District 8 Interviews

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“Well, we heard that you two used to be tighter than stitching, but you drifted apart because-“

“I’ll tell you why!” Kaylee straightened up, a scowl settled on her features. “I’ll tell you. That bitch over there tried to get me in trouble for something she did, and she went behind my back like the two faced liar she is. She beat up a girl so badly the girl was traumatized and sent to a mental ward, and Xenia told everyone it was me who did it. I was detained for a whole damn week until they caught the person who supposedly did it. So much for friends.”

“I was trying to get you to loosen up, you were such a goody-two-shoes!” Xenia said breezily, her face amused.

“By getting me sent to jail?” Kaylee’s voice rose an octave and she leapt out of her seat, staring down Xenia with fury in her gaze. The crowd went silent, and the only audible noise was Xenia and Kaylee’s angry voices.

“Kaylee, you have no proof I did it!” Xenia shouted. She too had jumped to her feet, her eyes wide and psychotic. “Why the hell would you think I would do something like that?”

Kaylee scowled. “I don’t know, Xenia. Maybe it’s because I watched you do it?”

Xenia’s face morphed into a snarl. “You’re lying, you stupid bitc-“

“Girls!” Jakub said sharply, “Calm down!”

Despite Jakub beginning to shout at them, the two girls were far too heated and angered to notice. Kaylee laughed darkly, her voice amused. “Oh wow, Xenia. You really haven’t changed at all, have you?”

Xenia’s eye twitched in anger, and her fists curled up into balls. “I haven’t, have I?”

“Nope.” Kaylee said defiantly. “Maybe you’re so comfortable with killing in these games because you’ve killed before? I saw you beat that kid to death last year, Xenia. Once a murderer, always a murderer.”

That was it.

Xenia launched forward with a feral cry and barreled towards Kaylee, knocking her backwards and to the floor. Screams sounded through the air as the two girls fought on the ground. Blood splattered to the ground like paint.

“PEACEKEEPERS!” Jakub roared. He leapt to his feet as the peacekeepers came barging onto the stage and pulled the two girls apart. Kaylee was barely conscious. There was a large gash in Kaylee’s forehead, and her eyes were rolling back into her head. Xenia barely had a scratch, other than her tangled hair and the blood dripping from her teeth that wasn’t her’s. The peacekeepers lifted up Kaylee’s unmoving form and carried it offstage, whilst Xenia was dragged off, grinning at the crowd.

Jakub sat back down, smoothing down his suit and breathing a sigh of relief. An avox had appeared and was cleaning Kaylee’s blood off the floor, but Jakub tried to distract himself by continuing with the interviews.

“So, Alejandro,” Jakub said slowly, “Any attractive girls here this year? Perhaps another couple?”

Alejandro shrugged. “There are some pretty girls here, but I can’t really get attached. Only one comes out, afterall.”

Jakub nodded. “Fair enough. So, do you think you have what it takes to win?”

“Definitely, without a doubt.” Alejandro said cockily, smirking slightly.

“Alright, let’s move onto Simon. Do you have any preferred weapons?”

Simon shook his head. “Nah, not really. I’m pretty rubbish in combat.”

Jakub nodded. “Do you have any rivalries with any other tributes?”

“Not really.” Simon replied. “I mean, there’s people here who are certainly gonna want to kill me, but I don’t really have any arch enemies.”

“Ah, okay. So you’re just going to play the games by ear?”

Simon nodded. “I guess.”

“Alrighty, onto our final tribute, Eddie!”

Eddie shot Jakub a short smile, but then he quickly went back to sinking down in his chair.

“So Eddie, how are you liking the capitol?”

“It’s nice,” Eddie smiled, “Very nice. You have good food here.”

The audience laughed, and Jakub chuckled. “What, we have nice food?”

Eddie nodded vigorously, a smile on his face. The crowd laughed more.

“What’s your favourite food here?”

“The roasted lamb is amazing.” Eddie said. “I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.”

“Alright, Eddie, how far are you willing to go to win? Will you kill?”

Eddie’s happy exterior vanished in an instant, and he looked down at his shoes. “As horrible as it sounds, I think everyone here will kill when it comes down to it. You don’t really have a choice in the arena, do you?”

“No, you don’t. Now-“ The buzzer interrupted Jakub in the middle of his sentence, and he turned to the camera as the 4 tributes exited the stage.

“Well, Panem, that’s the interview’s all wrapped up. How exciting! In a few short days, our tributes will be taken up to the arena. Get ready to say goodbye folks, 16 of them won’t be coming back. These were the Hunger Games interviews, and I am your host, Jakub Jollyman. Goodnight everybody!”

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