Chapter One

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My chug down my pint. The cool liquid burns my throat but I don't care. I grab 2 more and chug them. This stuff is so strong. I go to the dance floor and start dancing like an idiot. Who cares? I'm not going to remember anything. I just need to have some me time.


I slowly get up from my bed. My head is pounding hard and I hate it! I really gotta stop drinking like that. I yawn out and get dressed for the day. A pair of sweat pants, a loose t-shirt and a jacket. I smother my wrists with bracelets. I don't need to dress up. It's only studio recording. I look in the mirror. I look like shit. My bleached hair is messy and pointing in all different directions. There are huge dark circles under my eyes. Well, I look so attractive. Note my sarcasm. My phone beeps causing me to wince. God, it sounds like a fucking fire truck! I answer the call not knowing who it is.

"Niall James Horan! Where are you? You were supposed to be here at Simon's office a hout ago!" Liam shouts into the phone.

"Liam stop shouting," I whine holding my head.

"Niall, get to Simon's office as soon as possible! He is not happy," Liam he replies rather angerily. 

The phone goes dead. God, my head is pounding. I put on a pair of sunglasses and walk to the studio. Considering I got my drivers license suspended, I rather not go to jail. I slowly walk up to the studio hoping Simon will get mad. I love annoying him.

I walk to the elevator and start to think as it slowly goes up. I will never be the same carefree, fun loving Niall Horan again. Love hurts like hell. I gave my heart to a beautiful girl who I thought could be my princess, but she was never mine. I truly loved her. My mum, dad and Greg were there for me in the heart ache. They were coming down to help me when they left this world. My mum and dad died in a car accident. Greg barely made it out alive, but had a worse depression than I did.

He killed himself a few months ago. That's how it all started. I could never kill myself, but I have to forget about it somehow. I turned to drinking and hurting myself. It's the only thing I can do to get away from everything. In the past 5 months, I've learned that love is a lie and that my life will never be the same without my family.

The elevator stops and I again walk slowly to Simon's office. I see four stressed out boys. Their heads snap towards me. They look sad and annoyed, if that's even possible. Liam lets out a sigh and looks at me with sad eyes.

"Simon isn't happy at all. You better go now before we make your hangover worse," he says sternly.

I roll my eyes and walk straight into the office. I see Simon stressed out looking at a magazine. I close the door and sit down. He throws the magazine in front of me and looks at me with angered eyes.

"What the hell Niall? What the actual hell!" he yells.

I wince and look at it. There's a drunken picture of me flipping everyone off. I guess my drunk self also said some bad things. Shit. I open my mouth to talk when Simon holds his hand up. I clamp my mouth shut to hear what he has to say. Not that I'll actually pay attention.

"Niall, there's going to be a lady coming in here..." he trails off.

I zone out after he says here. What lady? I'm pretty sure whatever the lady says; I'm not going to listen. Simon slams his hand against the desk and gives me a hard glare. Okay, maybe I should pay attention this time. He tells me to wait and I do as he says.


I watch Simon tap in pen over and over again with a hard glare on his face. I've been becoming way too irresposible apparently. It isn't my fault I want to live my life like any other 18 year old! He continues to tap his pen. I might just have to snatch that pen from him and stab it in his neck if he doesn't stop soon.

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