Chapter 17

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The next day I wake up kind of early I see Shawn's still asleep but I feel my hand held up with his on the bed awe how romantic I love moments like this. I slowly move away to get ready for the day since we're going to my parents place once I'm all dressed I go to the kitchen making us a light breakfast and tea. I hear Shawn walking into the kitchen he comes up behind me wrapping his arms around me saying in his husky voice good morning hunny I always love waking up to you giving my neck a kiss. 

I moan he gives me goosebumps every time then he squeezes my bum going to set up the table the food is ready. We sit down I tell him how today we can tell my family about us moving in together he says yes he can't wait to tell them he's so serious about being with me. Once we're done with breakfast we have tea then start getting ready to leave soo. I take my tote bag wearing overalls this time I love when my outfits match. 

Shawn says I look very cute today I say thank you he does too then we're off holding hands to his jeep. He gives me a very passionate kiss I pull away before it gets more intense then we're off to Scarborough he keeps his hand on my leg rubbing it I smile at him then we reach the east end. We turn into my area going down the road up to my family's place my mom opens the door Shawn helping me down we go up to her she greets both of us with a hug. She says it's so wonderful to see us again going into the living room my father comes in also greeting us then we all sit down. 

I sit next to Shawn on the couch my mom on one chair at one side of the living room and my father at the opposite to us. They ask how we've been doing we say we're doing great stronger than ever holding hands then I tell them how Shawn and I are considering moving in together eventually because we're really serious about each other. My parents look a little surprised then say that it's a great idea as long as Shawn takes care of me and will be a great loving boyfriend he says how much he loves their daughter rubbing my shoulder giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

They smile at us being loving together then we all go to sit down at the table for lunch there's a lot of food we enjoy talking about how our week has been and how summer is going for all of us. After we're done eating we have frozen yogurt for dessert so good then we go to my backyard to lay in the hammock. We're enjoying each other's company laying together holding hands Shawn says my house is great he loves coming here I tell him thank you I'm glad he enjoys seeing my parents. He smiles at me giving a kiss we lay cuddling for a while on the hammock it feels so peaceful after that we go back inside. 

We decide to head back over to my place it's the afternoon now we hug my parents goodbye my mom says to please visit again soon I say we will then go to his jeep we wave then start heading back to down town. Once we reach my apartment building we go inside happily it's so awesome how summer is going for us ah. As soon as I close the front door Shawn grabs me kissing me very passionately he says we couldn't be intimate since Friday and how tomorrow we won't be able too since I'm working. 

I say okay we can have sex we go back to kissing each other heading to my bedroom our clothes come off quickly Shawn places kisses all around my body I moan I truly love this and do it back to him. Then we give oral to each other I've gotten better at it he puts on a condom quickly and then I decide to take control being on top of him I love it. Shawn grabs my bum tightly saying baby keep on going faster we go on for a little while longer then we switch him being in control. We kiss each other deeply my legs wrapped around his waist he grabs me up. 


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We stay connected for a little while longer than Shawn pulls out he throws away the condom quickly coming back to me he wraps his arms around me giving me a kiss. He says I'm getting better at doing this I tell him thank you I'm glad he's satisfied he smirks at me then he runs his hand down the side of my body saying how much he really loves me. I smile at him saying I really love him too he means the world to me. He says maybe in September we can move in together since that will mark an year when we officially got together I say okay that would be great. 

After that we get dressed again it's almost time for dinner I set my alarm for work tomorrow. I make us fish and lentils Shawn sets up the table he truly is the best I love him then the food is ready. We sit down at the table he holds my hand across the table then once we're finished we do the dishes together cleaning up the kitchen. After that we clean around the apartment then sit on the couch for a little cuddling each other Shawn has to leave since I'm working tomorrow sigh he gives me a very deep kiss. 

We stay like that for some time then he goes saying maybe he'll see me tomorrow evening after my shift for a date I say yeah maybe since he doesn't have classes now which is great. I make my lunch for work to take tomorrow then start getting ready for bed I text my mom to let her know how my evening went with Shawn. 

Michelle: Hey mom I had a great evening with Shawn he helped clean the apartment and we had dinner he left since I'm working tomorrow. I love you so much I miss you xoxoxoxo.

Mom: Hi baby girl I'm glad to hear that he's such a great guy you're very blessed to have him. I love you so much too we should go to sleep now before it's so late goodnight xoxoxo. 

Michelle: Okay goodnight xoxoxoxo. 

Then Shawn texts me he sure does love and care about me a lot. 

Shawn: Hey baby I'm glad we told both of our families about wanting to move in together they're so happy for us. I miss you so much already since I'm not able to hold you in my arms tonight :(. I can't wait to spend time with you on your next day off. 

Michelle: Hi boo me too. Yeah sigh it really sucks but eventually we'll be moving in together so we'll be together much more often ;). 

Shawn: Yeah true I can't wait for you to live with me I'll be trying to look for a job soon to work at a music store in down town where there's instruments it's my dream job. 

Michelle: Awesome I'm glad you'll get to hopefully be hired at the job you studied for to be at :D. At least when we're living together we'll be having steady jobs that make both of us happy. 

Shawn: Yes baby you always make me feel better in knowing what to say and to stay positive that's what I love about you. 

Michelle: Awe thank you so much hunny I try to look at the positive side as much as possible. Well we better sleep now see you tomorrow evening goodnight handsome xoxoxo. 

Shawn: Okay goodnight beautiful miss you xoxoxo. 

I smile at his text then fall asleep dreaming about my amazing man I really love him.  

Sorry this chapter wasn't that long the next one I'll try to make it longer. 

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