Chapter 19

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I woke up in Ruby's arm's. It felt nice to have my best friend back. "Morning" Ruby said holding me tighter. "Morning" I said laughing. "What do you want to do today" Ruby asked letting me go and getting up. "Let's go out for breakfast and just hang out." I asked also getting up. "Sounds good to me." We both started to get dressed.

" We both started to get dressed

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"You ready" Ruby asked me. "Yep" I said and we both left after saying bye to his parents. Once we got to some breakfast place we both sat down and started talking after we ordered. "Do you know were Latrelle is" Ruby asked me. "No. I haven't talked to him since the day I asked him who shot me. I still don't know the answer" I said. Then our food came and we started to eat.

"Do you think it was him" Ruby asked. "I don't know honestly. A lot happened that night at that party. It could be. A part of me thinks it's Oscar. That day he seemed well not surprised." I said. "But he is a gang leader. He could just be used to it." Ruby said causing me to nod in agreement. "True. I'd hate for it to come out like that though. Oscar has been with me through a lot. To think he could be the one that shot me kind of hurts. I am a target though since I'm around a lot of gang stuff."

I want to tell Ruby about me being in a gang but how. After everything he's been through I think he needs a break from it but I'd feel guilty not telling him. "Where'd you get the gun" Ruby whispered. I guess I'm telling him now. "You can't tell anyone. Your the first person I've told this but I've been training with my friend Corey." I said. "There's more to it, isn't there?" "I'm in a gang" I said. Ruby didn't say anything. He just sat there and ate his pancakes.

Suddenly I didn't feel like eating anymore so the waiter gave us some stuff to pack up our food, then we left after paying. Ruby still didn't say a word. "Ruby. Are you ok" I asked. Why would I ask that. Of course he's not ok with it. "It's just. I don't know. I'll see you later" Ruby said then left before I could say anything else. Did I just lose my best friend. Again. Then my phone started to ring. It was Corey.

"Hello" I said. "We got a target we need to take care of." "On my way" I said and hung up heading over to Corey's. Good thing it's the weekend. Can't wait till school is out. Once I got there I sat down in his couch and didn't do anything besides paying attention. "The plan is the same as always. We kill and leave" Corey said explaining the bosses orders. "If we keep doing the same plan we will be the one getting killed" I said. "Look let's just stick to the plan and get this over with" another person said causing me to sigh. What's the point of being in a gang if you don't get to have any fun. I got up and changed

I put on my mask and black timberlands with it

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I put on my mask and black timberlands with it. Then we all got into the cars and started to make our way to the destination. Once we got there we did as we normally would. We killed a lot of people. "Jade handle this last one so we can leave" Corey said. As I was about to shoot him he said something causing us to stop. "Say hello to your parents for me. That is if you can make it in time" he said. "What are you talking about" I asked pointing my gun at his forehead. "You'll see soon enough" he said and with that I shot him in his head. "I got to get home." I said as we got in the cars and headed back to Corey's house.

"Bye" I said then left to go home. All the lights were off so I thought that everyone was asleep. I walked through the house quietly and went to my room to take a shower. After I got dressed I went to my parents room but stopped when I stepped in something. I could see but not that good so I turned on a light, only to find both my parents laying on the ground covered in blood. They looked like they were shot and stabbed multiple times, I knew they were gone. I broke down and held them till I got up to grab my phone and called the police, who were on the way. I can't believe it.

I didn't want to believe this was reality. This is all just some twisted nightmare. I called my sister but she was not picking up. I stood on the porch and watched as they took both my parents out in body bags. All the flashing lights from the ambulance and police car drew the attention of neighbors. Soon the whole block was standing around to see what was going on. This is all my fault. I never should have been in a gang in the first place. I should have never talked to Latrelle nor Corey. It wasn't their faults. It was mine.

I seen Oscar making his way towards me, pulling me into a hug once he reached me. "I'm so sorry Jade" he said. "Why? You didn't kill them" I said confused on what he was apologizing for. "Yeah but I know it's hard not to have parents. Your staying with me rather you like it or not. I need to keep an eye on you" Oscar said. "But then you might die. I can't lose anymore people or I'm going to lose myself even more than I already have. Plus there probably going to have me stay with Jamal." I cried I his arms. "I'm not going anywhere. It'll take a lot for me to leave you. Jamal's is safe. Safer then over here." he said.

After everything I did he still treated me like family. Even better than Cesar sometimes. If he let's me back for dating Latrelle, why can't he let Cesar back? Cesar is blood related while I'm just a person he cares about. Maybe because I was a girl and my parents were just murdered. How am I going to survive. First Latrelle. Then Ruby. Now my parents.

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