12: You Should Meet Them

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Aurora ☪︎

Chapter 12: You Should Meet Them [Edited]

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. I mean, how could I? A part of me was even afraid to sleep, not wanting to dream that again if it was even a dream. I'm not sure how to even make sense of it. Because I didn't sleep, I'm irritable, more than usual, and being irritated is making me extremely annoyed.

"Hello? Earth to Princess?" A voice says in a singing like tone and a pair of hands clap in front of my face making me jump back.

"What do you fucking want?" I snap, glaring at the person responsible, in this case, Matthew. I stupidly agreed for lunch with him and my roommates while in my crappy mood.

"Woah, calm down, grumpy." He puts his hands up in a surrender motion, a look of surprise on his face at my rudeness, I assume. I can feel my temper rising, like a pot of water starting to boil. I feel a little guilty for lashing out on him but it doesn't last long under my annoyance.

A soft clanking sound catches my attention, and I glance down, seeing Nisha push my cup of soda closer to me. I narrow my eyes, breathing a little quicker.

"I'm sorry, I can't do lunch right now." I stand up abruptly, getting ready to leave for their own sakes. I accidentally bang my hip against the corner of the table in the process, making me hiss out in pain along with a side of curses. Fantastic.

A string of 'Are you okay?'s fill the air, and I meekly nod, clenching my teeth and forcibly sitting back down until the pain subsides.

I let out a groan, slumping back on the seat and closing my eyes, giving up on this day. I distantly hear Matthew calling for some ice, and the next thing I know, something falls on the table. I open my eyes to see a bag of ice in front of me.

Matthew takes hold of it, raising it as if asking if he can put it, and I nod. The pain was already going away, but who cares, that ice can't go to waste, right?

"Well, damn princess, I didn't know you wanted to get away from me that bad." He gives me a stupid playful grin, and my mood can't help but lift slightly. Matthew is too good for me, I cursed at him not even a minute ago yet here he is, tending to my 'injury'.

"Oh, it's not you, it's me."

"Aw man, now you're breaking my heart." He pouts, gingerly putting a hand to his heart as if I wounded it with an arrow. I roll my eyes at his overdramatic personality, finally reaching out for my soda. I take the sugary drink in big gulps, feeling the caffeine kicking in.

I make eye contact with Emrie and she gives me a weird look with an extremely creepy smile. I'm about to ask her what her problem is but Nisha speaks up first.

"Think you can stay now?" Nisha raises an eyebrow at me, unimpressed at my actions.

I nod meekly, finishing the rest of my soda. "Sorry, it was a rough night."

"Wanna talk about it? People feel less..." Emrie squints at me, her lips curving into a grimace. "Explosive afterward."

I shake my head no, not wanting to ruin the mood. Though, by the looks of them, they're expecting me to say something. I glance at Matthew who stares at me intensely, waiting for an answer. I know I'll eventually tell my roommates what's going on, but I can't possibly tell Matthew. The fewer people that know I'm going insane the better.

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