Chapter 5

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The next day I wake up as usual to my alarm getting ready for work I have breakfast and coffee thinking about how yesterday evening was with Shawn he makes me really happy. I check my phone to see if my mom has texted me she has, Lily and Shawn have also texted me. 

Mom: Hi love I hope you'll have a great Friday I love you so much enjoy your date with Shawn later on this evening be careful xoxoxo. 

Lily: Hey girl how did it go with Shawn yesterday tell me everything ? 

Shawn: Hi baby have a great day at work I can't wait for our date this evening dress kind of fancy nothing too dressy :). 

I smile at Shawn's text first I reply to my mother. 

Michelle: Hey mom thank you I love you too thank you I will I can't wait xoxoxo. 

Mom: You're welcome I hope Shawn's intentions are good with you baby girl. 

Michelle: Shawn seems to be a great guy from what I heard mom so hopefully this date goes well for wherever he's taking me. 

Mom: Okay when you come to visit me tomorrow I want to hear all about your first date with him have a great day I love you xoxoxo. 

Michelle: Alright I'll let you know about it tomorrow of course thank you I love you too xoxoxo. 

I answer Lily next since I'll be seeing her at work soon I'll tell her all the details then. 

Michelle: Hi Lily I'll tell you everything about it when we see each other at work soon. 

Lily: Okay no problem I can't wait to hear all about it ! 

I respond to Shawn's text next he truly is the sweetest guy. 

Michelle: Hi Shawn thank you I can't wait for our date later I'm really looking forward to it alright. Thanks again for letting me know the occasion of what the date is going to be. 

Shawn: Of course any time hunny it'll be great it's a surprise where I'm taking you tonight ;). 

Michelle: Woah cool now I'm really excited I gotta leave soon for work see you later tonight handsome :D. 

Shawn: See you later baby xoxoxo. 

After that I take my bag with my lunch then start heading out down the street it's busy as always then I reach Starbucks at the next block. Lily's already inside setting up the counter we say good morning to each other I go to put my stuff in the back. Then help out with setting up the tables Lily has gotten all of the counter set up now. Then when I go next to her I tell her everything about how it went with Shawn yesterday evening. 

Lily looks at me happily saying she's very happy for me how she's glad Shawn's taken an interest in me he's such a nice guy since she's seen him here a lot. I tell her I'm glad I've met him he's the sweetest guy I've ever met in my life. A couple of customers come Lily writes down their orders I make the drinks they turn out well again. After that it picks up a little for the morning then the boss comes at 10:00 am it slows down for a little now then a line of customers come. 

It's time for my lunch break I take it at 11:00 sitting down at one of the tables near by I see mom and Shawn have texted me. 

Mom: Hi love I hope work is going alright for you the day will go by fast at least it's Friday xoxoxo. 

Shawn: Hey baby I hope your day is going well being busy at work soon I'll see you again tonight for our first official date :D.

I text my mom first since it's my break. 

Michelle: Hi mom work is good busy as usual thank you yeah that's true I'm just glad to have the day off for the weekend finally xoxoxo. 

Mom: Yep that's great since I know it's tough working five days a week with an eight hour shift make sure you're eating and drinking a lot of water it's important to stay hydrated baby girl. 

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