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The feeling of decay was lingering in the corners of the unfinished subway station. Old posters were peeling off the walls, the images on the yellow paper already faded beyond recognition. Most of the underground shops were decorated with 'out of business' signs, glued on the glass among the few places that managed to survive even after investors ran out of money and failed to complete their plans to rebuild the station and turn it in to a shopping centre.

'' Hyungi, right? '' The salaryman was standing in front of a board with the subway schedule and trying to make sense the numbers on the old piece of paper. The hours were back from a few years ago and completely different from how the train ran these days, but he had yet to figure that out. He accidentally broke his glasses that morning, so he had to grab one of his old pairs and he could barely see the faces of people that tried to talk to him. Even Zero was just a blur of bright colors, splattered around a toothy grin.

She was chewing on her favorite pink bubble gum and twirling one of her two ponytails when she approached him and casually mentioned his name. '' You are the same Hyungi who bought more than one hundred t-shirts from an Instagram star's shitty merchandise line... Spammed her inbox with countless messages... Stalked her until he found her address... Come on, help me a little bit. Am I missing something? B was right when he told me that I should pen down all of your mistakes, but I tend to overestimate myself and my brain's abilities. ''

The salaryman's glasses slipped to the end of his nose and his eyes slowly widened in horror. Sweat began to gather on his forehead, drops sliding down the side of his face and his shirt sticking to his skin before his briefcase slipped out of his hands and he took a step back. Zero immediately grabbed his wrist, twisted his arm on his back, spun him around and pushed him forward. That way, he was leaning over the edge of the train platform and facing the tracks. The only thing holding him up was Zero's grip on his wrist.

'' You made it hard for anyone to find you, but... B did. He found you and now he knows everything. He has proof of everything... The one thousand five hundred sixty-two messages that you left in the Instagram girl's inbox. Your signature on the petition to get her removed from the internet. An additional six hundred fifty-two messages that you sent her after you found out about what a bitch she really is. Your online purchase of chloroform, gloves and the knife that you used to kill her... Should I go on? You know, you've got some interesting hobbies beyond obsessing over Instagram celebrities. I was especially surprised by your taste in cartoons. You really don't strike me as someone who'd like animated shows about cute girls doing cute things, but that's what I like about people - they are always surprising. To tell you the truth, B probably wouldn't have been able to find you, at least not as fast as he did, if you wouldn't have deleted your fan page about the dead Instagram star. ''

The salaryman wasn't a bad person, at least not until he could keep living in his delusions. A collision of dreams and reality resulted in inevitable disappointment and it pushed him over the edge. The Instagram star who made his life bearable, personally destroyed the fantasy that he built on her profile and the snippets of perfection that she chose to share with the world.

'' W-What do you want from me? Do you want money? ''

'' I love money, '' Zero admitted and let out a quiet laugh. She seemed amused by the obvious fear of the salaryman. '' Having money makes the world a lot more fun yo live in, but sadly, my friend doesn't particularly care about it. That's why I'm here to ask you to turn yourself into the police and admit to the murder of that girl. ''

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