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Sex appeal

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬━━━━━━━━❝Sex appeal❞

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Chapter Fifteen━━ Sexy


    Sky was walking down the hall, ear buds in, listening to her latest dance rehearsal song. This week they were learning the routine to No Diggity . She was trying to picture the dances and add in some original moves in her head until someone grabs her arm.

Looking over, Sky sees Santana wrapping her arm with hers as she guides her down the hallways. Tina was also with her. Sky takes out her earbuds since she saw Santana's gossip face.

"News on the block is Brittany's pregnant!" Santana exclaims.

"Wait, what!?" Sky's widen two times their natural size. It felt like they were about to pop out their sockets.

"Yeah. She told me she has a bun in the oven." Santana rubs the air in front of her stomach.

"We're gonna be God parents?!" Sky bounces her knees.

As the school bell rings, everyone then piled into the choir room. The tension was thick in the room. No one wanted to say anything since Artie looked terrified. So, until Mr. Schue walked in, it was complete silence.

"All right, folks. Regionals is in a week. It's time to get deep into our set list." He places his things on the piano then walks towards the group. He catches Artie looking terrified. "Artie, you okay?"

"My life is over. How am I supposed to support a baby?" Arite says and Mr. Schue looks worried. "How could you not tell me about this?" Artie asks Brittany.

"Wait. Brittany, are you pregnant?" Mr. Schue asks Britt.

"Definitely. I'm so sorry, Artie, I didn't want to upset you. I thought I could surprise you when I dropped him off." Brittany says and the group was confused. "I'm pretty sure it's a boy."

"Um, babies don't get dropped off." Puck informs her, or at least tries to.

"Brittany, have you been to a doctor yet?" Mr. Schue asks the blonde. "That's the only way to be sure."

"I don't need to go to a doctor." Brittany shakes her head. "I just need to look outside my window."

"Is she talking about storks? Those birds are scary." Sky leans over in her seat to whisper in Santana's ear.

"True." Santana replies as she slightly tilts her head.

"Three days ago, a stork built its nest on top of my garage." Brittany nods. Now everyone was looking at each other. "I'm not stupid. It's obviously getting ready to bring me my baby. I know where babies come from."

Santana looks over at Sky with her jaw dropped.


    New day, new Glee Club meeting. Mr. Schue went up and wrote 'sexy' on the white board. While he did that, Sky was sat atop the piano, dangling her feet.

𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 || Sam EvansWhere stories live. Discover now