04 The Stars are Out Tonight

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Aurora ☪︎

Chapter 04: The Stars are Out Tonight [Edited]

The three weeks into my recovery has not been easy. It's like I've been making daily trips to hell and back every time I move. My pain meds aren't strong enough to make the pain bearable so I just have to deal with it until I start healing.

I went in and out of the hospital, just to get things checked over and I got my stitches out a week back. My concussion is gone too so all that's left are my ribs and arm. My arm doesn't hurt as much anymore, itchier more than anything, but my ribs are giving me problems.

I lift my shirt again, for the third time today, in hopes that my bruising has gone down since the last time I checked it. I've been putting ice on it as well but all it does is melt through my shirt and make me cold.

"It's only been twenty minutes Aurora, you need to stop being so obsessive over it." Emrie groans from behind me and I glare at her from the mirror.

"They're supposed to heal faster than this damnit." I narrow my eyes down at the nasty purplish greenish blotches embedded on my skin. My fingertips touch around my bruises, the coolness of my skin is notable, since I was icing it a few minutes ago.

"Okay, that's enough. Stop looking, Matthew and Nisha are going to be back with lunch soon." She comes up and drapes a blanket over the mirror, causing me to throw her a glare. She ignores it and walks back to her desk. Just as I was going to argue back the door opens to reveal both of them with a bag on each hand of McDonald's and snacks.

"Kids we're home," Matthew says in a sing-song voice as he kicks off his shoes at our little shoe rack and puts the food on my desk. We have a strict rule about shoes. Emrie gives me a 'wtf' look while Nisha rolls her eyes, muttering something.

"Thanks, Matt," I say gratefully as I look through the bags of food before pulling out my McDouble and fries. Ever since he found out about my accident, he's been coming here non stop to check up on me and help me with things. He and Emrie are much alike. They're both super outgoing people but know how to take care of someone when they're hurt.

The first week he even went as far as being my butler and not letting me get out of my bed and retrieving everything for me, even if it was only a couple feet away. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for him and my roommates but, I don't know, it's strange. They've been coddling me and being all careful as if I'm going to break. It's also the fact that me being extremely hurt is what brought us together.

The next hours consisted of all four of us hanging out, talking, and laughing- well not from me since laughing makes my ribs hurt. But like all things, good or bad, they come to an end.

Matthew had to leave for some random fraternity reasons, Nisha was going out to dinner with her family, and Emrie had to get ready for her date with her girlfriend, Irene.

I end up learning a few things about Irene in the thirty minutes Emrie had time to talk while she did her make up before leaving.

"We've been dating for ten months, eleven in a couple of weeks." She smiles at me through her mirror on her desk. I sit up from my lying position on my bed, groaning from the pain. I prop myself up by leaning against the wall, making sure a pillow was behind me.

Dream with Me ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon