23: Pool Fight

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Aurora ☪︎

Chapter 23:
Pool Fight [Edited]

My heart starts to pound, kicking in some adrenaline and before I know it, I'm rushing over to him. Theo's instincts are faster than mine as he makes it there first, jumping in the pool with no hesitation. The guy continues attacking Vincent before Theo pulls him away, pushing Vincent towards the direction of the steps.

Everyone looks frantic, no one knowing what to do, especially the girl. She's screeching like crazy, trying to get the guy to stop but she doesn't realize she's going to get herself hurt, their swings coming from all sorts of directions.

"Hey! Stop it!" I yell at her grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the pool completely. She's no more than five feet tall, which definitely makes it easier to handle. I take a quick glance to see red flowing in the chlorine water, worry coursing through my veins at the thought of Theo or Vincent getting seriously hurt.

At the same time I start to get a little lightheaded, but quickly pushing it away the best I can, now is not a good time for my dizziness. Both Theo and Vincent are trying to get him to stop, but he keeps squirming and hitting practically nothing, only splashing water around.

Despite both of them being relatively strong people, the guy they're trying to control is more buff and a good six inches taller. The guys are on either side of him, trying to push him towards the pool wall to get better control. Vincent seems to be struggling a little, swaying a bit as if he's had more than a couple drinks.

I can see the rage in the buff guy's eyes, and the murderous look he has on Vincent, trying so hard to punch him. His failed punches are sloppy and wild, not calculating anything and in result, only punches the air.

I look around myself, trying to spot out a person to come help while the girl keeps trying to pull away from me, screaming at me to let go. "Is somebody going to fucking help?" Some people wince at the loudness in my voice, which also surprises me, but no one moves. I then remember reading something about you needing to specifically call someone out if they're in a group for them to listen.

"Look, guys with the purple shirt and grey hoodie, go! Help them for god's sake." I point at them both, giving them menacing glares and they quickly move in to help. Though, I unintentionally loosened my grip which causes the girl to turn and kick me, hard. The strange thing is, it doesn't hurt. I felt the impact, but it quickly dulls out, like it's not my body. Just like that, my patience wears out.

"Can you chill," I seeth, pulling both of her arms behind her back, tugging on it in an attempt to get her to stop. She whimpers, relaxing a bit to prevent her from hurting herself. "What is your problem?"

"But- my boyfriend! You guys are hurting him!" She wails and I look at her in disbelief.

"Don't be stupid, no one is hurting him. They're just trying to get him to stop swinging and get out of the damn pool so calm down." Her struggles start to die down as she actually looks at what's going on in front of her. "If anything, he was the one who threw the first punch, keep that in mind," I add as an afterthought. I can feel the headache coming again. 

I look again, this time seeing all of them dragging the guy out. I let the girl go, I start to sway as I rush over to Theo and Vincent to check up on them. I can hear the familiar echoing beep from above which falters my steps ever so slightly. The two of them are standing together, glaring daggers at the guy who's currently being blocked by the two people I told to jump in, but the girl as well.

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