Chapter 9

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I hate myself. I basically chose Oscar over Latrelle, but in the situation someone was going to be hurt. Maybe I should just make myself disappear. Everyone can for get about me and be happier. Man I sound like one of those cringy romance story's. Why did I feel so sad. All these emotions suck. Being a teenager sucks.

I feel so numb. It's been a while since Halloween was over. I cut my phone off and stayed in at home basically trying to stay alone. The only time I'd go out is to get groceries or to go to school. A lot of people have been knocking on my door but I just ignore them. My sister came by to confirm to everyone I was not 'suicidal'. You might be asking why the air quotes.

It's just that just because I want to be alone I automatically suicidal and depressed. It's annoying. Today I actually plan to get off my butt and go for a walk. I got up to take a shower and do my morning routine. I then put on my outfit and grabbed my phone and my black fanny pack.

I turned on my phone to see a lot of missed calls and texts

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I turned on my phone to see a lot of missed calls and texts. I only answered the ones from my parents and Ruby. I then put my phone back in my pocket and took this new way I found which lead to Brent wood. I knew I wouldn't know anyone over here so I was safe. Or at least safer over there then here.

"Jade" I voice said and someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned to see Corey. "Hi Corey" I said. "I have been trying to call you ever since Halloween but you went ghost on me." Corey said. "I have been kinda slowly removing myself from the outside world but that isn't really doing me any good. Now here I am" I said. "I get it. Been there before. It sucks" He said causing me to nod my head.

Before I could say anything there was shooting. I felt someone grabbed my arm and pull me somewhere. I opened my eyes to see I'm at some park with Corey? "Well this is an interesting first date" I joked. He turned and smiled at me. Then he pulled out a gun. "Say here. No matter what" he said and kissed my forehead.

"What the hell is going on" I asked. "Look. I'll explain later. Just stay here. Don't be like those girls in the book's" he said and ran and started shooting. As scared as I was he made me feel safe. He was skilled with a gun. Killed 5 guys 1 got away. "See what happens when you listen" Corey said grabbing me to only out me in a car.

"I get kidnapped" I said panicked. "No we are going to my house were it's safe. They know what you look like. Probably know who you are by now" Corey said speeding towards his house. We got there and went into the house. "What is going on" I asked. "I kill people for a living." He said. Well straight to the point I see. Was not expecting that. "I'm sorry. What are you talking about" I asked.

"I'm a Mafia. I only kill bad people. I handle people's problems" Corey said looking in a mirror at a cut he had on his cheek. Was that always there. I walked over towards the first aid kit that was placed on the counter. Then I cleaned up his cut. I used to do this with Latrelle. I miss his hugs. His kisses. Why can't this just go away.

His skin was warm. I knew his face had a look on confusion. Once I was done I seen him still looking at me. "What" I asked. "Nothing but thanks" He said. "You did save me from being hurt so it's the least I could do. "I really have to get going now" I said grabbing my phone. I went to walk away only for him to pull me back.

His arm wrapped around my waist as he put his forehead on my forehead. "Just be safe ok. I can't lose you. Your important to me now and after everything that happened today I have to protect you. I'll do anything" Corey said causing me to just nod my head. I turned to leave and walked home forgetting about the short cut. I passed Latrelle's house without even noticing.

I didn't even notice him till he came up to me. "We need to talk" he said pulling me away from his 'friends'. We ended up at my house without being seen. Crazy right. "I know we both know that I'm not an emotional guy but I'm trying my best for you. Mainly because your the only person who took the time to listen to me and care for me." He said pausing making sure I was still listening.

I looked up at him and he sat next to me on the bed. "I know saying sorry won't help anything. I know asking for your forgiveness will be hard to give to me. I know you probably don't ever want to see me again but I.." He stopped looking as if a gun was being pointed to his head. "I can't sleep without you. I can't get you out of my head. I found myself with you but now that your gone I lost it again" he said not looking at me but at the wall.

"I forgive you, but that doesn't mean I'll forget. I will always be there for you but you need to give me time to think about us" I said looking at him. "Ok" he said and lean in to kiss me. "To help with thinking" Latrelle said smiling. "Oh shut up" I laughed pushing him a bit. It was getting pretty late so I got up and changed into some pajamas after showering.

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