Chapter Eight

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Niall’s POV

“Merry Christmas Niall!” the boys shout waking me up. I open my eyes slowly so they can adjust to the light easier.

I see all four boys standing around my bed. Colton stares at me with his bright blue eyes and his now thick blond hair sticks in all directions. He’s gotten a lot bigger since his stay with me. Though it’s only been five months, he’s improved his speech and can say some sentences.

My eyes trail over to Ciara. Her hair is in the messy pigtail I accidently left in last night, however it seems like she doesn’t mind them. Her eyelids lazily droop down her hazel eyes. She didn’t get much sleep last night because of nightmares. I’ve noticed her hair grew a bit blonder than before. It’s now a very light shade of brown and I’m guessing it will be that way for a while until she gets a bit older.

Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn leave the room so I can wake up a bit more. They know I wouldn’t appreciate for them to dump water on me on Christmas when it’s freezing. Colton sits up on his knees and stares at me with his big blue eyes. I still wonder why anyone would want to give him up so easily. Sure he might be quite a handful at times, however that does not mean to give him up so easily, especially against your own will. I cringe at the thought of the letter. His mother must be at least 15 years old now.

“Dada, I hungry,” Ciara pipes up looking at me with her light brown eyes. I chuckle at her appetite. She has grown it to be quite big with me being her father of course.

“Let’s go open the presents first! Then we can have some pancakes,” I say. Both my babies’ eyes light up like a christmas tree.

They crawl off the bed and race to the Christmas tree I put up with the boys. I walk slowly to the tree remembering all the times I did this with my family. My mum would always chuckle at me and Greg fighting over whose present is who’s. My dad would come over and hand us more presents. I sigh knowing this was one of the most happiest time of years for me. At least now I can celebrate it with two new kids and my four best mates.

I walk into the room that is now filled with wrapping paper. Ciara and Colton both have a small beanie fitting onto their head, which I’m sure Harry gave them. Liam hands me a present that the boys all bought for me. I sit down on the couch with a smile.

“Aye Horan! Put your Christmas hat on! There’s nothing more fun than a Christmas hat!” Louis jokes sliding on a Santa hat over my head.

I chuckle at the young spunky buck. I wonder if he will ever actually mature more, but it’s not like I’m complaining. I carefully open the wrapping paper that hiding my Christmas present. I grin from ear to ear at the scrap book the lads made for me. On the front cover, all the boys handprints decorate it. It’s a big book so all of Harry’s hand fits on it’s spot. The handprints go into a pattern of a heart with in the middle, Colton and Ciara’s small hands. Colton’s in blue and Ciara’s in pink.

I open the book and it starts out with the first picture of the boys and I ever took. I flip through the pages and there are so many. My mum, dad, and Greg all are in some as well. Getting to the last part, Ciara and Colton make the best part. One picture is of them pointing to themselves. The next is with them making a heart sharing their hands, and the last one is of them pointing away from them. “We Love You Daddy!” is printed on the bottom of the pictures.

Tears start to brim at my eyes. This is the most thoughtful thing I could have gotten. I set the book aside and get the two presents for Colton and Ciara. Of course, I already bought them so many things, but these are the special ones for them.

“Cole! Cara! I have a special present for you!” I call them using their nicknames. The boys and I have started using these nicknames for a while now. We aren’t as used to them as they are, but we manage.

“Okay Dada,” they both reply setting their new toys down in the boxes.

They come towards me, lifting their arms up in the air. I pick them both up and put them onto a couch that is enormous compared to their small bodies. I pull out two boxes containing the gifts. The boxes are quite small, but I only hope they’ll love it. I open both boxes and show them.

The guys all gasp dramatically at the contents. I smile in satisfaction. Inside the boxes, necklaces are placed. Colton’s one says “Colton Brody Horan” while Ciara’s says “Ciara Emilee Horan”. I took the liberty of having them made specifically for young toddlers. Colton’s and Ciara’s eyes light up at the sight of the name Horan. Oddly enough, they both only know how to read Horan. I never taught them, nor did the boys. I guess they just heard and seen it enough to realize it is Horan.

I lock the necklaces together and delicately place them on their heads. Their smiles are bigger than mine ever was. I see their small teeth poke out of their mouths as they smile. They both jump onto me and kiss my cheeks. For young kids, they sure are strong.

“Now now, you don’t want to hurt Daddy now do you?” Harry chuckles.

