She sighed.

MIRANDA: "Amara? Who's number are you calling from? I've been trying to reach you to check in on you since yesterday afternoon, how are you??"

ME: ".....Im calling from Tony's phone, and Im sorry, alot happened yesterday.....and it's just been a crazy 24 hours..."

My voice began to crack a bit, and my eyes began to sting, but I tried my best to fight through it, so she wouldn't hear something was wrong with me.

MIRANDA: "Oh I understand baby, where are you now? Do you need me to come see you?"

I shook my head as if she could see me.

ME: "I-Im out with Tony, and Im okay.....I was calling to see if you've talked to my dad? I've been trying to reach him since yesterday morning, and I cant get in contact with him....his phone keeps going to voicemail."

She sighed again.

MIRANDA: "No.....I haven't been home...Im not sure where he is, but him not answering or returning your calls isn't a good sign,"

She sighed again.

MIRANDA: "There's alot that I need to discuss with you.....Im too far from the house right now to go check on Rich....can you swing by and see if he's home?"

I nodded.

ME: "Yeah, Im gonna go home and shower, and then I'll swing by to see if he's everything okay with you guys?"

MIRANDA: "....I rather talk to you in person, do you have some time today to come see me?"

I frowned.

ME: "Where are you?"

MIRANDA: "I've been staying with my mom since we left the hospital, it's about a 25 minute drive from your mom's house."

I nodded slowly.

ME: " me the address and I'll come by after I see daddy."

MIRANDA: "Okay baby, see you soon."

Once I hung up the phone, I sat back in my seat silent. A million thoughts were running through my mind, but they all stopped once Tony got back in the car.

"Here you go." He sat my purse in my lap, before starting up the car. "Did you reach your dad?"

I shook my head no. "No, Im gonna go by the house after I get cleaned up." He nodded. "Okay, let's get you home."

I turned my head and stared out the window, watching Tony drive off from the station.

Marcus P.O.V.

"Everything looks just as it should Ms.Mackenzie, we'll see you back here in 2 weeks, three more months to go and your princess will be here."

Kelia smiled, as her doctor finished wiping down here belly. "Thanks doc, we appreciate it."
"It's my pleasure, you can schedule your next few visits with my receptionist." Kelia nodded. "Thank you again."

The doctor shot both of us a quick smile before disappearing out of the room.

Once she was gone, silence filled the room between Kelia and I. I watched her pull her shirt down over her belly, and began to scoot off the examination table.

"Lemme help you," I stood up from my seat, and held my hand out for her to grab.

"I got it," She scooted to the edge of the table and slowly got down, holding onto her belly in the process.

Interception (Book 6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant