Chapter 24

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We're so dead. Well not really. Maybe latrelle is. Mainly because he's a prophet or was. "You ok. You look a few shades lighter then you usually are" Latrelle said. "Cuchillos" I said. That's all it took for latrelle to shift in his seat. "Your not still with the prophets right". "No. All I know is that some of them might be after me but other then that I'm out" he said grabbing my hand.

"So Cuchillos has no business with you. She shouldn't want to come after you" I said trying to convince myself along with latrelle that we were ok. If she wants to find us she can. We will always have to be on the run especially if we have a green light on us from her. I just hope spooky isn't the one to get us. I'd have to kill him just to keep us safe. I just don't understand why they just don't let us go. My phone started to ring causing me to jump out of my thoughts. Jamal. "Answer it. I put something on your phone so no one can track us." Latrelle said.

"Hello" I said putting the phone to my ear. "Jade. Are you okay." Jamal said on a panic. "Yeah I'm fine. Why." "Cuchillos just kidnapped us. Turns out little Ricky is still alive and she wants us to find him. Once we were leaving she stopped me. She told me to tell you that she's coming for you". "Why. I have nothing to do with the Santos". "I dont know either but you have something to do with a prophet". "He isn't in the gang anymore". "Well I still don't trust him. I miss you."

"I know you don't. I miss you too. Maybe one day when we get older you can come and see me." "That's going to be in like 3 years." "Yeah, I know but we'll be adults. Free to do whatever we want." "Ok. Then when we do see each other we do what I want." "Ok. We'll do whatever you want." I chuckled. "Oh by that way Cuchillos is going to call you." Jamal said. "Dammit Jamal why didn't you say something earlier" I said. "I don't know, gotta go, bye" he said then hung up.

"What's wrong" Latrelle said. "He said Cuchillos is coming for me and is going to call me" "Why?" "I don't know. " I said closing my eyes only for my phone to ring again. I hesitated before actually picking it up. "Hello." "Hello Jade. I'm sure your friend gave you the message." "What do you even want. I have nothing to do this the Santos. " "But you have something to do with the enemy."

"He isn't in the gang anymore. Plus why do you care who I'm. involved with." "So your just going to believe what he told you. I bet you didn't even ask for proof." "That's another reason why we're getting the hell away from Freeridge." I said. "Just watch out. I'll be seeing you soon." She said then hung up before I could say anything. I left out a little sigh. See normal people would probably have the police after them. Maybe FBI if its someone really important or really dangerous.

But we have gang members and leaders after us. "I'm sorry" Latrelle said. "Sorry for what" I said grabbing his hand that was on my thigh. "If I wasn't a prophet none of this would be happening. You'd be with your family and friends right now. You'd be with your parents." "Latrelle. You don't have to be sorry for being who you are. I still have my friends and family. My parents are dead. Nothing can change that".

"Your parents were killed by prophets. They wanted to get you away from me. They were going to go kill you but you weren't there so they killed your parents." He said causing me to drop his hand. After that I didn't speak. Why didn't he tell me earlier. I want to be so mad but that's what you risk when your involved in gangs and stuff. I mean of course I'm pissed but me being pissed won't reverse all of this.

At least it wasn't Latrelle who killed them. Right? I don't know if I'm being blinded by love or if I'm really just a forgiving person. "Jade. Say something please." "I'm not mad at you. I'm upset that you didn't tell me earlier but I'm not mad at you. For now on no more secrets. We need to trust each other." I said.  "Ok." He said. We sat in the car with a soft of comfortable silence.

"We're going to my cousin's house. He did the same thing we are so he wanted to help us out." Latrelle said causing me to nodded. After about 7 hours in the car (stopping for food and to go to the bathroom every now and then) we pulled up to a pretty nice house. "Lets go" he said getting out. I hurried up and followed him. "Latrelle. What's up man" a guy said coming out of the house to see us.  "What's up Drake. This is jade. The girl I have been talking about." Latrelle said smiling proudly.

It made me happy to see him so proud of me. I like making him happy. "Hello" I said sticking my hand out only for him to pull me into a hug. "Nice to meet you Jade." He said. "Drake let go of the girl before you suffocate her" a girl said coming out of the house. She was really pretty. She had green eyes with the prettiest raven hair I have ever seen. Nice brown clear skin too.

"Hi I'm Savannah." she said smiling. "Jade" I smiled back. "Well come on in. We just finish making dinner." Drake said grabbing my bags and leading us into the house. We went inside and Savannah showed us to the kitchen while drake took our bags to our room. We washed our hands and sat down to eat. The conversation was really nice. They were really nice. So peaceful and calm. That's how I want latrelle and me to be one day. For us just to have a life where we can start our own family.

Once dinner was done me and Savannah cleaned up while the guys went a talked. "So how did you guys meet." She asked. "Well I had just came back from focusing on dance for the summer. It was a couple day's before school started back up. Me and my friends were walking to orientation and he tried to rob them for some money. I said something about it and I'm the end he got my number and the rest was history." I said. We walked toward the backyard to see the guys playing basketball together.

"So you in a gang" she asked me. "Yeah. Just not a prophet or Santos." I said. "Well what happened after you meet latrelle." I told her everything. From Olivia's party to us running away. Even told her about my parents and the little information I just learned a couple hours ago. "I just keep thinking if this is the right thing to do." I said.

"I get it. I was in the same spot your in. Only it was years ago. It was hard to leave my family. I kept wanting to just go back home but I'm so happy I didn't. I would have missed out on such a wonderful life. So many adventures. Yes there will be arguments, but that's apart of life. It apart of relationships. You guys need to trust each other. Plus me and Drake will be here to give you guys advice." She said. "Thanks. I really needed that." I said.

She's so comforting. "So Cuchillos" she said. "Yeah. I just really hope she doesn't show up here and mess with your guy's stuff. I'd literally feel like crap" I said. "We'll be prepared for her. Just because we aren't in a gang anymore doesn't mean we don't have training." Savannah said. "Yeah but what you guys are doing is enough. Just letting us I'm your home is enough. I couldn't ask you to risk your lives." I said.

"Well it's a good thing we weren't asking. This is what we do. Now come on. It's getting late you should get ready for bed." She said causing me to get up and follow her till I was pulled back. "Latrelle" I smiled when I seen his face. He leaned in and kissed my lips. I'm lucky to have latrelle. "I'll see you upstairs." He said giving me another kiss then left to go back with Drake. I turned to see Savannah smiling at me. "What" I smiled back.

"He really loves you. I can see it. You guys are going to be just fine." She said and lead me upstairs to our room. "You guys have your own bathroom and walk in closet. I bought you a little gift so you guys can have fun with that. I'll leave you to it" she said leaving. I looked around the room and it was beautiful. I went in the bathroom take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face and hair. Once I was out I put on some pajamas and went to the vanity that was in the room.

While taking off my jewelry I didn't notice the smoke that was filling the room. Once I did I hurried up and covered my mouth running to the window trying to open it but it wouldn't open. I even tried smashing it with the vanity chair. The glass must have been bullet proof. That would explain why it's so thick. I ran to the door and opened it only to see someone with a gas mass there. That was not going to stop me though.

I ran at them with all the force I could to knock me down and get by but it only knocked me down. The person walked towards me, held me down, and held my nose so I couldn't breath. I had to breath at some point. Once I did I blacked out instantly.

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