Their small heads shake in a serious manner. At the same time, they both crawl off of me to head to the kitchen for food. I taught them everything they know that is important. I turn on the radio to only have our single “Little Things” play softly.

I smile remembering the big response our fans had on it. Our new album had Louis and I sing quite a bit, which I’m sure our fans loved it as well. I walk to kitchen, scrolling through my twitter. I wished everyone a Merry Christmas and I am currently looking through the mentions. All very good responses except for one.

My heart starts to break down into pieces. I walk to crawl into a ball on the floor and scream my heart out. I blink my eyes a few times to stop the tears. I re-read the tweet over and over again.

andrea_carrey: Wow u dont deserve a merry xmas u pale bastard! management FORCED u 2 look after those babys i hope u die jst like ur family i bet their happy 2 b dead

I throw my phone at the counter and race for my room. I’m pretty sure everyone in the room right now are wondering what happened. I sink into my bed and wish I would just die. People were going to find out I was forced, but now I enjoy it. I love having them with me. I can feel their love for me just like I can feel the boys’ love.

Ciara’s POV

“What wrong with Dada?” Colton asks Uncle Liam

I can hear Daddy’s crying from the kitchen. I take Daddy’s phone and look at it. It made a loud smack, but it didn’t break. I stare at the message. I know only a few words, but I can read quite well.

“Uncle Zayn? What ba-bast-bastard mean?” I ask pronouncing the word. I said I could read, it doesn’t mean I know the meaning of each word.

I look up at Uncle Zayn and his eyes widen along with Uncle Liam's, Louis' and Harry's. I give them a puzzled look while they snatch the phone from me, putting it on the other side of the table. I pout from them not answering my question.

“Ciara, never say the word again. It’s a very mean one that no one should use,” Uncle Liam responds.

“But Uncle Halleh said it to Uncle Lou yesterday and the day before that and the day before that,” I challenge to only earn Uncle Harry a smack on the head.

“Idiot,” Uncle Zayn mumbles.

I’m not very pleased with the answer Uncle Liam told me. I carefully climb down the chair to go find Daddy. He looks like he needs help because his crying is still going on. Colty follows me to his room, well rather our rooms since we always stay in there with him.

I hear Uncle Harry, Louis, Liam and Harry all whisper they’re leaving to Daddy. I think they’re going to their family’s homes so they can spend time with them too. I push open Daddy’s door. I’m stronger than Colty since I’m older than him. We even proved it.

“Dada?” I say crawling into the tall bed.

His head lifts up to look at me and Colton next to him. I smile at him and touch his wet cheeks that have a lot tear tracks on them. I wipe away the water on his left while Colty does it to his right.

“Why so sad Dada?” Colton asks staring at him.

Daddy sighs and places us on his lap, “Someone said something very mean to Daddy on the twitter. It hurt me and made me cry,” he explains so we understand.

“We sowwy Dada,” Colty and I say at the same time and kiss his cheeks. He mumbles “it’s okay” and kisses our heads.

We stay still like this for a little while. Us in his lap and his arms wrapped around us. I wonder if Daddy knows what bastard means. I look up at him so I can see what he says. I cough a little bit, but still ask.

“Dada, what bastard mean?” I ask. Colton looks at Daddy, “Yeah what it mean?” he asks as well.

His face looks angry, but calm, if that is even possible, “Who said that word?” in the nicest tone for an angry Daddy to say. I don’t wanna get Uncle Harry or Louis in trouble, but I’m not supposed to lie.

“Uncle Halleh. He called Uncle Lou a ‘stupid little bastard with a small dick’” I reply quoting Uncle Harry. Daddy’s eyes widen. I hand Daddy the phone Uncle Zayn left by the table.

He types away on the phone looking mad then lightly throws the phone to the bottom of the bed once he’s done. Daddy smiles at me and says almost the exact thing Uncle Liam told me, but a bit different.

“Ciara, don’t say that sentence ever again. Uncle Harry was being a bad boy for saying it.” I just nod knowing that if Daddy says it’s mean to say then I won’t say it.

“I love you Dada,” Colton says. I say the same thing to Daddy right after him.

“I love you too. Both of you,” Daddy says rocking us.

He starts to sing the song we like a lot. I think Daddy said the song is called “A Thousand Years”. I fall asleep listening to his sweet voice and holding onto his night shirt.

[Yes I skipped to the point of Christmas! Don't kill me! DRAMA HAS BEGUN MWUAHAHAHA. The next chapters shall be drama filled!
 And special thanks to WithoutYourL0ve for the cover! :)]

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