Chapter 10

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The next day I wake up at 7:00 am getting ready for the day I pick a simple outfit a striped shirt with ripped jeans and my grey converse. Then having a light breakfast and some tea I check my phone to see if my mom and Shawn have texted they have. 

Mom: Hi baby girl have a great day meeting Shawn's family let me know how it goes I can't wait to meet him tomorrow.

Shawn: Hey beautiful I'll see you soon at 9:00 I can't wait for you to meet my family today :). 

I text my mom first I'm glad she's always checking on me. 

Michelle: Hi mom thank you I'm a little nervous and excited both to meet his family. 

Mom: Awe don't be I'm sure his family will appreciate you since you make their son very happy you're a nice kind girl sweetie. 

Michelle: Thank you mama that's true he also has a sister so that should be fun. 

Mom: Nice you'll have another girl to talk too well have a great day I have some things to do I love you baby girl xoxoxo. 

Michelle: Thank you same to you okay I love you too xoxoxo. 

Then I text Shawn now I'm very excited. 

Michelle: Hey Shawn okay see you at 9:00 I'm so excited to meet them :D. 

Shawn: Awesome see you in half an hour baby ;). 

I put my hair in a braid and don't put on makeup I choose my brown tote bag after that someone knocks at the door I check the hole it's Shawn. I open it he looks so handsome in his jean jacket, white shirt, black jeans and black leather boots he says I look so gorgeous baby holding me tightly to him giving me a kiss. He asks me if I'm all ready to go I say yeah I am then I close the door taking Shawn's hand we walk down the hall to outside. He helps me into his jeep running around back to the other side then he grabs my hand to kiss saying he's really glad we're officially meeting each other's families because that's very important in a relationship. 

I smile at him saying me too it sure is then he puts his hand on my leg and starts driving he kept putting his hand on my leg at the red light as usual then we reach Pickering his home town it looks so beautiful a lot of greenery. He turns down one road then up to a house it looks so big he says we're here baby welcome to my original home he smiles at me coming around to open the door helping me out. Someone opens the door a lady with blonde hair she greets Shawn giving him a kiss on the cheek allowing us inside then she looks at me I introduce myself to her I go to shake her hand she grabs me for a hug instead. She says you're the girl that my son has been seeing he's told me all about you you're very beautiful it's wonderful to finally meet you ! 

I hug her back saying thank you it's great to meet you too Mrs. Mendes she says to please call her Karen then she lets us into the living room it looks so big and beautiful. Karen calls her husband over and Shawn's sister to come downstairs then they do. A man wearing glasses comes introducing himself as Manuel I shake his hand saying my name he says it's nice to finally meet you then a girl also comes into the living room. I go to shake her hand to introduce myself she grabs me for a hug instead like Karen saying it's great to finally meet the girl that makes Shawn so happy you're so pretty and nice awe. I tell her thank you so much it's nice to meet her too telling her my name after that we all sit on the couch. 

Shawn and I sit on the couch holding hands while his parents sit in one chair together then Aaliyah is in the other one. Shawn tells his family we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend now they're really happy for us clapping his sister says congrats brother for having someone now she's really nice. I say thank you to her then his mom asks me if I've finished university I say yes I finished a long time ago now I work she says that's great. I tell them that's really great what their jobs are since Shawn told me already they say thank you then they tell their son and daughter to show me around their house. 

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