Chapter 2

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I haven't spoken to the guys since school let out with me being busy with dance and stuff. The last time I heard from Monse was when she said they were going to steal some drinks from a party. Today was the day of orientation and I was finally meeting up with them. 

I had gotten to Ruby's house before Monse and Jamal told me everything about some rumor going on between  her and Cesar. "I'm going I'm to kick his ass," I said and was about to talk over there till Ruby grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "No. It's fine. Cesar is dead to us let's just keep it that way" Ruby said. "Ok but you guys have to tell Monse," I said. "We can't. It's not that big a deal" Jamal said. "Say's the one who looks like he's about to pee himself keeping this a secret," I said.

"Keep what a secret" Monse said startling us. "Nothing. No secret here. Let's go before we are late" Jamal said rushing off. As we were walking we talked about everything we missed besides the Cesar thing. We got to a house and some dude popped out a no were causing me and Jamal to squeal a little bit. "Tax time bitchs," he said.

He was hot and he had long hair that I just wanted to braid. "I ain't seen you around here shorty," He said to me. "Yeah I have been away for the summer," I said. "I'm Latrelle," He said. "Jade" I smiled. "We don't have any money," Ruby said. "Yes, y'all do. Y'all got that lunch money. Back to school shit" he said. "Actually it's just orientation so we aren't in school nor out of school" Monse rambled till Ruby put his hand over her mouth telling her to shut up.

"What about that 20" Jamal said and we all looked at him as if he was stupid. "What a girl like you hanging out with people like them" Latrelle said. "Their my friends and I would appreciate it if you didn't take there money" I said. "Give me your number and I'll think about it" He said coming closer to me. "I'll give you my number if you leave them alone" I smiled. "As I said I'll think about it" He said.

"Then I'll think about giving you my number" I responded. He grabbed my phone out my hands and put his number in my phone and he did the same to his but with my number. He handed my phone back. "See you later Jade" he winked before pushing through ruby and Jamal. "What the hell Jade. You just fucking made a deal with the devil" Monse said. "Actually Cesar brother is the devil. That dude scares me" Jamal said.

"Everything scares you" We yelled at him. "Well at least he won't take your money. He was cute" I said as we walked away. Before anyone could say anything a girl walked up behind us. She was a bit bigger then us and had a lot of stuff out if you know what I mean. "Jade don't looked back just keep walking" ruby said grabbing my hand. "Aye girl what you doing with my papi" She yelled and started running at us so we started running till we got to the school.

"Oh hell nah who is that" I said out of breath. "Jasmine she's like our stalker but mostly for ruby. She's obsessed." Jamal said. We walked into school and got that over with. Soon we were walking home and just so happen to past Cesar house. We stopped and Monse waved over there. I seen Spooky and waved at him. He was like my older brother which is kinda the only reason I'm close with Cesar.

"Come over here" Spooky yelled. "Please no" Jamal keep saying over and over. I went over and walked up to Spooky and gave him a hug. I talked with him a little till I went over to Cesar and grabbed him by his shirt and brought him close so only he could hear me, but I'm pretty sure all those guy's heard me. "I heard about the stupid rumor. You thought I was gone let you slide. I don't know if it's true or not but if it is then I'm going to beat your flimsy ass and throw you in a ditch" I said and let go of his shirt.

I may be shorter then him but all the strength training from dance pays off. I straighten out the top of his shirt and patted his cheek and left. "What was that" Monse asked. "Just an exchanging of word" I smiled and we walked to ruby's house.

It has been a couple of day's since we spoke to Cesar and we were chilling at Ruby's house. We were all talking till Jamal just had to spill the secret they had been keeping. Next thing you know we are all sprinting down the street after Monse,  Ruby and Jamal are trying to pull her off of Cesar while I just stood there "I told you guy's you should have told her. It was going to happen sooner or later" I said shaking my head. "You knew" she yelled at me. "Don't blame me I found out when I just got back. I'm pretty sure everyone knew before I did. Well besides you" I said.

"I'm not mad at you but you two. Why didn't you tell me" She yelled. "It's not that big a deal it just a stupid rumor" Ruby yelled. "You know what I don't need any of you" She said and grabbed my arm pulling me with her. "This is all your fault" She yelled at Cesar. "shit bag" I yelled. "Really Jade" Monse said and we got to her house. "I wanted to be apart of it two" I said. "This is fucking ridiculous" she said and flipped on her bed. "Why are you made if it's just a rumor" I asked. "Cause it's not just a rumor" she said and looked at me. "Holy shit"

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