Chapter Eleven

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Harry’s POV

Niall hasn’t done anything for months. Simon canceled the rest of the tour due to the bad publicity we have gotten for getting Colton and Ciara kidnapped. I don’t understand why he would have done that. It wasn’t actually our fault that they were kidnapped. How were we supposed to know that at the moment the man would have caused a huge riot and a random stranger take our little angels? To be quite honest, I’m sure he cancelled the tour because of Niall. He never comes out of his room, nor does he eat anything. We’ve all tried to convince him many times to eat, but he has a blank, emotionless expression while biting his nails.

As for Louis, he’s been paranoid to the point of no return. He always looks behind his back, always making sure no one is following him, and especially checking and rechecking the doors to make sure they’re locked. He’s been pulling his hair, biting his nails; he acts like he isn’t safe around anyone anymore. I know something in him is itching it’s way to come out and tell the whole world, but something is holding him back. If it’s holding him back, it must be a real big deal.

I sit in the living room of Niall’s apartment listening to Liam and Zayn trying to persuade Niall to get ready for the police station. They’ve gotten a few leads, but nothing really that will help with the case. They’re doing their final interviews and somehow, Niall is a huge suspect. Having many claims from people that he never wanted them, that he wanted them dead. Whoever gave those claims has to be an insane lunatic to give those allegations. Obviously they haven’t been around Niall when he was around the kids. I’ve seen him get frustrated, but never did he yell or hurt them in any way. Something about him changed once those babies came into his life and there would be no way that he would hate them at all.

Glancing over at Louis, he is leaned over with his elbows resting on his knees with his hands curled into fists to support his head. He’s dressed in simple sweat pants and a sweatshirt with random vans he found in Niall’s flat. Yawning out, he quickly checks behind him to make sure nothing is there except a grey wall. His muscles visibly relax at the sight of just a wall behind him.

The creaking noise of the stairs tell me they finally managed to get Niall out of the bed. I look at Niall's emotionless face. He's dressed in a pair of jeans and a black sweater. His hair is overgrown with the roots showing a lot while his eyes are just dull, not letting any emotion peak through them. His eyes wander around the room and he stops at something. He rushes over, almost pushing down to retrieve whatever caught his attention. Niall turns around holding two teddy bears. One belonging to Colton - which is dressed in blue shorts and has a snap back attached to his head - has Niall’s eyes brimming with tears. The other teddy bear belonging to Ciara - which is in a pink dress and tiara - makes Niall’s eyes turn red with tears falling like waterfalls down his face. Niall holds the bears tight before putting them down softly in the original place they had been.

I look over at the other boys in the room. Their eyes are all glazed with emotion from watching Niall picking those teddy bears up. Niall pushes past us to the door, rushing out to the SUV we rented out for me to drive. We follow closely behind Niall hoping he won’t do anything drastic. The entire time we walk to the vehicle, we’re bombarded by the paparazzi who have to been having a field day over us going to the police station to be interviewed by what we saw.

The car ride is very silent. Every once in awhile you’d hear a slight sniff coming from the back of the car which only Niall sits alone, not daring to say a word to anyone. I glance in the rear view mirror to see how he is doing back there. His eyes are still red and puffy from the constant tears that have been flowing out of his eyes only drying tear tracks on his face. I look down his arms and body. He sits so stiffly, it’s like he can’t move or pain will fill in his body. Moments later, my eyes snap back at the road after Louis punches me in the arm exclaiming that we almost ran into a brick apartment building. I roll my eyes at Louis exaggeration and park into the parking lot of the police station.

Niall rushed out of the SUV and runs into the police station. Louis followed him almost as quickly, but not before checking every possible side of him. I shake my head at his paranoia. One day Louis will have to tell us. He’s going to freak out and we’re not going to know why. Walking inside the police station, Niall stands next to the desk waiting for us. He stares off into space with tears threatening to fall again. I have never seen Niall this broken before. He had two children who were open to love and now they’re just gone.

We all sit down and wait for someone to call our name to be interviewed. They told us they have new evidence in the case, but no one has told us what the evidence is. Of course people have given them leads as to where they could be, but everything turns up being fake to get a chance to meet us. I sneeze once before getting my name called. I look at the boys and Niall is already gone. They must have called him when I was in a daze. I walk to a white walled room with a lone metal table in the middle. The tears are going to fall by the end of this interview.

