Chapter 7: Helping

En başından başla

 At least they have to know this, I’m not gonna care that they wouldn’t care at the end or whatsoever, I just wanted them to know.

 “Mom, dad…” I spoke.

They simply replied with a “Mhm?”

 “I remember when we were only like child, our bond was really tight. I was so happy back then, I bet was Anna..” I explained.

“Yeah, so was I.” Anna added.

“And what’s up with that?” My mother asked, putting her hands on her hips.

“We missed those times..” Anna answered.

“But you all… Changed. Because your careers, you guys changed a lot. And your changes, made you two more distant and distant and distant from us.” I told them.

“But you two have to remember, that we’re working for your schools, foods, and many more things to pay up. It’s not like that we’re working for someone else and giving the money to someone else as well.” My father asked.

“Of course we know that, father.” Anna said.

“And that’s why we took some of your money from your movie for our own vacation.” My mother said, didn’t seem to give a single”f” to us.

“And how would you call that as a proper reason to take our money from our hard effort on the movie?!” Anna barked.

“Shut it down, Anna. We’ve worked harder for you two, and you two must pay back!” My motherbarked back. This made me so offended.

“It’s not just about the money, mother! It’s about you two being such a bad parents for us in the whole time! What kind of parents that would leave their daughter to work for five years, without even visiting or calling or making any single communication?!” I shouted.

“Elsa! Do not speak like that!” My father shouted back.

Hiccup P.O.V

 The argument was getting more and more intense, as I recorded the whole conversation with my camera phone through a small gap on the door. I put the camera on the right angle, and left it like that. I thought I just had to, this kind of parent’s behavior must be reported to the eyes of law. I thought it was the best as well.

I kept recording, until I heard a slapping noise.

 Oh no.

I turned off my recorder and put it back in my pocket. I opened the door in rush, there I saw my most terrible horror.

 Elsa was lying on the floor, holding her cheek. Anna was shocked. The father’s pose explained everything,

He slapped his daughter.

His own daughter.

 I quickly reached after Elsa,  looking after her, not caring to the fact that I already got out from my hiding spot.

 “And who’s this brat?! Your boyfriend?!” The man yelled.

 I didn’t pay attention to him, I helped Elsa standing up. Her eyes were flooded by her tears, she sobbed down every second.

 “Get out from here!! Go have some romantic times with your pathetic boyfriend somewhere else!” Her father yelled at us.

Seeing no options left, I looked at Anna, who was also helping carrying Elsa. We agreed. We left the house.

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