year four: dangerous turns

Start from the beginning

Cedric Diggory sprinted through the tents, looking for the Portkey back home. As he continued to run, he came face to face with Fred, George, and Ginny Weasley. But as he did, the look on Ginny's face read nothing but horror.

Ginny let out a shaky breath as she yelled over the screams. "Where's Hope at, Cedric?"

Cedric's dark eyebrows furrowed as he responded. "What do you mean? Isn't she with you?"

"Wait, she isn't with you?"

"She went to your tent." said Ginny, panic lacing her voice as she continued. "She said she had your blanket, she went to return it."

A similar look of horror came across Cedric's face as he said slowly. "I haven't seen her."

George Weasley blinked slowly, realizing that his girlfriend was lost in the sea of burning tents and tortured people. "She's by herself?"

"She could be killed!" shouted Cedric, a look of fury coming across his face.

Fred only looked to Ginny, who had silent tears running down her face. "Why on earth would you let her leave, Ginny?"

"She said she'd be right back--"

"Why didn't you go with her, George?" questioned the Diggory boy, pointing his finger at George. "You're her boyfriend, you're supposed to keep her safe--"

George looked at Cedric as if he wished death upon everyone he loved. "She wasn't in my tent, Diggory. And I thought she was with you!"

"Well, she isn't!"

Ginny just began to look around and breathe heavily, the steady sound of screams still echoing through the air. "Then where is she?"

Before any of the boys had a chance to reply, Bill Weasley sprinted up to the four, a clear puzzled look on his face. While Ginny began to cry and Cedric and George shot death glares towards each other.

"Why are you four standing here?" he shouted, pointing his wand at the teenagers. "You need to get back--"

"Bill," interrupted Ginny, throwing her hands in the air. "Hope is lost, she's not with Cedric, she's lost."

Bill blinked a couple of times before looking around. "You don't know where she is?"

"No, she--"

A loud high-pitched scream filled the air which made Cedric look around, trying to see where it was coming from. But after a steady minute, the scream went away. Which caused Cedric to breathe heavily.

"That's her scream, that's Hope--"

George let out a shaky breath and looked to his eldest brother. "She could be getting killed, Bill. That was her."

"I'll find her." Bill spoke loudly, and turned towards the way the scream came from. "The Portkey is that way, get home, now."

Once the oldest Weasley sibling was gone, Cedric looked to George with a look of pure hatred. "If my best friend is dead--"

"She's not going to die." interrupted Fred, trying to get towards the Portkey. "This is Hope we're talking about."

"Exactly," yelled Cedric, pacing in front of the three. "Hope is that person who would get herself killed because she doesn't know when to stop talking. She doesn't know her limits."

George looked to Cedric, but just shook his head. "You don't know--"

"I do know." he responded, with a voice of pure fury. "I know her."

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