"That book is so graphic. " she says. We all laugh. Suddenly I get a text.

"Well look at you miss popular. " says Bradley nudging me.

"Yeah fucking right. I'm like the most un popular person in the school. " I say. I open up my phone and my heart feels dissapointment. Michael.

Michael: bitch you didn't say hey.

Me: sorry..

Michael: shut up.

I decide not to reply. After a few mins my phone vibrates again.

Michael: ignoring me eh?

Me: you told me to shut up!

Michael: not a smart move.

Fuck sakes. I look over at his table. He's smirking.

"Hey lunch is almost over" Bradley indicates. We all get up and head for the exit.

"Hey kenzie!" Someone shouts.

I glance back to know enough its Michael. I stop to go over there but Bradley grabs my hand and pulls me leaving them behind.

I decided that with my spare change I would buy a pop. It's like my weakness. Dissapointed that rootbeer isn't there i grab a cream soda. Walking to my locker I glance up at the clock. Fuck. I have 2 minutes to get to English. I grab my books and start walking desperately trying to finish my pop.

As I go to pull it up to my lips my shoulder is shoved into the locker and the pop spills all down my white shirt. And my books drop. I stand there in horror.

Suddenly I start to cry. I drop to my knees picking up my papers and empty pop can. I stand up to Michael laughing his ass off.

"Look at the poor baby cry' he scoffs. I walk back to my locker and throw a spare sweater I have over my shirt. I push my books back into my locker, grabbing my car keys and leaving the building.

I climb in my car and set my head on the steering wheel letting stray tears fall. I look in the rear view mirror to see Michael standing by the gates.

I start my car, driving away leaving Michael alone in the parking lot. Once I get home I head straight to the shower, washing everything off.

Once I'm done I towel myself off, and get changed into a comfy pair of jogging pants and a baggy sweater. I fall into my bed looking through facebook for a while. I drift off into a nap.

I wake up around 2:45. I check my phone. I have 2 messages.

Madie: hey, you alright?


Michael: sorry about your shirt. It was funny though.


I throw my phone on my table rolling over and letting sleep take over my body once again.

Lukes P.O.V

Me and the Boys are hanging at my place Saturday. Should be fun.

I ly on my bed. 1:30 am flashes on the screen. I probably should sleep, but whatever.

I text madie figuring she will probably be away.

Me: you awake?

Madie: yeah.

Me: may I come over?

Madie: sure? I guess.

I slide on my jacket and grab my keys. I step out into the freezing October air walking my car. Once I climb in I crank the heat in an attempt to warm up.

I drive up to madies house, opening my car door only to be introduced to the frigid air once again.

I walk up to the porch and just before I can knock madie opens the door.

"Hi" she says.

"Hey" I say. I step in the house. We eat and watch mean girls. The clock flashes 5:30 and we are drifting to sleep.

Michaels P.O.V

I'm driving around because why not. It's 1:36. I should be getting home but I like being a rebel.

I notice Luke pull out of the parking and drive off. I decide to follow him. Kinda weird he hasn't reconized me. Then again, I'm driving my moms Hyundai. He pulls up to a house. I park a few doors down.  A girl opens the door and I notice instantly.

Why is Luke going into Madies house?


Ouu Luke got busted.

Thanks again for the 1K!!!



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