11: Charge to 200

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Aurora ☪︎

Chapter 11: Charge to 200 [Edited]

The harsh water droplets make us jump back in shock. Both of us look at each other with wide eyes, confusion, and embarrassment as clear as day on our faces. We were about to kiss if the rain wasn't in the way.  As if Mother Nature is mocking us for whatever reason, it starts to rain even more.

I seem to be the first to snap out of it, so I grab Theo's hoodie from the ground before taking his hand as we make a run for it. I ignore the sparks coursing from my arm and through my body, deciding it isn't the right time to get all flustered. We don't bother to try to cover ourselves, seeing that it's pretty much useless now that we're already soaking wet.

I lead the way as Theo and I continue to run, Theo following my lead until we get to my dorm. It was clear to me that he could have outrun me but chose to stay a step behind. I don't even think as I lead him inside the building. After both of us get inside and take a good look at each other. The soaking wet clothes, and hair sticking onto us like a second layer of skin, with the water we just attracted in here, we burst out laughing.

"Wait- how far... is your apartment?" I pant out, one from being tired from running back here, and two the laughing fit didn't help me catch my breath either.

He wipes a tear- or water droplet from his eye, his laughter slowly dying down before answering. "I think another 20 to 25-minute walk from here."

I frown at the numbers he gave me. Surely I can't make him run back home to his apartment. He'd get sick then if he hasn't already. In the spur of the moment before I can even process what I'm saying, "Do you wanna sleep in my dorm? I mean, you obviously won't fit in my bed, but if you don't mind, then you have the luxury of our floor..."

He looks hesitant to answer, so I add to it. "I have extra blankets and pillows. You don't have to stay if you don't want to, I just wanted to give you an option other than running back in freezing rain."

"Okay." He slowly nods, giving me a thankful look. "I appreciate it."



"What the hell?" My eyes open to the sound of my roommate's shriek. Don't be fooled when I say my eyes are closed; I'm not sleeping. My eyes were too tired to stay open, so I had to close them for the rest of the night as I tossed and turned in bed.

Theo, on the other hand, knocked out rather quickly after we came in. I gave him my biggest pair of sweatpants and he decided to sleep shirtless. I felt bad that he was still cold in my middle of the night so I tossed him my last blanket. I wore many layers to make up for my missing blanket.

I turn over and sit up from my bed, looking at the scene before me. Since there was no space on any of the beds and the fact my roommates probably wouldn't want a stranger sleeping with them, I placed Theo on the floor beside me. His slender frame ended up taking most of the space.

"Oh my god. You're Theo, aren't you," Nisha says matter of factly, slowly leaning towards him as if he's some rare bird she's trying to observe at the zoo. She has her blanket sprawled across her body protectively while hugging onto a pillow.

"That's me," Theo mumbles with a tired voice, but his face holds alertness. He gives me a quick look as he sits up, turning his focus back onto Nisha.

"What the hell are you doing in our dorm?" She questions, getting out of her bed and standing in front of him cautiously. I wince at the harsh look she's giving him, quickly getting up to go by Theo's side.

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