Chapter Seven

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Niall’s POV

You know that feeling when something amazing happens and you can’t describe it? Almost like you’re in a trance of happiness and don’t know how to deal with it? That’s what I’m feeling now. The odd feeling of over joyness fills inside my heart, but there’s also confusion, hurt, mourn, and nerves that fills between the cracks of joy within my heart.

“Dada Dada!” Colton exclaims with his bright blue eyes shining with joy. I’m gobsmacked at this point.

I hold onto his torso pulling him closer to me. I embrace him whilst kissing his head and face not leaving a single place untouched. I hear him giggle, but then yawn from being up past 8:30. Usually I would have had him in bed by 8:15 considering he’s still a baby in my eyes.

“C’mon Colty. Let’s go to bed,” I say.

He nods making his thin blonde hair bounce up and down. I look at the boys who I didn’t realize were still in the room. They whisper their good nights and head to their hotel room that they share. Liam smiles at me and looked down sheepishly.

“Can...Ciara sleep in my bed tonight?” he asks blushing a bit. I let out a soft laugh and nod. His eyes bright up and takes the sleeping baby to his bed.

I take my droopy eyed boy to my bed and relax with him at my side. I smile to myself knowing he called me Dada. It may not be much, but it may be good enough for me to get me out of my depression.


“Ready boys?” a staff director says with the microphone around his head.

We all nod with a series of “yeahs”, but I'm not ready. I want to see my babies before I perform. They’re in the audience right now with Danielle and Eleanor dressed in “My Daddy is in One Direction. Jealous?” and on the back saying “I

I still smile at Colton and Ciara’s rosy cheeks staring at me with grins set on their faces. Over the past few days, they have gotten used to me. The doctor told me they may have been premature and the people might have done harm to them when they wanted to babble nonsense.

It’s amazing what love does to two kids. Ciara’s hair is shoulder length now and has been growing at a fast rate with the 2 weeks she’s been here with me. Colton’s thin hair is a bit thicker now, but not thick enough to style with. I stand on the platform and listen to the opening notes of “One Thing”.

“I’ve tried playing it cool, but when I’m looking at you. I can’t ever be brave, ‘cause you make my heart race,” Liam sings with a smile on his face.

His hair is perfectly quiffed up and his face is set hard on a grin. Harry starts his solo, but all I do is search the crowd for Colton and Ciara. I finally find them being held up high by Danielle and Eleanor. They both see me and reach for me. I wave slightly at them and start singing the chorus with the others.

“So get out, get out, get out of my head. And fall into my arms instead. I don't, I don't, don't know what it is, but I need that one thing and you've got that one thing,” I sing and take in a deep breath for my solo, “Now I'm climbing the walls, but you don't notice at all. That I'm going out of my mind. All day and all night.”

I run around the stage hopping onto the platform. We all sing the chorus, jumping around like a bunch of idiots. We sing our last note, and we’re high into the air. I’m pretty sure if we weren’t in the eyes of the public, Zayn would be having a panic attack.

They run a commercial while they lower the platform to the ground for us to change. We run back stage and changing into the clothes we were in before. I run out back to our seats just waiting for my babies to get into my arms.

“Eager much, Niall?” Harry chuckles in his low voice. I roll my eyes in frustration.

I swear, Liam, Louis and Zayn take 20 minutes to get ready. Once they come out of their rooms, we head back to our seats. I’m the first to sit in the middle the seat between Louis and Zayn. Eleanor hands me Ciara and Danielle hands me Colton. I coo at them kissing their cheeks. I set them both on my lap.

“And the winners for the best new artist is...One Direction!” the announcer says. I don’t pay attention to the person.

I jump up with Colton and Ciara with me. I kiss them while hugging the other boys. I prop them both on either side of me, propping them up by their bums. They cling onto my shirt because of the steep staircase to the stage.

“This is a big honor,” Zayn says he passes the microphone to me.

“This is truly a big honor. Anything you wanna say Colton?” I say passing the microphone to him.

“I wove yew daddy,” he says accomplishing to get aww’s to erupt through the whole arena.

Ciara takes the microphone, “I wove yew too daddy.” They each give me a kiss on the cheek in sync. I grin like no other. I kiss them both and walk off the stage back to our seats.

The final minutes of the show drags on until the last award is given out. In the midst of everything being over, we all head back to the hotel to get some much needed rest.

Anonymous POV

I saw the aww’s they got. Probably rehearsed. It sickens me to see all the love he’s getting when he’s such an ungrateful twat! I have to get those babies. The thing he did to me, made me die inside to the peak.


“Hey Ni!” I answered cheerfully. I was such a foolish girl back then. My hair put into pigtails, pushed back by a pink headband.

I look at him with great interest. We've been best friends for 2 years. Nobody ever liked me because of my tomboy act. They always liked my brother, Kaleb.

“Hey,” Niall said bluntly kicking the football back and forth.

“What’s wrong?” I asked look at him in fear.


I get interrupted by the one and only hell of a little sister. If only Kaleb was this way though. Always wanting to be in the plans, making schemes. It’s not our fault we were born into a family with criminals. He was raised by the wrong man. His fuck up of father. If mother was still around, she would have taught him right.

“So what is the plan,” Penny growls as One Direction get into the car to their hotel.

“Well phase one is complete. It seems that he does love them, now for phase two. Get him attached.” I say looking up and down at the car.

I glare at the blonde headed boy laughing happily in the back seat. Niall Horan will pay.

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