She had just cut her hair low and they were still in baby coils. "Thank you!" Josephine said accepting the chocolates with a big smile. "So.... Does this mean you like like me?" Josephine asked again and Alicia nodded rapidly, yet again. She was ready to face plain blanktant rejection then mockery but it never came. "I see...." She heard. "Well the thing is Alicia, if I were to lie to love you it'll only be a facade and... You see... It won't last. My heart only beats for one person right now" she said. At the young age of 11 with so much focus.

"I-i I understand." Alicia said sad but somehow relieved. She eased up a bit, looking up into Josephine's eyes. "Can we be friends?" Alicia asked shy. The girl in front of her made her feel at ease even if it was for the slightest of time. "What do you mean silly? Darling we're already friends" Alicia smiled at her.. "actually... What if we become best friends? I don't have female friends and i- I feel comfortable around you. I know it's cruel rejecting your love with friendship... But... I'd need you more as a friend than a lover so please... Would you?" Josephine had asked and being asked that by a crush, no one could say no.

Alicia wiped her eyes and took in a deep breath. She won't run away this time. Josephine needs her, not as a lover but as a friend and she needed Darlington. Not as a friend but as a lover. And that was their roles, what was she thinking? Jealousy really did one on her that's for sure. She smiled to herself. "That damned pretty boy" she whispered to herself as she got up. "Welp, I've got no choice" she stood up and went her car. She'd pay the boy and his beautiful mother a visit. On reaching the house that Saturday the day they had booked the flights, but in the evening, Darlington was shocked to see Alicia at his place so early. "Go on pretty boy. Go get dressed and pack some boy shorts. We're going to San Francisco pretty boy" she said grinning from ear to ear. Darlington had a smile of his own plastered on cute little lips.

"Yes ma'am!"

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