Chapter 6

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The next day I got to sleep in since it's Saturday I woke up around 9:30 am. I start to get ready for the day then have some coffee I check my phone to see if there's any texts there are from my mom and Shawn. 

Mom: Hi love I'm really looking forward to seeing you today you can have lunch with me I'll make your usual favourite potato pancake xoxoxo. 

Shawn: Good morning baby I hope you've slept well enjoy time at your family's today I'm going to see mine soon :). 

I text my mom first I'm so glad I'll get to have lunch from my family's home ! 

Michelle: Hi mom I'm looking forward to seeing you too woah awesome I can't wait thank you so much :D. 

Mom: Of course baby girl I miss you so much you're my one and only daughter I love you. 

Michelle: I love you too mom I'll see you soon around 11:30. 

I text Shawn he's been on my mind all night. 

Michelle: Good morning Shawn thank you I did, I will enjoy time with your family as well let me know how it goes. 

Shawn: That's good okay I'll let you know maybe if I get back from Pickering before the evening we can go for another date if you're free later on ? 

Michelle: Okay sure I should be free later on I'm not staying for the whole day to the evening at my parents house. 

Shawn: Alright great I can't wait to see you again later on beautiful have a great day xoxoxo. 

Michelle: Thank you Shawn you too xoxoxo. 

After that I start to prepare to leave for my parents house in the east end since I'm in down town right now. It's almost 10:30 am I take my small bag then leave locking my front door heading down the hall. I go to the subway station taking the train it's a half hour ride to the other end. 

Once I reach the last station I take the bus that goes to near where my parents live. I walk down to my old house my mom greets me happily at the front door saying how much she's missed me so much going into the house. I tell her I've missed her a lot too then my father also comes to greet me I sit down with them in the living room telling all about how I've been doing since I moved. They're really happy for me since I have a job now so I can pay off the rent at the end of the month with my paycheck after. 

I tell them how I became friends with my co-worker and about Shawn who really likes me. I tell them how I'm taking things really slow I'm not rushing into anything by going on a few dates first we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet. My parents are really happy for me they say to focus on myself first they want to meet Shawn sometime after. I have lunch my favourite dish which is potato pancake yum. Then I check my phone Shawn has texted me and so has Lily. 

Shawn: Hey beautiful I hope everything is going well at your family's. I'm in Pickering now with my family we just had lunch I miss you already xoxoxoxo. 

Lily: Hey girl I hope your Saturday is going well I'm with my family today :). Please tell me how your date with Shawn went last night. 

I answer Shawn first I miss him too. 

Michelle: Hi handsome everything is going great I had lunch too. I miss you also xoxoxo. 

Shawn: That's good. I'm going to leave my family's house soon around 2:30 pm I guess we can make time for our second date in the evening baby xoxoxo. Dress simple for our date tonight hunny. 

Michelle: Okay I'll be leaving soon as well around 2:00 pm. Okay thank you I can't wait for our second date tonight baby. 

Shawn: I can't wait either love I just want to spend more time with you. I want to hug and kiss you so much too. 

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