Chapter 9

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The next day I wake up at 6:00 am getting ready for the day I pick clothes and shoes for hiking since it's going to be a long day then having breakfast and coffee I check my phone to see if my mom and Shawn have texted they have. 

Mom: Hey lovely I hope you'll have a great day enjoy your date with Shawn I love you so much xoxoxo. 

Shawn: Hi baby I can't wait to spend the day with you today I'll see you soon at 8:00 ;).  

I text my mom first I'm glad she's really happy for me being with Shawn. 

Michelle: Hi mom thank you we're going to Glen Stewart Park since I love nature :D. 

Mom: Okay dear enjoy text me after you're done how it went have a nice day love you xoxoxo. 

Michelle: Thank you I will I love you too xoxo. 

I text Shawn next I'm really looking forward to today ah. 

Michelle: Hey Shawn me too I can't wait either see you soon :D. 

Shawn: I'm on the way now beautiful see you very soon ! 

Michelle: Okay see you ! 

I choose my backpack to take then put on lipstick after I hear someone knocking at the door I check the hole it's Shawn opening it he greets with me with a kiss holding me tightly to him saying good morning beautiful you look great in your hiking outfit. I tell him thank you he looks great also in his outfit he asks me if I'm ready to go I say yes I am then I close my door going down the hall with Shawn holding hands. He opens the door for me in his jeep helping me in then running to the other side he grabs my hand to kiss I love when he does that. 

Then he starts driving it's going to be a long drive since the park is all the way past the east end I ask Shawn if he slept well he says yeah he did I tell him that's good. He puts his hand on my leg every time we're at a red light I put mine on top of his it's great when he does that I'm just so happy we're officially together now. After some time when we've reached the east end we're getting close to our destination finally ah then we take another turn following the directions from the GPS we're here. Shawn parks near the entrance to the park then he goes to the other side helping me down we start walking in holding hands. 

There's a long trail of stairs it's going to be great exercise at least we start going down the first set looking around it's so beautiful all of the trees then we see the rest of everything around we find the ravine. We walk around looking at everything else around Shawn and I take some pictures of the beautiful view then we take some pictures together. After we've managed to see around the whole park we decide to leave for lunch it's been a long morning Shawn helps me into his jeep running back to the other side I suggest we go to Dairy Queen for lunch there's one near by so we go there. 

When Shawn and I get there he helps me down taking my hand tightly we go in he lets me order first I get the chicken strips with fries and a drink he gets the same paying for both of us. We sit at the booth it's not busy there much at least Shawn takes my hand across the table saying how much he enjoyed today I tell him thank you I did too. Then our food arrives it's so good after we get blizzards for dessert I get the Oreo blizzard my favourite and Shawn gets the Reese's one he pays for both. Our blizzards are amazing then we leave holding hands he opens the door of his jeep then running back to the other side he kisses my hand holding it to his face I smile at him then he puts his hand on my leg rubbing it a little and leaving from there. 

I tell Shawn I had an amazing day with him walking through Glen Stewart Park it was beautiful and a long walk hehe he says he enjoyed today with me also he can't wait for more adventures with me awe. I tell him I can't wait either then he asks me if I would like to come see his apartment maybe meet his best friend if he's there it's 2:30 pm now ? I say sure since I've never seen his place he's only been to mine so we continue on getting back into down town of Toronto the weather is great today. After that we reach the University Of Toronto campus he starts going down one road past some buildings then we reach a high rise apartment building it looks really nice, Shawn parks helping me down then taking my hand going inside through the entrance he smiles at me he says he lives on the second floor when we get into the elevator. 

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