Making the younger to choke a sob as he hugged the Elder tightly with his fragile hands.

"D-on't le-leave m-me." Taehyung begged and Jeongguk hugged tighter.

"Never Angel, I will never leave you." He said and kissed Taehyung everywhere like he is some kind of precious treasure.

Younger rest his cheeks on Jeongguk's chest, closing his eyes in serenity.

"Angel." He called and Taehyung looked at him with doe eyes adorning with sparkling tears.

Jeongguk didn't hesitate to kiss his rosy nose.

Taehyung scrunched his nose cutely and kissed Jeongguk's nose back.

Jeongguk froze.

Taehyung copied him like he did.

But He felt his heart skip a beat.

Taehyung looked at his neck and gasped, "Y-you are hurt." He says with wobbly lips, not liking a bit that Jeongguk is hurt.

The Dazed Elder shook his head and kissed his forehead.

"No, No it's a Mosquito bite you know insects y-yeah that insect he bites me." Taehyung nod his head like he knows what insect bite looks like.

As if insect have chance to even enter this mansion under Jin's supervision because he is the clean freak.

Jeongguk sighed a breath of relief and looked at him, "Are you hungry?"

Taehyung nod "Ook let's get your bath first OK?" Taehyung nod again and Jeongguk carried him to the bathroom.

"J-jin Hyung." Taehyung muttered, confusing Jeongguk.

"What angel?" He softly asked.

"Hyung said I cannot be naked in front of others." Taehyung's lush lashes looked up at him innocently.

"Ook then i will call Jin Hyung." Jeongguk chuckled at him, finding him adorably cute.

He wasn't going to give bath to Taehyung in the first place,, so he found it amazing that Jin Hyung taught him that too.

"Why are you constipated today?" Hoseok asked Jimin, who is silent and disciplined.

"What it's to you?" He snapped at Elder.

"Don't show me your bitchy attitude while I'm being nice, you mochi." Hoseok glared at him.

Jimin load his gun and aimed at him." Shut the fuck up if you want to live."

Hoseok smirked and marched towards him, not even bothered.

He knows Jimin can't kill him and even if he does that mere gun doesn't scare him.

Let's be clear, if this types of confrontation scared him then is he even a Mafia?

He stood in front of Jimin and grabbed his gun, guiding it to his chest.

"SHOOT NOW." He says coldly.

Jimin flinched.

He tried to remove his gun from Elder's chest, but Hoseok didn't let him.

Jimin tried with his all strength, but it's all went in vain.

He weakly punched Elder's chest, "Let go Let go let go." His voice faltered, breaking into sob.

Hoseok engulfed him, making him hide his face in his chest.

"I-I hate you I hate you I hate you, I hate you." Jimin whimpered and punched his chest lightly.

Hoseok smiled and kissed his head, hugging him tightly.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Jimin whispered.

"I was never bad to you." Hoseok softly said, and Jimin looked at him with quivering lips.

"You always fight with me" Jimin cutely glared, tears skipping from his eyes.

Hoseok shook his head and wiped it.

"Sorry " He whispered and kissed his eyes, making Jimin close his eyes.

"Carry me." Jimin says, and who is Hoseok to disobey?

He carried him and went to his room.

He placed him and attempt to left room, but Jimin grabbed his hands.

"Stay with me, please." He says and Hoseok hesitant but seeing Jimin's lips wobble. He laid down with him.

Younger snuggled closed to his chest.

"Why do you always hate me?" Jimin asked drawing a pattern to Hoseok's chest.

"I don't hate you, mochi." Hoseok says.

"I don't believe you." Jimin says.

"It's up to you." Hoseok says and get up from bed, leaving Jimin all cold and alone.

"Shit shit shit Hoseok you made the fool out of yourself." Hoseok cursed himself, oblivious of the person following him behind.

"Is he fine?" Hoseok stopped in his tracks and swiftly turn around, glaring at Yoongi.

"What's to you? You always give him cold shoulder anyway" He snapped and turned around.

Yoongi didn't say anything.

"Well, I don't give you and I have reason to give him." Yoongi says.

"Don't hurt him, you know he is not as strong as he appeared in front of us."Hoseok says.

"And who are you to say that to me?" Yoongi coldly said.

"I-im your comrade" Hoseok equally glare and cursed himself for stuttering.

"Yeah, and they don't give each other a personal advice." Yoongi coldly said and left him alone and empty.

"But we only have each others."Hoseok whispered.

Thank ku so much for votes and comments💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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