Chapter Ten

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Niall’s POV

After Colton getting that cast on his arm, I’ve been taking extra precautions with him and Ciara. They are after all, only two years old. It scares me how intelligent they are for their age. The doctors are even baffled by this as well. I’m happy that they’re getting used to me, but I’m still scared for when they are going to have to leave me. I recently talked to Simon about seriously adopting them; he only laughed and said I was crazy.

I tangle my fingers in Ciara’s light brown hair. She giggles as I manage to French braid her hair. Eleanor and Perrie really have wanted me to learn hairstyles since I’m going to have a little girl running around all the time. I’m able to get her hair into a braid that doesn’t look half bad.

I change Ciara into a dress Liam bought her a few weeks ago. All the boys, including me, spoil Colton and Ciara rotten. I will never understand why we do, but I guess kids just bring out the best in us. I pick up Ciara and walk to the bedroom in the hotel room I have. Colton stares at my iPad, scrolling up and down at the tweets in my mentions. He always likes pressing a hashtag and opening up the pictures even though he can’t read anything besides his name and ‘Horan’.

Colton is already dressed into a short sleeved, blue plaid shirt and jeans. I honestly don’t pick his outfits since he insists that he knows what he wants to wear. He’s at the age of the terrible twos; always picky. I give them both jackets to wear for outside in the cold. I hear a horn honk in front of my flat, immediately signaling that Liam is here with the others to take me to the charity event.

Liam insisted doing this charity for the kids with serious health conditions. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it, however I am scared of this specific event. This is a boxing charity event. I have to go into a ring with another man who is stronger, faster, and smarter than me at this. The hosts of the events said he’ll take it easy on me; my mind however is on full alert. I don’t want to get seriously injured and risk my chances of adopting Ciara and Colton. I sigh and put my kids in their car seats Liam has already installed.

“Daddy, it itchy,” Colton pouts trying to stick a finger up into his cast. I chuckle at my son. I shake my head, not wanting to remind him for the 19th time to stop trying to scratch his cast

My heart starts to race in my chest as we descend closer and closer to the arena for the charity event. I’ve never been so terrified in my life to fight someone. My stomach has that uneasy knot I usually get whenever my nerves are up. My palms start to sweat while I get Colton and Ciara out of the car. Paul promised to keep my kids safe while they watch me fight. Since Louis isn’t until the last person to fight, he promised to watch the kids along with Paul to make sure they don’t get into trouble or get lost.

I pick up Ciara and hold onto Colton’s hand while we walk inside, being blinded by the bright flashes. Ciara hasn’t gotten used to the flashes brought on by the paparazzi. I know to always carry her so she can hide her face in my neck. I will never know when she will get used to the flashes, but I’ll be there with her until she does. Colton on the other hand doesn’t seem to mind the blinding shocks. He just looks at them curiously until we pass by.

The moment we step in, I’m taken to a dressing room to be changed into the gear. Paul took Colton and Ciara to the green room while I got dressed. Someone came in talking to me about the schedule of tonight’s event. The strange feeling of nerves was overtaken by fear and suspicion. Why? I will never know.

“Niall, I’m Andrea and this is Logan. We are the hosts of the event and we’re here to give you your schedule. Liam will be starting, and then it will be moved onto Harry, then Zayn, you, and lastly, Louis. You are allowed to watch the matches before you start, and don’t worry. We have professionals taking care of this. They’ll go easy and let you lads’ win.” the woman, who I am assuming is the main host, declares to me. I nod at her and walk to the green room to see my babies.

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