03: Is this Heaven

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Aurora ☪︎

Chapter 03: Is this Heaven [Edited]

"Hey, Hey! Stay with me." One.

"Can you hear me? Open your eyes." Two.

"Listen to my voice, follow it." Three.

I force my eyes to open partially no matter how against my body was to it. The voice, a guy's voice sounds so angelic, so serene, it's as if an angel's calling for me. Not that I know what an angel sounds like, but if I had to guess, that's what it would sound like.

Oh god, did I die? Am I in heaven? Okay well, it's bold of me to assume that considering I'm not religious whatsoever, but it's better than thinking I ended up in the pits of hell right?

I expected to see some kind of humanly being with giant white wings and maybe a golden halo on top of their head. Hell or maybe an all-red person with horns out of the side of their heads. I didn't. Instead of the wings and halo or red skin and horns, I see a panicked Asian guy. The one with a pair of liquid gold-colored eyes.

A look of relief passes through them and I try to scan his other features but I find my eyes closing, again. I whimper at the immense pain I'm feeling, especially the searing pain on my head. I feel myself just spiraling out like my body and soul are trying to separate from each other, but there's something, somebody keeping them together.

"No, no, no! Do not head towards the light, you can not die on me," The same voice shouts frantically and I feel pressure on my shoulder, pats. There's an unpleasant pressure on my chest and I start to get nauseous.

"Sir, we need you to move so we can bag her and stabilize her vitals," Another person says in a calm and authoritative tone. Whoever it is the other guy listens to him and the pressure on my shoulder goes away.

Deciding to humor everyone I force my eyes open once more. I feel something on my face, I'm guessing the oxygen mask and I stare at the guy with copper eyes again. The more I look the more I see him. His eyes are clouding up with tears, the ones that threaten to fall. His lips etch into a big frown with his charcoal black hair falling in front of his face. Though I don't stare at his face for long before something catches my eye. I look down at his body to see his shirt covered in dark liquid, blood. My blood.

Dread fills every bone in my body and I whimper again, this time in fear. I don't want to die, please don't let me die. I feel like puking but before that feeling goes into full effect I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. Once again I see a light in which I fully spiral.


A white room with a white bed, and a crap ton of wires all over my body. I turn slightly to see my heart monitor and I stare at it along with a couple of other monitors that are tracking my vitals. I feel extremely drowsy, wanting to close my eyes again but I force them open. I need some answers.

I turn to the opposite side this time and to my surprise, I see my roommates and my mother. My roommates are supposed to be in our dorm and my mother who is supposed to be back in Seattle.

"Hi?" My voice comes out as raw and scratchy like I've been sick for weeks and rubbed sandpaper on my vocal cords. Okay maybe that was an exaggeration but the point is, my voice sounds like absolute crap. Though it does catch my roommates' and mother's attention.

"Oh honey, you're awake," My mother cries out, rushing towards me and grabbing my hand before hugging me tightly. I feel her tears fall on my shoulder which starts to make whatever clothing I'm wearing get wet. I hug her back with one arm, and I see Nisha quietly slip out the room.

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