Chapter Fifteen

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[This is in third person (:]

“Kay! ‘Top it! ‘Top it!” giggled the five year old girl in the blond boy’s arms. The blond was tickling the little girl, trying to push away the thoughts that his time with her and her brother is now limited. He must admit he was going to miss them. They were his only source of comfort while held captive. He had a bond with them now, and he was regretting setting up his plan to give them back.

He didn’t realize it, but he had stopped tickling the little girl, and was now in a trance. The trance caused him to stare off into space with blank eyes. Images started to flash in his brain. His captor hitting and pulling his hair until chunks at a time came out. Images of his captor trying to brainwash him into thinking she was his mother; that he had to listen to whatever she said; that she was the only one who cared about him.

This is why the letter’s to the he had sent out to the father of the children were so scarce. He had to build up his strength to not believe his captor’s words. He had to train to be stealthy, and prepare for the plan of getting away from officers when the time came for him to give the children back. I have to give them back. He says to himself. By now, the little girl had gotten off his lap, watching him carefully with her brother next to her.

The two five year olds feared that their brother would have another “foul attack” as they called it. In reality, this “foul attack” was a panic attack. The five year olds were use to the panic attacks, but they were still scared. They figured out that they had to give him his medication, or hug him and rub his back to calm him down. The duo sat down on either side of their brother and held onto his pinkies, in hope that he wouldn’t freak out. However it was no use to calm him down.

The blond started hyperventilating. His heart started pounding against his chest making him feel like he couldn’t breathe. His skin was warm with beads of sweat starting to form on his forehead, but he felt so cold. He trembled violently against the couch. The blond boy felt like he was going insane. He tried taking in deep breaths, but the visions were making it difficult for him to calm down. He could feel the small hands rubbing his back and saying that it’ll be okay.

He started thinking about his life before he was taken away. How his father would protect him from everything, which annoyed him sometimes. He thought about the laughs he would have with his friends. He thought about how his captor was so different before the death of the most important life occurred. That important life was his mother’s death. No one knew the actual cause of death, but they know it was a homicide. The last thing he thought about was the two children who cared for him so much. He didn’t want them to think that he was abandoning them.

The blond opened his blue eyes and felt his system calm down. He knew that the effects would take over his body soon, but he couldn’t let that get in the way. He felt two little bodies fall into his lap in exhaustion. He had been in a panic attack for more than 20 minutes. That was something that worried him to no end.

He felt the bodies shift before hearing a little voice, “Are you gonna be okay, Kaleb?” The little boy in Kaleb’s arms had tear tracks down his face. That broke his heart to see someone he loved cry over something he did. Kaleb only nodded to the little boy’s question. He started to play with the blond hair on the little boy.

After a few minutes of just mindlessly playing with his hair, Kaleb decided it was time. He needed to get ready for everything. It was almost four pm, and he needed to be there early to scope out the police. He got the two five year olds, Colton and Ciara, ready for Mr. Tomlinson to pick them up.

He undressed Ciara from her pajamas that she had been in all day, and into a denim romper that had ruffles at the top. The romper settled a little bit above her knee making it the perfect size for her. He combed through her soft brown hair before adding a green plastic headband with a blue polka-dotted bow on top of it. He settled for her white laced sandals that she was only allowed to use for church. He kissed Ciara’s head before sending her off to watch TV so he could get Colton ready.

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