Niall’s POV

I walk into a room that is dark. A single light shines on a metal table with a few chairs. I know they’re watching what I’m going to say, but my words don’t even matter. I didn’t do anything wrong except love my kids to death. My eyes start to sting as I think about them. Where could they be? Are lost somewhere in the cold rain or are they with another person who only abuses them? I bite my lip to refrain from crying. A police officer walks in and sits down in a chair along with a private investigator. They set down a big brown paper bag on the table, most likely containing evidence.

“So, Niall. Thank you for coming in today. We do have some things that we need to show you. This is not a fake note given to us. It is 100% real and it was made out to Officer Roskens and yourself. In this bag also contains Colton and Ciara’s clothing that were found in an airport bathroom. We believe that they were changed then taken out to a plane. Now, there are also pictures that have received from this anonymous person.” He pauses and takes two pictures out of the bag.

He hands me one of them. The picture is split down the middle. On the left side, Colton stares into the camera with his big blue eyes wanting to cry. His blonde hair is sticking in all directions like he had just taken a nap and now has bed head. A purple mark stays on his cheek that only makes me curl my fists at the idea that someone would hit my two year old son. On the right side, a boy stares at me with brown eyes hiding all emotion for the camera. He has brown hair that is combed and gelled to a side but you can clearly see patches of blonde hair that were attempting to be hidden by the hair styles. Looking closely, I see Colton’s features on the little boy on the right. My mind suddenly takes a U-turn and starts freaking out. They changed Colton’s whole outlook. My mouth drops and I take the other picture from the officer.

On the left Ciara looks deeply in the camera with her hazel eyes wanting to cry for someone. Her light brown hair is messily put into a bun, which I know she hates it when her hair is in one. Her bare shoulder show in the picture, but they’re purple marks surrounding her skin on the shoulders. My heart tightens fiercely when I see her face in pain. One the right side, my daughter looks completely different. Jet black hair like Zayn’s that are in pigtails, but you can see light brown hair coming from her roots. She no longer has her beautiful hazel eyes, just dull grey-blue ones that seem to give off no emotion whatsoever.

“Wh-What did they do to my beautiful children?” my scratchy voice finally decides to whisper a word. I look up into one of the officer’s bright green eyes. He takes out an envelope that has clearly been opened by someone and slides it to me. I pick up the light blue envelope and read out the contents of a letter that must have some information.

Dear Officer Roskens (Or Niall Horan),

I have huge details about this case, but I can’t breathe a word to anyone. The kidnapper of Colton and Ciara are holding me captive. They think I’m on their side, but I’m not. The kidnapper is psychotic. I have never seen a person so...deranged as them. I only have a matter of minutes before I can stop writing. We are no longer in England, but in Spain. That’s all I can give for now. I will try my hardest to send information as often as I can.


P.S.: Colton and Ciara have received knew names by their kidnapper. Colton is now Greyson and Ciara is now Gabriella.

My heart starts pounding against my chest. They have someone else with them? I look at the officer while he clears his throat and begins to speak, “It seems that this person was careful about fingerprints. We have a few leads in missing children cases as to who this ‘KC’ person is, but as you can see in the picture of Colton on the left side, it was taken in a bathroom. We’ve been trying to see who the person taking the picture might be.”

The suspense in my body is wanting to jump off a cliff. I look at the picture again. The person taking the picture obviously has a rusty color of hair and is a women. Could she be the kidnapper? Or is she the person crying for help? The officer and private investigator give me sympathetic smiles before allowing me to leave the room.

Why did this happen to me?


Louis’ POV

The boys drop me off at my own flat. They insist on me telling them what is wrong, but how am I to do so when the threats keep coming? Day after day I receive mail from someone that tell me to keep my mouth shut or the two innocent kids will pay.

Everywhere I go, I feel followed and never safe. I have to recheck everything to make sure they’re locked or secure. I feel like I’m on my deathbed, only waiting for when my time to die comes. I sit down at next to my coffee table containing the piles of threats. The last one I received this was this morning, listing off the many ways they will hurt Colton and Ciara before they get me. I just want to scream out my lungs and punch my vocal cords so I can have an excuse not to talk.

My will power is fading, my mind is contemplating over many things, but my heart feels so broken, it is like it’s not even there. My guilt is washing over me like I’m just a t-shirt in a washing machine, having it’s once bright color fade away from the constant use of power. I can’t let my best mate suffer from the pain and loss in his life, but what am I to do? That question rings in my mind over and over again.

What am I to do?

[The suspense is really building up. Anyone have an idea who “KC” might be? Quite easy to figure out if you ask me. :)]

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