25: It Changes Everything

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Aurora ☪︎

Chapter 25:
It Changes Everything [Edited]

I had a dream.

It was so vivid in the moment, but I couldn't recall a single memory from it. For a while I thought I didn't dream at all, that maybe my brain just made it all up when I zoned out in class. I know that it's not true though, I woke up to feeling gusts of emotions coming at me at once. Confusion, sadness, anger, and a hint of something else that will forever stain my soul. No matter how hard I tried to fill in the gaps and remember what happened, only sadness and pain would engrave my mind.

It's strange, I've never been the one to not remember my dreams. I can look back on dreams as far back as to when I was a child. They were always about me being happy with all these friends and family. Some were as detailed as to me having nicknames from everyone or me doing complex dances with friends. It's almost like they weren't dreams at all, but rather memories.

I spent the whole day thinking about the dream, or lack thereof. I couldn't help but let it bother me so much as to make me distracted at work. Something feels like it's missing but I can't tell what. It's like a low buzzing sound that circles around my mind. I know it's there but no matter how hard I try, I'm always a second too slow to catch it.

Luckily Theo had surprised me with a date a mere few hours earlier which distracts me from my problems. It was very sudden and out of the blue yet I somehow was expecting it to happen, like I already knew what my future had in plan.

"You wanna know something weird?" I ask, my voice on the border of whispering. My hand falls next to me but I jerk it back up after feeling the cool grass. It surprisingly hasn't rained for the past couple of months, but the grass is still wet from the automatic sprinklers.

"What?" He copies me by saying it quietly too, turning to his side to face me. I can feel my heart quicken when he's staring at me. I don't think I'll ever get used to his gaze. We're laying on the grass where we first met and where we would occasionally meet up from then on. We started to come prepared by bringing a picnic blanket with us after the constellation incident where we had to use our jackets. Well, when Theo used his jacket.

"I think..." I debate on actually saying it out loud or not. I don't want to accidentally jinx myself and have everything go downhill from here. Then again, do I truly believe in that stuff? "I think I'm honestly content with my life."

His eyes widen slightly before raising a brow at me. He shifts around again, this time lifting himself up and uses his arm to support his weight. "Are you now?"

I nod slowly with my lips pressed together. "Yeah. I've been reflecting over my life for the past week when I can't sleep and you were right. I'm practically two different people if you compared me to myself from almost a year ago," I admit, thinking back to what he said to me in his car on our first date.

"So, how much has changed?"

"Too much, but in a good way. I feel like I belong somewhere now. I mean, I have my outgoing and introverted roommates and a frat boy as my best friends. I obviously have you as my boyfriend. I'm actually living a life. Everything's just falling into place you know?" I sigh in content, a small smile blooming on my face. A warm feeling flows through my body and it feels like I'm about to explode from happiness.

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